中新社北京11月15日电 (记者 阮煜琳)中国生态环境部日前印发《关于深化生态环境领域依法行政持续强化依法治污的指导意见》指出,到2025年,生态环境保护领域政府和市场、政府和社会关系进一步厘清,有效市场和有为政府更好结合,生态环境部门的行政行为全面纳入法治轨道。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:42 pm(NZT)
中新网银川11月15日电 (记者 杨迪)随着2021年秋冬季鸟类迁徙季的到来,数万只北迁候鸟做客“湖城”银川。11月15日,记者在宁夏银川市海宝公园看到,成群红嘴鸥或在天空中飞翔,或在湖边栖息,不时还会和观鸟的市民“亲切互动”。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:36 pm(NZT)
中新网太原11月15日电 (刘小红)为了给陷入困境、居无定所、流浪街头的流浪乞讨人员以及流浪未成年人提供救助,山西省太原市民政局于15日在全市范围内启动“寒冬送温暖”专项救助行动,确保冬季不发生任何恶性冻伤冻亡事件。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:35 pm(NZT)
新华社北京11月15日电 11月15日,受中共中央委托,中共中央书记处书记、中央统战部部长尤权向各民主党派中央、全国工商联负责人和无党派人士代表通报了中共十九届六中全会精神。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:22 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:03 pm(NZT)
中新网贵阳11月15日电 (周燕玲)贵州师范大学2021年“汉语桥”——多彩贵州·黔地文化体验线上团组15日开营,来自越南太原大学的100名学生将在“云端”学汉语,并跟随直播镜头“云游”贵州青岩古镇、肇兴侗寨等地,感受多彩贵州独特魅力。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:36 pm(NZT)
中新网北京11月15日电 (记者 孙自法)由清华大学人工智能国际治理研究院(I-AIIG)主办,联合国开发计划署支持、多家人工智能学术机构参与的“人工智能(AI)促进可持续发展青年创造营决赛”,即将于北京时间11月16日19时至21时通过赛事官网(https://ai4sdgbootcamp.org/)以线上直播方式举行。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:36 pm(NZT)
中新网北京11月15日电 (记者 杜燕)北京市委宣传部副部长、市政府新闻办主任、市政府新闻发言人徐和建在今天举行的发布会上表示,要严格控制在京举办全国性会议、培训等活动。确需举办的,坚持“谁举办、谁负责”“谁审批、谁负责”,主办单位要切实履行疫情防控主体责任,制定专门防疫方案,严防涉疫风险人员参加,举办期间实行闭环管理,人员不得外出。承办活动的各类酒店、宾馆,要严格落实扫码登记、体温检测要求,不得接待涉疫风险人员。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:26 pm(NZT)
中新网长春11月15日电 (记者 吕盛楠)15日记者从吉林省生态环境厅获悉,今年1-10月,该省环境空气质量创有监测数据以来历史最好水平。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:19 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:13 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:01 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:57 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:54 pm(NZT)
新华社北京11月15日电 为进一步调动和激发各方面真抓实干、改革创新的积极性、主动性和创造性,推动形成干事创业、竞相发展的良好局面,国务院办公厅日前发出通报,对国务院第八次大督查发现的48项典型经验做法给予表扬。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:54 pm(NZT)
美称关注台海和平稳定 中方:美方在台湾问题上的表述已经走样走味倒退
中新网北京11月15日电(记者 李京泽)针对美国务卿布林肯近期涉台言论,中国外交部发言人赵立坚15日在北京指出,美方40多年来在台湾问题上的表述已经走样、走味、倒退,背离了中美建交时美方与中方达成的共识。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:48 pm(NZT)
践行北大荒精神 做国家粮食安全“压舱石”
【奋斗百年路 启航新征程·中国共产党人的精神谱系】践行北大荒精神 做国家粮食安全“压舱石”
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:47 pm(NZT)
北大荒精神 黑土地上铸就的精神丰碑
【奋斗百年路 启航新征程·中国共产党人的精神谱系】北大荒精神 黑土地上铸就的精神丰碑
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:46 pm(NZT)
勇攀科技高峰 创新决胜未来 | 微生物科学构筑生命健康科技攻关高地
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:44 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:40 pm(NZT)
中新网北京11月15日电 (记者 郭超凯)记者15日从公安部获悉,截至目前,公安部共废止统计报表38种,涉及统计项目4000余个,占现行公安统计报表总量的三分之一,切实为基层公安机关松绑减负、轻装上阵创造良好环境。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:37 pm(NZT)
中新社北京11月15日电 中国国务委员兼外长王毅11月14日晚在北京会见东盟国家驻华使节。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 10:07 am(NZT)
教育部:从严规范科学鉴别 做好校外培训项目分类管理
从严规范 科学鉴别 做好校外培训项目分类管理
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 9:59 am(NZT)
中新网11月15日电 据教育部网站消息,为深入贯彻落实中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》决策部署,指导各地加强学科类校外培训项目鉴别工作,督促加快完善制度和建立专家队伍,提高工作的科学性和规范性,教育部日前印发了《义务教育阶段校外培训项目分类鉴别指南》(以下简称《指南》)。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 9:56 am(NZT)
今天是世界脐带血日 脐带血目前应用情况如何?
