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Matariki is the name for the cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. When it rises in the north-eastern skies in late May or early June, it signals to Māori that the New Year will begin. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Filip Lolić
玛塔里基是被称为昴宿星团的星团的名称。当它在5月底或6月初从东北天空升起时,它向毛利人发出信号,表明新年即将开始。照片:Wikimedia Commons / Filip Lolić

Matariki marks the Māori New Year and signals a time for people to gather, honour the dead, celebrate the present and make plans for the future.

It’s only become an official public holiday in the past two years, but it’s a day New Zealanders look forward to very much.

Like Easter, the date of Matariki changes from year to year, but it will always fall in June or July. This year, the public holiday falls on Friday 28 June.

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It’s a non-working day just like any other public holiday – which means if you are working on the day (as regularly rostered), you’re entitled to time-and-a-half pay and an alternative day off.

The illustration shows a family of four standing on a maunga gazing at the cluster of Matariki at dawn.

Photo: Quin Tauetau 摄影:Quin Tauetau

What is Matariki? 什么是玛塔里基?

Matariki is the name of a star cluster in the constellation of Taurus, commonly known as Pleiades. In mid-winter, the stars rise and herald in Te Mātahi o te Tau, the Māori New Year.

The word ‘Matariki’ is an abbreviation of ‘Ngā mata o te ariki o Tāwhirimātea’ or ‘the eyes of the god Tāwhirimātea’. Matariki was taken as a wife by Rehua and she gave birth to eight children, each star having a unique purpose and defined role in Te Ao Māori.
“Matariki”一词是“Ngā mata o te ariki o Tāwhirimātea”或“Tāwhirimātea神的眼睛”的缩写。玛塔里基被热华娶为妻,生了八个孩子,每个孩子在毛利世界中都有独特的目的和明确的角色。

Traditionally falling at the end of the harvest, the cluster’s rise marked a time of abundant food and feasting. Today, people across Aotearoa gather to celebrate the day with plenty of kai, stargazing, and community gathering.

Why does the holiday date change each year?

Keen observers will have noticed the Matariki public holiday is observed on different dates each year.

This is because Māori follow an environmental calendar system that considers the sun, the moon, various stars, and other ecological indicators to determine time.

The Matariki public holiday dates fall on the closest Friday to the Tangaroa lunar period during the lunar month of Pipiri. Tangaroa is not a single phase of the moon but rather the last quarter period of the lunar calendar. Because of this, the dates to celebrate Matariki will differ from year to year.
玛塔里基(Matariki)的公共假期日期是皮皮里(Pipiri)农历月期间最接近坦加罗阿(Tangaroa)的星期五。Tangaroa不是月亮的单一阶段,而是农历的最后一个下弦月。因此,庆祝 Matariki 的日期每年都会有所不同。

Established in April 2022, Matariki is the first public holiday to recognise Te Ao Māori, and the first new public holiday since Waitangi Day became a public holiday in 1974.
Matariki节日 建立于 2022 年 4 月,是第一个承认 毛利世界的公共假日,也是自 1974 年怀唐伊日成为公共假日以来的第一个新的公共假日。

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What’s open? 什么是开放的?

Trading restrictions don’t apply to Matariki in the way they would for Easter holidays, Christmas, or the first half of Anzac Day.

Shops, restaurants, cafes and other hospitality and retail venues will be open as usual, but they can choose to close if they wish – so it pays to check opening hours beforehand.

Supermarkets and malls will be open too, but some may operate with shorter hours.

Surcharges 附加费

Public holidays are an expensive day to be a business and Matariki is no different.
公共假期是做生意的昂贵日子,Matariki 也不例外。

Hospitality businesses in particular may add a 15 percent surcharge to their services – this is usually to cover the costs of paying employees time-and-a-half.
特别是酒店业可能会对其服务收取 15% 的附加费——这通常是为了支付员工一倍半的费用。

If a business does charge a surcharge, they must have clear signage communicating this to the customer.

This can be done with the display of signs detailing the surcharge, a message on the business’s website, or by verbally letting the customer know at the time of purchase or before they order.

If customers believe they have been misled about a surcharge, they can complain to the Commerce Commission.

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Future public holiday dates

In 2022, the Matariki Advisory Committee set out the Matariki public holiday dates for the next 30 years.
2022 年,玛塔里基咨询委员会确定了未来 30 年的玛塔里基公共假期日期。

2022 – 24 June
2022 – 6 月 24 日

2023 – 14 July
2023 – 7 月 14 日

2024 – 28 June
2024 – 6 月 28 日

2025 – 20 June
2025 – 6 月 20 日

2026 – 10 July
2026 – 7 月 10 日

2027 – 25 June
2027 – 6 月 25 日

2028 – 14 July
2028 – 7 月 14 日

2029 – 6 July
2029 – 7 月 6 日

2030 – 21 June
2030 – 6月21日

2031- 11 July 2031年7月11日

2032 – 2 July
2032 – 7 月 2 日

2033 – 24 June
2033 – 6月24日

2034 – 7 July

2035 – 29 June
2035 – 6月29日

2036 – 18 July
2036 – 7月18日

2037 – 10 July

2038 – 25 June
2038 – 6月25日

2039 – 15 July
2039 – 7月15日

2040 – 6 July
2040年 – 7月6日

2041 – 19 July

2042 – 11 July

2043 – 3 July

2044 – 24 June
2044年 – 6月24日

2045 – 7 July

2046 – 29 June

2047 – 19 July

2048 – 3 July

2049 – 25 June

2050 – 15 July
2050年 – 7月15日

2051 – 30 June

2052 – 21 June


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