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Westpac has cut home loan rates the day after the Reserve Bank left the OCR unchanged.


Westpac NZ has dropped its housing and term deposit rates on its six, 12 and 18 month home loan terms.
【澳纽网编译】新西兰西太平洋银行(Westpac NZ)已下调其6个月、12个月和18个月住房贷款期限的住房和定期存款利率。

The decreases, which would come into affect on July 12, included a 25 basis point drop on the 12 month rate to 6.89% p.a.
此次降息将于 7 月 12 日生效,其中包括 12 个月利率下调 25 个基点至年利率 6.89%。

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The 6 month special dropped 0.19% to 7.05% p.a, one year dropped 25 basis points to 6.89% p.a and eighteen months dropped by 10 basis points to 6.79%.
6个月期特别利率下跌0.19%至7.05%年利率,一年期利率 下跌25个基点至6.89%,18个月期利率 下跌10个基点至6.79%。

Fixed home loan rates – standard dropped 19 basis points for 6 months to 7.65% p.a, one year dropped 25 basis points to 7.49% and eighteen months dropped 10 basis points to 7.39% p.a.
固定住房贷款利率 – 标准利率6个月下跌19个基点至7.65%,一年期下跌25个基点至7.49%,18个月下跌10个基点至7.39%。

It had also decreased a range of term deposit rates by between 5 and 10 basis points.

The move came from the bank after the Reserve Bank’s decision to leave the official cash rate unchanged at 5.5%, on Wednesday.

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Westpac NZ General Manager of product, sustainability and marketing Sarah Hearn says the bank continues to focus on providing value to customers while responding to changes in wholesale rates.
西太平洋银行新西兰产品、可持续发展和营销总经理莎拉·赫恩(Sarah Hearn)表示,该银行继续专注于为客户提供价值,同时应对批发价格的变化。

“We’re at a unique stage of the cycle where some customers may be looking to re-fix at lower rates from recent highs.

“We do also acknowledge that some customers may be still re-fixing their loans from the historically low rates we have seen over recent years and may still be concerned about their increasing costs.”

Hearn said Westpac NZ data showed most customers were “coping well” with higher living costs but the bank continued to proactively call home loan customers who may be facing into financial difficulty to ensure they were well supported and understand their options.

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