(29日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增45例(其中11名警察病例),内含中英疫情简报会直播内容

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


Breaking: There are 45 new community cases, all are in Auckland.


Chris Hipkins and Dr Ashley Bloomfield are giving the 1pm Covid-19 update today. They’ll also share the latest vaccination numbers.

Chris Hipkins 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士将在今天下午 1 点发布 Covid-19 更新。 他们还将分享最新的疫苗接种数字。

Breaking: There are 45 new community cases, all are in Auckland.


There are now 1230 cases in this outbreak.
在这次疫情中,现在有 1230 例病例。

This is the largest daily increase for some time.

33 of the new cases are known household or close contacts of existing cases. Many have been isolating at home or in MIQ while infectious.
33 例新病例是现有病例的已知家庭或密切接触者。 许多人在感染时一直在家中或在 MIQ 隔离。

Of these, 26 are household contacts – 12 come from two households.
其中,26 人是家庭联系人 – 12 人来自两个家庭。

Many of these were expected, Bloomfield said.


Yesterday, as part of the ongoing outbreak response in Auckland, they’re extending surveillance testing where businesses that have staff on site at level 3.
昨天,作为奥克兰持续爆发应对措施的一部分,他们将监测测试范围扩大到在现场有 3 级员工的企业。

Those in retail, hospitality and construction are asked to get regular tests. THis will help identify any undetected chains of transmission, allowing them to assess the risk.
零售业、酒店业和建筑业的人员被要求接受定期测试。 这将有助于识别任何未被发现的传播链,使他们能够评估风险。

This testing is voluntary, not required.


At the moment, there are 12 unlinked cases. Interviews are underway. There are potential links for 6 of these already.
目前,有12个未关联的病例。 面谈正在进行中。 其中 6 个已经有潜在的联系。

Some of today’s cases may have been working at essential services or other businesses in level 3 while infectious.
今天的一些病例可能在具有传染性的情况下在第 3 级的基本服务或其他企业中工作。

Bloomfield said it’s important for everyone in Auckland to abide by level 3 rules.
Bloomfield 表示,奥克兰的每个人都必须遵守 3 级规则。

He called out employers to “actively support” staff who aren’t yet vaccinated to go get the jab today.


They found these cases because people came forward to get tested. Bloomfield thanked everyone for getting tested.
他们发现这些病例是因为人们挺身而出接受检测。 布卢姆菲尔德感谢大家接受检测。

Staff don’t have to isolate while awaiting results, they can return to work unless they have symptoms.

Around 400 people in the Tauranga region has been tested so far after a positive wastewater detection was confirmed.
在确认废水检测呈阳性后,陶朗加地区约有 400 人接受了检测。

Bloomfield said there’s plenty of testing capacity in the region. “Go for it.”
布卢姆菲尔德说,该地区有足够的检测能力。 “去检测吧。”

One of today’s cases visited Waitakere Hospital ED on Saturday. They returned a positive result on Tuesday afternoon.

今天的一例病例于周六前往怀塔克雷医院急诊部就诊。 他们在周二下午返回了阳性结果。

Their infectious period included Saturday, so a small number of staff have been stood down and patients are being followed up.

This person has been transferred to MIQ.
此人已转至 MIQ。

44,000 vaccine doses were administered across the country yesterday.
昨天在全国范围内接种了 44,000 剂疫苗。

Around 78 per cent of the eligible 12+ population have had their first shot, there’s also growth in the second dose numbers. The latter has increased to 1.8m, that’s 44 per cent.

在符合条件的 12 岁以上人口中,约有 78% 已经接种了第一针,第二针的数量也在增加。 后者增加到 180 万,即 44%。

Hipkins said having 1.8m people fully vaccinated is a significant step.
希普金斯说,让 180 万人完全接种疫苗是重要的一步。

Bookings suggest there’ll be a peak of 2nd dose bookings in October.
预订表明 10 月份将出现第 2 剂预订高峰。

92 per cent of over 65s have had at least one dose.
65 岁以上的老人中有 92% 至少注射过一剂。

Those between 40 and 64 – 82 per cent have had their first dose, and 50 per cent their second.
40 到 64 岁之间的人 – 82% 接种了第一剂,50% 接种了第二剂。

Hipkins is incredibly proud of the work border workers are doing to get vaccinated.

