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题图:New Zealand’s outdated insurance laws are getting a refresh. 新西兰过时的保险法正在焕然一新。

Changes to insurance law mean consumers will face more questions before being offered a policy, but experts say that’s a good thing.

The Contracts of Insurance Bill was designed to modernise New Zealand’s insurance law and passed its third reading in Parliament on Thursday.

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The changes it introduced would mean consumers no longer had to “rack their brains and guess” what information was relevant to their insurance policy, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly said.
商务和消费者事务部长安德鲁·贝利 (Andrew Bayly) 表示,它引入的变化将意味着消费者不再需要“绞尽脑汁猜测”哪些信息与他们的保险单相关。

Under existing law, consumers must disclose any information that might influence a “prudent insurer“.

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says law changes will mean consumers no longer have to guess what information their insurer needs. (File photo) 商务和消费者事务部长安德鲁·贝利 (Andrew Bayly) 表示,法律变更将意味着消费者不再需要猜测他们的保险公司需要什么信息。(资料照片)ROBERT KITCHIN / THE POST
罗伯特·基钦 / 邮报


However, that term was poorly understood and had led to insurers declining claims when consumers accidentally or unknowingly failed to disclose information, Bayly said.
然而,Bayly 说,这个词很难理解,并且导致保险公司在消费者意外或不知情地没有披露信息时拒绝索赔。

“Now, the onus is on insurers to ask the right questions and consumers must simply provide honest answers.”

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Financial ombudsman Susan Taylor said it had long been a problem that consumers didn’t know what information was important for an insurer, which often led to claims being declined.
金融监察员苏珊·泰勒 (Susan Taylor) 表示,长期以来,消费者不知道哪些信息对保险公司来说是重要的,这经常导致索赔被拒绝

In the 2023/24 year, business and travel insurance were the two largest categories of insurance-related complaints to dispute resolution service Financial Services Complaints Ltd.
在 2023/24 年度,商业和旅行保险是向争议解决服务 Financial Services Complaints Ltd. 提交的两大保险相关投诉类别。

Disclosure issues — whether about the nature and scope of a business when applying for cover or pre-existing medical conditions when applying for travel insurance or life and health cover — were a recurring theme, Taylor said.
Taylor 说,披露问题——无论是申请保险时的业务性质和范围,还是申请旅行保险或人寿和健康保险时预先存在的医疗状况——都是一个反复出现的主题。

“These issues also arise in insurance advice complaints, particularly where a consumer alleges that they weren’t guided adequately to ensure full and accurate disclosure.”

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But the new law put the responsibility on the insurer to ask questions to help the consumer disclose everything they need to.

“We believe the new legislation’s provisions around fairer disclosure requirements will help reduce consumers accidentally or unknowingly failing to disclose information, potentially leading to fewer disputes,” she said.

Financial ombudsman Susan Taylor says the changes should lead to fewer disputes. 金融监察员苏珊·泰勒 (Susan Taylor) 表示,这些变化应该会减少争议。supplied 提供

The bill also introduced a requirement for insurers to write policies in plain language and pay claims within a reasonable time.

After the select committee stage, it was updated to protect consumers’ access to life and health insurance if they had taken a genetic test, Bayly said.

While genetic testing was a valuable, emerging technology that could unlock significant health and productivity benefits, there were international examples of insurers limiting cover, or increasing premiums, due to genetic testing results, he said.

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“While we don’t believe this is happening regularly in New Zealand now, the bill includes provisions which mean the Government can, if needed in the future, regulate the use of genetic testing results by insurers.

“This change brings New Zealand closer in step with our partners. Canada has laws stopping insurers from seeing genetic test information, and recently Australia announced it will ban life insurers from using genetic test results.“

Insurance Council of New Zealand chief executive Kris Faafoi said the law change would tidy up the “mishmash” of outdated insurance laws and bring New Zealand in line with international best practice.
新西兰保险委员会首席执行官克里斯·法弗伊 (Kris Faafoi) 表示,法律修改将整理过时保险法的“大杂烩”,并使新西兰与国际最佳实践接轨。

“The legislation strikes a balance between strengthening protections for consumers while promoting fairness, certainty and sustainability in the insurance sector,” he said.

“We know there’s still a lot to do as the insurance industry works toward putting in place the changes required under the legislation.“

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