由拯救脐带基金会组织(Save the Cord Foundation)发起的世界脐带血日于 2017年11月15日在美国诞生。虽然很多人对脐带血有所了解,可对其了解程度却不够深入。2021年11月15日是第五个世界脐带血日,主题为“多一次了解,多一份希望”。脐带血相关的科普教育和大众传播行动仍然势在必行,今年世界脐带血日的主题,呼吁大家能够关注脐带血,真正深入了解脐带血,从学习和了解做起,建立起良好的生命价值观,让脐带血这份生命火种能够给更多的人带去生命的希望。今天,我们就再一次走进脐带血的世界,来看看它的奥秘。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 9:36 am(NZT)
11月15日,在湖南长沙唐人万寿园陵墓,袁隆平院士骨灰安葬仪式举行。同日9点38分,将由湖南省农科院主办袁隆平院士追思礼,展开对老先生的深情怀念,及近期科研成果进展的分享。(科技日报记者 俞慧友 通讯员 李承夏)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 9:31 am(NZT)
31省份新增确诊病例52例 其中本土病例32例
中新网11月15日电 据国家卫健委网站消息,11月14日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例52例。其中境外输入病例20例(上海5例,广东4例,云南4例,山东3例,福建2例,山西1例,陕西1例),含1例由无症状感染者转为确诊病例(在广东);本土病例32例(辽宁25例,均在大连市;河南3例,其中周口市2例、郑州市1例;黑龙江2例,均在黑河市;河北1例,在辛集市;云南1例,在德宏傣族景颇族自治州),含12例由无症状感染者转为确诊病例(辽宁10例,河南2例)。无新增死亡病例。新增疑似病例2例,均为境外输入病例(均在上海)。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 8:53 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 8:19 am(NZT)
联播+|APEC峰会上 习近平重要讲话中的中国主张
|联播+| 11月12日,习近平主席在北京以视频方式出席亚太经合组织第二十八次领导人非正式会议并发表重要讲话。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 8:17 am(NZT)
涉及约8000万专业技术人才 职称改革以实绩论英雄
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 6:24 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:03 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:59 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:24 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:23 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:23 am(NZT)
全国教育系统开展法治宣传教育八五规划 专家解读
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:08 am(NZT)
加大对虚假诉讼的整治力度 最高法发布典型案例
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 4:02 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 3:58 am(NZT)
两艘极地科考破冰船合体探极 极地科考的中国力量
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 2:21 am(NZT)
最后52个国家级贫困县摘帽一年 专项监督助力乡村振兴
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 2:18 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 1:53 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 15 Nov 2021 | 12:56 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 11:40 pm(NZT)
新华社北京11月14日电 人民日报11月15日评论员文章:深刻领会党百年奋斗的历史经验——论学习贯彻党的十九届六中全会精神
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 11:08 pm(NZT)
新华社北京11月14日电 题:以更加昂扬的姿态迈向新征程建功新时代——各地党政干部热议党的十九届六中全会精神
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 10:58 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 10:58 pm(NZT)
第一报道 | 构建亚太命运共同体 习主席阐明重点 指明方向
第一报道 | 构建亚太命运共同体 习主席阐明重点 指明方向
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 10:46 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 10:40 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 14 Nov 2021 | 10:36 pm(NZT)
Why China is still trying to achieve zero Covid
While other countries grapple with living with Covid, China is doubling down on stamping it out.
Source: BBC News – China | 14 Nov 2021 | 7:05 pm(NZT)
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping: What they want from talks
The video call on Monday will address several thorny issues, including Taiwan, cybersecurity and trade.
Source: BBC News – China | 14 Nov 2021 | 7:05 pm(NZT)
Peng Shuai: Chinese tennis star ‘deserves to be heard’ on sexual assault claims – WTA
Chinese player Peng Shuai deserves “to be heard, not censored” after publicly accusing the country’s former vice-premier of sexual assault, says the Women’s Tennis Association.
