Lawrenson Group owner John Lawrenson and Outback and Factory manager Patrick McCreery have seen an increase of anti social behaviour. Lawrenson Group 的所有者 John Lawrenson 和 Outback and Factory 经理 Patrick McCreery 发现反社会行为有所增加。Christel Yardley / WAIKATO TIMES
克里斯特尔·亚德利 / 怀卡托时报
Image of man defecating in street puts the spotlight on feral behaviour in our CBDs
A man defecating on the streets in broad daylight in Hamilton has sparked concern New Zealand’s streets are getting more feral, with an increase in anti-social behaviour, crime, and drug use. 【澳纽网编译】汉密尔顿一名男子在光天化日之下在街上排便,引发了人们对新西兰街道变得越来越野蛮的担忧,反社会行为、犯罪和吸毒行为有所增加。
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When a man dropped his pants to defecate against a wall, a City Safe officer, tasked with keeping order in the CBD, walked right past, prompting businesses in the city to say laws need to change to keep the city safe as the current system isn’t working. 当一名男子脱下裤子靠墙排便时,一名负责维持中央商务区秩序的城市安全官员从旁边走过,该市的企业表示,由于目前的系统不起作用,需要修改法律以保证城市安全。
Businesses told Stuff that incidents such as defecating, drug use, indecent exposure and throwing firecrackers were increasing. 商家告诉 Stuff,排便、吸毒、猥亵暴露和投掷鞭炮等事件正在增加。
A recent police survey of businesses and workers in the CBD revealed 82% of respondents said anti-social behaviour made them feel unsafe, and 52% of this group said it made them either very fearful or extremely fearful. 警方最近对中央商务区企业和工人进行的一项调查显示,82% 的受访者表示,反社会行为让他们感到不安全,而这个群体中有 52% 的人表示这让他们非常恐惧或极度恐惧。
“So it’s not a case of move people on, they are connected with agencies and places to get help.” “所以这不是一个让人们继续前进的情况,他们与机构和地方联系以获得帮助。”
The guards have become a reassuring feature in the CBD to shoppers. 警卫已成为 CBD 中让购物者放心的特色。
“They are there to help – we saw one helping a tourist with her phone – it’s all part of making the CBD not only safe, but a welcoming place.” “他们在那里提供帮助——我们看到一个人正在帮助一名游客使用她的手机——这都是使 CBD 不仅安全,而且是一个受欢迎的地方的一部分。”
Other cities could adopt similar programmes, she said. 她说,其他城市可以采用类似的计划。
“It’s expensive but money well spent. It’s a proactive way of addressing the issues.” “这很贵,但钱花得很值。这是解决问题的积极主动方式。
Jeremy Stevens, who co-owns Christchurch bar Mr Brightside said he thought the Christchurch CBD was a good place to be. 基督城酒吧 Mr Brightside 的共同所有者 Jeremy Stevens 表示,他认为基督城中央商务区是一个好地方。
He said empty parking lots used to be “hotspots” for antisocial behaviour but now that they are more well lit “it’s getting better”. 他说,空荡荡的停车场曾经是反社会行为的 “热点”,但现在它们光线更加充足 “情况越来越好”。
“I’ve not seen things like I have in Wellington and Auckland,” Stevens said. “我还没有见过像在惠灵顿和奥克兰那样的事情,”史蒂文斯说。
“I still feel safe walking around in Christchurch.” “我在基督城走来走去仍然觉得很安全。”