(7日)新西兰多源滚动英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News(24小时持续更新)

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选
Bloomfield said during the briefing that ongoing investigations had resulted in the total number of unlinked cases falling from 33 yesterday to 24 today.
Of yesterday’s 20 cases, 17 were contacts of known cases and 16 were household contacts who were already isolating.
Four cases were potentially infectious in the community, with eight exposure events between them, none in essential worker workplaces, and none happened after the cases were asked to isolate.





(6日)新西兰滚动英语新闻 New Zealand Rolling English News(24小时持续更新)

(5日)新西兰滚动英语新闻 New Zealand Rolling English News(24小时持续更新)