Hipkins 为边境工人为接种疫苗所做的工作感到无比自豪。

98 per cent of active border workers have been vaccinated with at least 1 dose, 93 per cent are fully vaccinated – that includes 95 per cent of port workers.
98% 的活跃边防工作人员至少接种了 1 剂疫苗,93% 的人已完全接种疫苗——其中包括 95% 的港口工人。

Expressions of interest for the self isolation trial open tomorrow in Auckland and Christchurch.

People must live in a stand alone residence, be near the airports, and have cellular coverage.

They can’t have visitors except for medical staff for testing or emergency reasons.


Contactless deliveries will be allowed.

They will be monitored through smart phone technology.

They will be charged $1000 to participate.

他们将被收取 1000 纽币的费用。

Hipkins said they’ve said from the beginning of this outbreak the nature of cases is more important than the number.

He said this is a “sobering number” but the fact a significant portion are known or household contacts point to the nature of this outbreak. It’s concentrated in larger households, and they expect there to be “blips” from time to time.
他说这是一个“发人深省的数字”,但其中很大一部分是已知的或家庭接触者这一事实表明了这次爆发的性质。 它集中在较大的家庭中,他们预计会不时出现“昙花一现”。

“We’ve still got to hold our nerve here,” Hipkins said. Elimination is still the goal.
“我们仍然必须保持冷静,”希普金斯说。 消除仍然是目标。

Bloomfield said a number of cases this week have been from large households, he said they weren’t linked to gangs.


Many of the cases are in groups of people in transitional or emergency housing.

The teams are working with agencies to support these people. Due to their housing situations, they’ve been moving around in levels 3 and 4.
这些团队正在与机构合作以支持这些人。 由于他们的住房情况,他们一直在 3 级警报和 4级警报区域移动。

Around 2-3 weeks ago, members of households who had gang affiliations tested positive.
大约 2-3 周前,有帮派关系的家庭成员检测呈阳性。

Hipkins said they’re dealing with larger groups of people, larger families, which is why the daily case numbers are sometimes larger.


He repeated that we need to “hold our nerve”, and warned there will be days with high numbers like this.

Hipkins said single-digit days are “slightly brighter days” than those with bigger double digits.

But it’s the next bit of information that’s important – what’s the nature of these cases?

Any increase is concerning, he said, but he reiterated the nature of the cases is more important than the number.


All of these cases were found because people agreed to be tested, Bloomfield said.


Bloomfield’s prediction of 45 to 50 new cases, promoted on Monday, was an estimate. That estimate is now down to about 15 because a number of today’s cases were picked up on day 5 and day 12 routine testing in isolation.

Bloomfield 对周一提出的 45 到 50 例新病例的预测是估计值。 这个估计现在下降到大约 15 例,因为今天的一些病例是在第 5 天和第 12 天的例行隔离中发现的。

There are over 20 sub-clusters, only a few are active.


Here are the numbers around linked clusters from the ministry:

15 epidemiologically linked subclusters. Of these, three are active, eight are contained and four are dormant. There are 10 epidemiologically unlinked subclusters. Of these, none are active, three are contained and seven are dormant.
15 个流行病学相关的亚群。 其中,三个处于活动状态,八个被控制,四个处于休眠状态。 有 10 个与流行病学无关的亚群。 其中,没有一个处于活动状态,三个被控制,七个处于休眠状态。

Bloomfield reiterated cases are from more than one transitional housing setting, and some have links to each other.

Bloomfield 重申的病例来自不止一个过渡性住房环境,其中一些相互关联。

Anyone testing positive is of concern, Hipkins said. Vaccination centres have strict infection prevention measures in place to protect workers and those visiting.
希普金斯说,任何检测呈阳性的人都值得关注。 疫苗接种中心有严格的感染预防措施,以保护工人和来访者。

The wastewater results for Tauranga came through from ESR late on Monday. They always do a repeat test. It was announced on Tuesday.
陶朗加的废水结果于周一晚些时候从 ESR 得出。 他们总是做重复测试。 这是周二宣布的。

Hipkins said the National party wants to throw open the borders, he concluded they’re willing for New Zealanders to get Covid for Christmas.

Their plan comes with no modelling, he said. They’ve also given no indication around how they would manage community outbreaks.