Source: BBC News – China | 14 Nov 2021 | 1:43 pm(NZT)
Online vet care services boom as pet numbers jump
Golden retriever, Alexander, has been suffering from itchy and watery eyes lately. But its owner found help online instead of directly taking him to the vet.After filling in the dog’s basic details like his age, gender and medical history on an online veterinary platform, the dog owner was soon contacted by a professional animal doctor who provided a detailed treatment and dietary plan. The whole process cost him less than 100 yuan (US$15.6).The fast online service helped the owner save time and money these last couple of years. “We don’t need to go to a vet unless there is a problem that cannot be solved online,” said Xiao Long, Alexander’s owner.Many online veterinary consultation platforms, including mobile applications, have sprung up in China, illustrating the massive potential of the pet medical services market.On October 8, e-commerce giant JD.com launched an O2O healthcare service platform called JD Pet Hospital, with services covering the entire lifetime of pets from disease prevention and diagnosis to comprehensive health management on offer.More than 3,000 veterinarians have registered on the platform, ready to provide round-the-clock pet health consultation services through messages, and video calls, JD.com said.China’s urban areasA report on China’s pet industry released in 2020 by Pethadoop, an analytical company, logged over 100 million pet dogs and cats living in China’s urban areas. The number of the country’s pet-raising families exceeded 99.8 million.And, the scale of China’s pet market for dogs and cats surpassed 200 billion yuan last year, the report noted.In the next three years, the value of China’s pet industry is expected to maintain its steady growth to reach more than 400 billion yuan in 2023. Among its diversified sectors, pet medical care ranks the second largest after pet food, according to market research firm iResearch.Cai Xuepeng, head of the China Veterinary Drug Association, said that online pet healthcare platforms could play a vital role in offering more convenient and affordable medical services for all pet lovers.Yao Haifeng, director of a pet hospital in Beijing, highlighted the benefits of online medical care for both pet owners and vets due to its timely services and price transparency. “I once got a call from my regular client at 3am asking me what to do about his dog’s diarrhea. If I turned down his call, the dog would suffer. But taking the call so early in the morning made me suffer too,” Yao quipped.Online instant pet medical consultations may be a new solution to the problem. Although, according to Yao, the nascent sector also indicates some issues, such as the lack of veterinary specialists and homogenization available in the medical services.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:05 am(NZT)
Raising students’ ecology awareness
What are the best ways to educate children about environmental protection? For Gunter Pauli, the answer is through fables.An economist and ecological activist known for his book “The Blue Economy,” Pauli has written more than 200 fables inspired by what is happening in nature for Chinese children.At a launch ceremony of a national competition for young Chinese students on environmental protection innovations, Pauli was invited as an online speaker to share his pedagogy of learning with the arts. “The best way of expressing something for a child would be through the arts, be it a dance, drawing, or a song, but we need to have this unique capability to express ourselves through art,” he said.The competition, co-organized by the Center for Environmental Education and Communications of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Beijing Huanding Environmental Big Data Institute, encourages youngsters to express their ideas on environmental protection via drawings, poems, videos, and inventions.“Schools play an important role in raising the society’s environmental awareness, equipping people with the knowledge and skills to better participate in environmental protection deeds,” said Jia Feng, director of the CEEC.China has been carrying out nationwide campaigns to raise environmental awareness among its citizens as part of broader efforts to advance green development and meet its grand goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060.In an action plan released in February by the MEE and five other government departments, China clarified the role of different entities in society to realize a “beautiful China.”Enterprises should fulfill their environmental and social responsibilities while exploring innovative and sustainable business models, the plan said, adding that the country will step up support for non-profits conducive to the country’s environmental governance.As a non-profit, the Beijing Huanding Environmental Big Data Institute applies advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, for environmental purposes and guides the younger generation to participate in environmental actions.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:05 am(NZT)
Singles Day shopping gala is a ‘battlefield’ for carbon reduction
