Mandy Hu
编剧简介About the Screenwriter
Baby Pavilion
(A Screenplay)
《婴亭》的编剧胡曼荻为美籍华人作家、编剧和独立制片人。伊自幼熟读《红楼梦》,文风受之影响而婉约精雅,且知性大方,视野深邃独特,作品国际色彩斑斓。伊本科毕业于南开大学,并获颁美国藤校宾夕法尼亚大学硕士文凭,主攻创意写作和电影研究。伊曾供职天津日报社,亦旅居新加坡,现定居美国费城。伊已在中国、新加坡和美国出版小说散文集共计十四部,并编剧制片出品首部微电影《文人相亲》。胡曼荻英文短篇小说《雪豆》入选2022年第九届洛杉矶美国小说选集。伊目前寻求并筹划其小说《婴亭》和《纸偶》的电影改编和制片。《婴亭》中文剧本于2023年7月在温哥华荣获第二届世界华人影视奖·优秀剧本奖。《婴亭》英文剧本荣获Semi-finalist in Scriptmatix Fellowship Awards(04/2023)和Quarter Finalist in the Miami Screenplay Awards(04/2023)。
胡曼荻于新加坡出版散文集《中国女孩》和纪实报告《目击中国经济》;其代表作长篇小说《美漂》,描写如浮萍般华裔在美国的移民留学梦事,由中国作家出版社2013年推出;其美国纪事文集之一《人世间星空相连》(又名《白宫来邮》)由华中科技大学出版社2014年出书;其个人文丛共计五本,包括美国纪事文集之二《白宫有请》、美文集《青春独有》、散文集《爱之智慧》和新加坡纪事文集《狮城萦梦》,以及首部中短篇小说集《归去来兮》,已由上海文艺出版社2015年全套出版;其美国纪事文集第三部《美国物语》由清华大学出版社于2018年推出;其美国纪事文集第四部《美国胡说》、第二部长篇小说(含剧本)《婴亭》和美国纪事文集第五部《美国疫志》由美华传媒分别于2019年、2020年和2021年携手亚马逊平台于美国、加拿大、英国、法国和日本等全世界多国同时发行。其英文小说《雪豆》被收录入美国小说选集《外星人凝眸Alien Gaze》于2022年在洛杉矶出版发行。伊首部担任编剧和制片人的公益微电影《文人相亲》,已被拍摄为微电影,并于2016年上线全球各大娱乐网站。
[xyz-ihs snippet=”In-article-ads”]About the Screenwriter
Mandy Hu, a Chinese-American novelist, screenwriter, and film producer, has an impressive body of work to her name. With fifteen books published across Singapore, China, and the United States, her literary reach is both broad and impactful. In addition to her novels, Mandy wrote and produced the short film, “Blind Date.” One of her standout English short stories, “Snow Peas,” earned a spot in the Ninth Annual Los Angeles Nano Anthology titled “Alien Gaze.”
Mandy’s screenplay prowess isn’t limited to just one language. The Chinese version of her screenplay, “Baby Pavilion,” clinched the Excellent Script Award at the 2nd World Chinese Film and Television Awards held in Vancouver in July 2023. Furthermore, the English version of “Baby Pavilion” achieved Semi-finalist status in the Scriptmatix Fellowship Awards and made it to the Quarter Finals in the Miami Screenplay Awards, both in April 2023.
Mandy holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, where she also earned Graduate Certificates in Creative Writing and Cinema Studies. As a child, she delved into the “Dream of the Red Chamber,” and its rich narrative heavily influences her elegant and generous writing style. An alumna of Nankai University, Mandy started her career as a reporter for the Tianjin Daily. Later, while residing in Singapore, she penned two notable works: a collection of essays titled “China Girl” and a documentary report, “Witnessing the Economy of China.”
Mandy’s literary journey began with her first novel, “Soaring Over America,” published in 2013 by The Writers Publishing House in China. In 2015, the Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House released four essay collections penned by Mandy: “White House Invitational,” “Youth Unique,” “Wisdom of Love,” and “Memories of Singapore.” That same year, they also published her collection of novellas, “Road Back Home.” Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press published “A World Beneath the Stars” (alternatively titled “White House Calling”) in 2014. It marked Mandy’s second literary exploration of America. This theme continued with “American Stories,” her third American-themed book, released by Tsinghua University Press in 2018. Asia-America Entertainment became her publisher for subsequent works. They released “American Words” in 2019, her fourth book on America, followed by her second novel, “Baby Pavilion,” in 2020. Mandy’s 13th book, “American Pandemic 2020,” also her fifth book about America, came out in 2021. Finally, her 14th book ” Snow Peas”, a collection of short stories, was released in 2023.
In 2022, Mandy’s English-language short story “Snow Peas” was featured in the 9th Los Angeles NaNo Anthology, “Alien Gaze.” Additionally, in 2016, the short film “Blind Date,” for which Mandy penned the screenplay and served as producer, made its public debut.
Mandy currently resides in America with her husband, Daniel Conneen, Esq., and their son, William Conneen. She is diligently working on sequels to “Soaring over America” and is involved in producing film adaptations of her novel and screenplay for “Baby Pavilion” and “Paper Spouse.”
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