他说,他们的计划没有建模。 他们也没有说明他们将如何管理社区爆发。

There might be more bespoke MIQ arrangements in the future, so sports teams could isolate in different settings.
未来可能会有更多定制的 MIQ 安排,因此运动队可以在不同的环境中进行隔离。

Changes like this aren’t likely to happen this year.

Hipkins said they’re only looking at including 150 people in this home isolation pilot.
希普金斯说,他们只考虑在这个家庭隔离试点中包括 150 人。

It’s difficult for sports teams to secure MIQ vouchers, so, working to a high threshold, they have to be able to facilitate that where it’s justified.

运动队很难获得 MIQ房间券,因此,在高门槛的工作中,他们必须能够在合理的地方提供便利。

All allocations for sports teams and other groups is less than a fortnight’s worth of room allocations.

“We’re talking about a very small number of sports teams,” he said.

The All Blacks and Black Caps are two teams included in this allocation, for example.
例如,All Blacks 和 Black Caps 是包含在此分配中的两支球队。

Hipkins said things will look “quite different” next year.

Ministers have been working on emergency housing and vaccinations to ensure there’s good uptake in that area.


Bloomfield added that people are often in these housing situations for a short time, so it’s important there are community vaccination initiatives running.

Bloomfield didn’t have a new update on how many cases in this outbreak were vaccinated. On Monday, he said around 68 per cent were unvaccinated and just 4 per cent were fully vaccinated.
布卢姆菲尔德没有关于这次疫情中有多少病例接种了疫苗的最新消息。 周一,他说大约 68% 的人没有接种疫苗,只有 4% 的人完全接种了疫苗。

It’s not straight-forward to find out how many who were vaccinated passed the virus onto others.


There’s a lot of additional demand for MIQ at the moment, but simply throwing open the borders isn’t a responsible way of dealing with that, Hipkins said.
希普金斯说,目前对 MIQ 有很多额外需求,但简单地开放边界并不是一种负责任的处理方式。

Around 385,000 people per month could be coming into the country from around the world. This would be giving up, he said.
每月约有 385,000 人可能从世界各地进入该国。 他说,这将是放弃。

He said National hasn’t provided modelling for case numbers or hospitalisations. Their work calculates to be around 16,000 cases, 460 hospitalisations and 54 deaths per week.

他说国家党没有提供病例数或住院的模型。 他们的工作计算出每周约有 16,000 例病例、460 例住院治疗和 54 例死亡。

Bloomfield isn’t aware of people in Auckland who have refused to go into MIQ. Some people are given permission to isolate in their own home. The medical officer of health makes this decision.

Bloomfield 不知道奥克兰有没有人拒绝进入 MIQ。 有些人被允许在自己的家中隔离。 卫生医疗官员做出此决定。

Hipkins said there’s no doubt the border restrictions are hard on some people, but they’re doing what they can to safely bring people in.

He said the reality is that many people wanting to come home to New Zealand are looking at us and realising it’s a good place to be at the moment.


“Giving away the advantages that we have in order to allow more people in isn’t going to leave us better off,” he said.

Hipkins said the new MIQ system is fairer.
Hipkins 表示,新的 MIQ 系统更加公平。

Everyone in the MIQ lobby has an equal opportunity to get a spot in MIQ, rather than it being based on who has the fastest fingers.

MIQ 大厅中的每个人都有平等的机会在 MIQ 中获得一席之地,而不是根据谁的手指最快。

Hipkins hasn’t heard much on tech glitches that have been reported. He’ll also look into if they can release the number of rooms that will be released each month.
Hipkins 对已报道的技术故障知之甚少。 他还将研究他们是否可以发布每月将发布的房间数量。

Of the day’s unlinked cases – there are 12 – Bloomfield said six appear to have links to existing cases because they used a code with their test. He didn’t have any additional information.
在当天未关联的病例中 – 有 12 个 – Bloomfield 表示,其中 6 个似乎与现有病例有关联,因为他们在测试中使用了代码。 他没有任何额外的信息。

At least half of the unlinked cases used a surveillance testing code.


Vaccination stations outside nightclubs?

Hipkins didn’t think that was the safest environment to administer vaccines.
Hipkins 认为这不是接种疫苗的最安全环境。

Bloomfield hoped those in Auckland would be vaccinated before nightclubs even opened.

