Police have a DNA profile of the woman found dead in Gulf Harbour last week, but are yet to identify her.
Detective Inspector Tim Williams said the DNA obtained by police did not match anyone in their records.
侦探督察蒂姆·威廉姆斯(Tim Williams)表示,警方获得的DNA与他们记录中的任何人都不匹配。
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“We are hopeful this will assist us in finding out the identity of this victim.
“Our priority remains on confirming their identification and results of further examinations and tests are still pending.”
Overseas Police and Interpol have been contacted to help with the investigation.
Police received almost 100 phone calls from members of the public trying to help them with the investigation.
Officers are still reviewing those tips and CCTV footage, Williams said.
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A homicide investigation was launched after a fisherman found the body wrapped in plastic bags on 13 March by the Gulf Harbour ferry terminal.
Police have released of the blue pyjama bottoms and a light-coloured singlet with an emblem, that she was wearing.
Police have released photos of blue pyjama bottoms with a pattern on them and an emblem of a singlet a woman was wearing when her body was found in Gulf Harbour. Photos / Michael Craig / Police 警方公布了一名女子尸体在海湾港被发现时穿着的蓝色睡裤的照片,上面有图案和背心标志。照片/迈克尔·克雷格/警察
“The very nature of this discovery means this is a complex investigation – and it will take time,” Williams said.
“这一发现的本质意味着这是一项复杂的调查 – 这将需要时间,”威廉姆斯说。
“In saying that, the community can continue to be reassured that police are committed to holding the person, or persons, responsible to account.”
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Gulf 海港凶杀案:DNA 资料获得后,警方收到大量致电
警方还在继续调查 3月12 日星期二在Gulf 海港发现的人体遗骸事件。
Waitemata CIB 代理侦探督察蒂姆•威廉姆斯 (Tim Williams)表示,警方在凶杀案调查方面取得进展,并已获得受害者的 DNA 资料。
“虽然现阶段,该 DNA 数据并不与我们在新西兰的记录中的任何人相匹配,但我们任希望这将有助于我们查明该名受害者的身份。
“我们已经接到近百个电话,包括我们的专线号码和 105 服务电话,这为警方提供了大量信息以协助我们进行调查,”代理侦探督察 威廉姆说。
我们将继续要求任何可能有信息的民众与我们联系。您可以拨打 0800 755 021 联系我们,直接与调查小组交谈。
您还可以通过我们的 105 电话服务或在线访问 https:/www.police.govt.nz/use-105,使用“更新我的报告”来提供信息。请参考案件号 240312/9837。
或者,您可以通过拨打犯罪预防热线 0800555 111 匿名提供信息。
来源:RNZ / NZ Herald /新西兰警方
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