A few days after placing the order, Wang Maiqi received the pick-up notice from a courier station in her neighborhood. She then habitually put the parcel box in a recycling counter at the station and got a virtual egg on a mobile app.“After collecting four eggs, the platform delivers real eggs to my home free of charge,” said Wang, a resident of Taiyuan City, north China’s Shanxi Province. “It’s a win-win situation with the old packaging recycled and consumers getting tangible benefits.”In the annual Singles Day shopping bonanza this year, a total of 60,000 courier stations under Alibaba’s logistics arm Cainiao Network sent out 7.5 million eggs for consumers recycling the parcel boxes.The shopping festival, first initiated by Alibaba on November 11, 2009, is now getting greener, becoming a new “battlefield” where companies are trying to make a difference amid the country’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions.Alibaba’s e-commerce platform Tmall issued 100 million yuan (US$15.6 million) of green vouchers this year, encouraging consumers to buy energy-efficient home appliances and products with “green” certificates to support the country’s carbon-reduction goals.E-commerce giant JD.com has also joined the “low carbon” campaign, developing recyclable packaging, deploying new-energy cargo vans, and adopting photovoltaic power generation in warehousing.Among all the commodities at JD.com during this year’s festival, more than 150 million were green products. The firm said the energy-efficient air conditioners, refrigerators, and televisions that customers bought from JD.com last year could help reduce carbon emissions by nearly 2 million tons annually.After China announced it would strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060, the ambitious targets were lauded by all sectors of society. According to the 14th Five Year Plan for E-commerce Development, e-commerce enterprises should actively adapt to green and low-carbon development requirements, set up a green development vision, fulfill environmental protection responsibilities, and promote green innovation.The “green whirlwind” of energy conservation and emission reduction has blown up in the whole chain of e-commerce logistics.Chinese courier giant ZTO Express launched more than 11 million recycling transfer bags, replacing about 1.16 billion disposable woven bags — equivalent to a reduction of about 104,000 tons of garbage.“The carbon emissions per kilogram generated by a single ZTO parcel has decreased from 0.091 in 2018 to 0.061 in 2020, showing a downward trend for three consecutive years,” said Zhao Xiaolong, general manager of the management center of the ZTO Express Shanxi branch.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:05 am(NZT)
Fugitive banker repatriated to China
A FORMER president of a domestic branch of Bank of China suspected of embezzlement was repatriated to China after fleeing to the US, the country’s anti-graft watchdog said yesterday. The repatriation of Xu Guojun, former president at BOC’s branch in the southern Kaiping city of Guangdong Province, was the result of international cooperation, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in a statement, without specifying from which country Xu was sent directly. Xu is suspected of embezzling with another two former presidents of the Kaiping branch of BOC before he fled to the US in 2001. Authorities and BOC have recovered more than 2 billion yuan (US$314 million) of funds from the case involving the three individuals, according to the CCDI statement. The two other former executives, Yu Zhendong and Xu Chaofan, were repatriated in 2004 and 2018, respectively.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:05 am(NZT)
Zero-tolerance policy to remain in COVID fight
China will stick to its zero-tolerance policy in fighting the coronavirus pandemic as ongoing sporadic outbreaks have spread to 21 provinces and regions, a spokesperson for the Health Commission has announced. The overall guideline for preventing imported infections and local resurgence remains unchanged, and China will continue its efforts to cut off the local spread of the virus, said Mi Feng on Saturday. Mi also warned of increased risks from COVID-19 and seasonal flu as winter approaches. The outbreak in Dalian, a port city in northeast China, is developing quickly, with most cases in Zhuanghe City. The virus hasn’t spread out of Dalian, said Wu Liangyou, a deputy director in charge of disease control at the commission. Outbreaks in Heihe in Heilongjiang Province, Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province and Chengdu in Sichuan Province have tapered off, Wu said. The Chinese mainland on Saturday reported 70 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, the commission said in its daily report yesterday. Of the new local cases, 60 were reported in Liaoning, three in Hebei, two each in Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, and Yunnan, as well as one in Sichuan. People traveling to Beijing will be subject to tighter COVID-19 control measures starting from Wednesday, the municipal government said on Saturday. All those traveling to Beijing must provide negative results of nucleic acid tests taken within 48 hours before arrival and a green health code. Those from regions with new infections within 14 days are under tight restrictions when seeking entry into the Chinese capital, the government announced. The holding of national conferences, training, and other activities in Beijing will be strictly controlled. Closed-loop management will be implemented during the periods of these activities, and none of the participants are allowed to go out. The measures will come into effect from Wednesday, and will be adjusted according to changes in the epidemic situation. The educational authorities are renewing efforts to safeguard schools from COVID-19 and other infectious diseases, said an education ministry official on Saturday. The ministry has urged all schools to take the temperatures of all inbound personnel and closely monitor their health. They are also required to strictly implement epidemic prevention measures and respond with speed when emergencies occur, said Wang Dengfeng, an official with the Ministry of Education. Epidemic prevention and control work in schools should be conducted following local policies, Wang said, noting that schools must keep track of local epidemic prevention situations, keep their supplies sufficiently stocked, and be prepared to move educational activities online when needed. Nearly 84.4 million children between 3 and 11 have been vaccinated across China, health official Wu said on Saturday.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 15 Nov 2021 | 5:05 am(NZT)
(11月15)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News