Vaccine certificates will have a person’s name on it, which can be checked against the database to ensure it’s authentic through QR codes, this will stop people from copying QR codes and making their own certificate.


Hipkins said some other form of ID might be needed for this.

That’s it for today’s press conference. Here’s what we learned:
这就是今天的新闻发布会。 这是我们知道的:

* 45 new community cases, all in Auckland
* 45 个新社区病例,均在奥克兰
* 33 are linked – 26 are household contacts
* 33 个有关联 – 26 个是家庭接触者
* 12 cases are unlinked, 6 of these have potential links
* 12 个病例未关联,其中 6 个有潜在关联
* The outbreak has grown to 1230 cases in total

* 爆发总数已增至 1230 例




If the National Party’s Covid plan is adopted, Kiwis will be able to come home for Christmas, party leader Judith Collins said.

国家党领袖朱迪思柯林斯说,如果国家党的 Covid 计划获得通过,新西兰人将能够回家过圣诞节。

Here’s the plan:

Pillar 1 is about investment. National proposes we supercharge our vaccine roll-out, including going door to door in vulnerable communities, and boosting testing measures.
支柱 1 是关于投资。 National 建议我们加强疫苗的推广,包括在弱势社区挨家挨户,并加强检测措施。

Pillar 2 is to evolve. This 70-75 per cent vaccination. Once we reach this point, “we can end nationwide lockdowns”.

支柱 2 是发展。 这 70-75% 的疫苗接种。 一旦达到这一点,“我们就可以结束全国范围的封锁”。

Pillar 3 “is to open”. This is our pathway to reconnect NZ to the world. Travelling under pillar 3 will be new. Countries will be specified by green, orange and red zones.
支柱3“是开放”。 这是我们重新连接新西兰与世界的途径。 在第 3 支柱下旅行将是新的。 国家将被分为绿色、橙色和红色区域。


The Ministry of Health says there is likely to be a further update on testing numbers in the Tauranga area at today’s 1pm press conference.

卫生部表示,在今天下午 1 点的新闻发布会上,陶朗加地区的检测数字可能会进一步更新。

Earlier today, Bay of Plenty DHB’s Covid-19 incident controller Trevor Richardson said “at present, there has not been any significant increase in testing demand”.

今天早些时候,丰盛湾 DHB 的 Covid-19 事件控制员 Trevor Richardson 表示,“目前,测试需求没有显着增加”。

Dr Sy Roberton, GP and director at Papamoa Pines Medical Centres, said they set up increased Covid-19 testing capacity on Wednesday, “put on about another 15 appointments over our usual 20-25 but so far we have seen little if any increase in demand here”.

Papamoa Pines Medical Centres 的全科医生兼主任 Sy Roberton 博士说,他们在周三增加了 Covid-19 检测能力,“比通常的 20-25 次增加了大约 15 次,但到目前为止,我们几乎没有看到增加需求”。


11 police staff who came into contact with case were wearing masks incorrectly

Eleven police staff who came into contact with a woman who later tested positive for Covid-19 after being released from Auckland’s Wāitakere police cells, were wearing their masks incorrectly.

11 名警察与从奥克兰 Wāitakere 警察牢房释放的一名妇女接触的后对 Covid-19 检测呈阳性,他们没有正确佩戴口罩。

The woman who was in custody at Auckland’s Waitākere police cells tested positive for the virus after she was transferred to Auckland Regional Women’s Corrections Facility.

被关押在奥克兰 Waitākere 警察牢房的女子在被转移到奥克兰地区妇女惩教所后,病毒检测呈阳性。

On Monday, Waitematā district operations manager inspector Jason Edwards said CCTV was being reviewed to check who had contact with the woman.

周一,Waitemata 地区运营经理检查员 Jason Edwards 表示,正在审查闭路电视,以检查谁与该女子有过接触。

He said 13 officers had been temporarily stood down for testing, and were required to self-isolate for 14 days. All have since returned negative tests.

他说,有 13 名警官被暂时停职进行测试,并被要求自我隔离 14 天。 此后所有人都返回了阴性测试。

But the inspector said not all staff involved in the arrest and management in the custody unit were wearing full PPE, which would be addressed.


(29日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News

(28日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增8例,陶朗加的废水检测呈阳性。内含中英疫情简报会内容