Covid-19: 16 new community cases, all in Auckland, three unlinked
Covid-19:16 例新社区病例,全部发生在奥克兰,三例没有关联
The Ministry of Health provided the update in a written statement just after 1pm. It confirmed the three unlinked cases were still being investigated to determine a link, the remaining 13 had links to existing cases.
卫生部在下午 1 点刚过的书面声明中提供了更新。 它确认三个无关联的病例仍在调查中以确定是否存在关联,其余 13 起与现有病例有关联。
The number of cases in the outbreak had now grown to 1146 – in total, 1114 of these have been linked, with 10 unlinked from the past fortnight.
疫情中的病例数现在已增至 1146 例——总共有 1114 例与过去的两周内有关联,其中 10 例与过去两周没有关联。
There were 13 people in hospital, four of them in intensive care.
Earlier today, it was revealed a person had tested positive for Covid-19 after presenting at the Waitakere Hospital Emergency Department on Friday. Upon arrival, the person was isolated, and following a positive test, was moved to a negative pressure room.
今天早些时候,据透露,周五在怀塔克雷医院急诊部就诊后,一名患者的 Covid-19 检测呈阳性。抵达后,该人被隔离,检测呈阳性后,被转移到负压室。
They had since been discharged to a managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) facility.
此后,他们已被送往管理隔离和检疫 (MIQ) 设施。
The overall exposure risk to other patients and staff at the hospital was deemed low.
The Ministry of Health had released an additional location of interest linked to the Delta outbreak on Saturday morning – Kainga Ora Apartments in Parnell. There were now 141 locations of interest, and, as of Friday, tracers were actively managing 1053 contacts.
卫生部在周六早上发布了一个与Delta爆发有关的额外地点——Parnell 的 Kainga Ora 公寓。 现在有 141 个暴露关注地点,截至周五,追踪者正在积极管理 1053 个接触者。
Anyone who had visited a location of interest at the specified times were advised to self-monitor for symptoms for two weeks after the date of exposure and get tested if symptoms developed.
周五,奥克兰的Delta疫情增加了 9 例,使此次疫情的病例总数达到 1131 例。 其中,奥克兰的 886 例和惠灵顿的 17 例已经康复。
有 13 人在医院接受 Covid-19 治疗,其中 3 人在重症监护室。
奥克兰至少在 10 月 4 日之前一直处于 3 级警报,而上豪拉基地区在周六晚上 11 点 59 分降到 2 级警报。 该国其他地区处于2级警报状态。
在奥克兰,Mt Wellington 郊区已被添加到卫生部的关注郊区名单中,而 Mt Eden、Massey 和 Papatoetoe 已被删除。
Māngere、Clover Park、Favona、Manurewa 和 Ōtara 的有症状和无症状居民仍被鼓励接受 Covid-19 检测。
整个 motu (毛利语:岛)总共处理了 330 万次测试——在截至周五下午的 24 小时内采集了 14,855 次拭子。
到目前为止,已经施打了4.9百万疫苗 – 其中3.1百万人打了第一剂,1.7百万人打了第二剂。 周四施打共49115剂。
Kainga Ora Apartments Parnell, a BP Connect and more supermarkets in south and east Auckland have been added as locations of interest today.
帕内尔的Kainga Ora公寓,一个BP Connect,并奥克兰东南区多个超市已作为今天的关注的地点。
A person infected with Covid-19 was at the Kainga Ora Apartments in Cracroft St last weekend on September 18, from 8am until the following Monday 8pm.
感染Covid-19的人是在Cracroft街上的Kainga Ora公寓,时间为9月18日周末从上午8时至下周一晚上8时。
New locations added today
• Kainga Ora Apartments Parnell: 9 Cracroft Street, Parnell
• Countdown Botany Downs: Cnr Te Irirangi and Ti Rakau Drives, Botany Downs
• Countdown Mangere Mall: Bader Drive, Mangere
• BP Connect Weymouth Manurewa: 199 Weymouth Road, Manurewa
• Countdown Mt Eden: Corner Valley Road and Dominion Road, Mt Eden
• Pak’nSave Māngere: Corner of Bader Drive and Orly Ave, Māngere
• Countdown Māngere East: 359 Massey Rd, Māngere
• Tai Ping Asian Supermarket: 16 Bishop Dunn Place, Flat Bush
• Fresh Vege Mart: 6 Yates Rd, Māngere East
• Unichem Māngere Pharmacy: 12 Waddon Place, Māngere
• Pak’nSave Ormiston: 1 Bellingham Rd, Flat Bush