今天的 Covid-19 数字和关键信息
周日在边境发现了 24 例新的社区病例和 47 例新病例。
今天有八例在医院,没有一个在重症监护室。 北岸:5; 奥克兰:2; 米德尔莫尔:1。
昨天注射了超过 40,000 剂加强剂。
总理周日证实,由于 Omicron 疫情疑似在两个岛屿蔓延,整个新西兰将在今晚午夜进入红绿灯系统的红色设置。
总理阿德恩今天在上午 11 点不定期举行的新闻发布会上告诉媒体,Omicron 现在正在奥克兰和尼尔森传播,如果不是更进一步的话。
他们说我们将无法阻止 Omicron,但我们可以通过正确的公共卫生措施减慢它的速度。
尼尔森有九人的 Omicron 变异检测呈阳性,一名乘坐奥克兰-尼尔森航班的新西兰航空公司机组人员也检测出 Omicron 呈阳性。
1 月 13 日,来自 Nelson 的这群人参加了在奥克兰举行的婚礼,以及葬礼,并去了游乐园和天空塔。
他们于 1 月 16 日乘坐由机组人员共享的航班返回尼尔森。 然后,他又进行了四次飞行,这些都是目前暴露关注地点。
Omicron is now circulating in Auckland and possibly Nelson, if not further, Ardern told media today at an unscheduled 11am press conference.
Experts have been warning people to get ready for the highly contagious variant to spill over into the community eventually.
They say we will not be able to stop Omicron but we can slow it down with the right public health measures.
Nine people in Nelson have tested positive for the Omicron variant, and an Air NZ crew member who was on their Auckland-Nelson flight has also tested positive for Omicron.
It was initially thought the group caught Covid from the air crew member, however it is now believed the air crew member caught it from the group.
The group from Nelson attended a wedding in Auckland on January 13, as well as a funeral, an amusement park and the Sky Tower.
They flew back to Nelson on January 16, on the flight shared by the air crew member. He then worked on a further four flights, which are all now locations of interest.
Those locations of interest are being added to the Ministry of Health website.
Those in the group who were eligible had been vaccinated, according to the Prime Minister.
尼尔森/马尔堡新增 Omicron 病例,预计病例数将增加
我们仍在等待卫生部下午 1 点的声明,但我们确实有来自 Nelson Marlborough Health 的最新消息。
一个额外的 Omicron 变体病例已被添加到计数中。声明称,此人是现有9例病例的密切接触者,在感染期间一直处于隔离状态。
Nelson Marlborough Health 的声明说,过去两天报告的 9 例病例的全基因组测序证实它是 Omicron 变体。昨天宣布的新西兰航空公司机组人员也被证实感染相同的 Omicron 变体。
健康医疗办公室纳尔逊马尔堡健康中心的斯蒂芬布里奇曼博士说:“虽然我们看到自宣布以来检测数量有所增加,周五进行了 205 次检测,周六进行了 172 次检测,但我们有兴趣看到这些数字的增长。
“我们确实预计病例数量会增加,因此暴露关注点也会增加。这些将在卫生部网站上继续更新,同时提供建议。现阶段对 Omicron 的国家战略仍然是通过检测、接触者追踪和隔离来减缓传播速度。戴口罩、保持社交距离和洗手等公共卫生措施是降低感染风险的关键。
“周五和周六,尼尔森马尔堡进行了 1585 次疫苗接种。尼尔森和里士满的疫苗接种点已将工作时间延长至晚上 8 点,以应对预期的需求增长。”
Covid-19 活跃病例
目前有 466 例 Covid-19 社区病例。 病例最多的地区是奥克兰(108)、曼努考(91)、怀塔马塔(82)、湖区(76)和丰盛湾(41)。
新西兰人可以在红绿灯系统的红色设置下继续在新西兰各地旅行,但建议他们做好准备,如果他们在远离家乡的地方感染了 Covid-19,他们会做什么。
总理 Jacinda Ardern 今天宣布,全国将于周日晚上 11 点 59 分转为红色。
Ardern 说,到目前为止,内阁尚未决定从 2 月下旬开始推迟放宽边境限制。
Travel under the red light setting
Kiwis can continue to travel around New Zealand under the red setting of the traffic light setting, but are advised to prepare for what they will do if they catch Covid-19 away from home.
The whole country will move to red at 11:59pm on Sunday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.
There are no boundaries under the red light setting, and people can travel for any reason.
As yet, Cabinet has not decided to postpone the easing of border restrictions from late February, Ardern said.
一名妇女是上周日从奥克兰飞往尼尔森的航班与某团体有接触的一员,该团体来自 Motueka,该团体多人 Omicron 检测呈阳性,她说他们似乎是一个多代人的家庭,包括祖父母、父母和孩子。
这位女士说,她预计 Covid 病例是 Omicron 变种的消息会引起关注,但她敦促人们使用常识,如果有任何症状就接受检测。
- Flight NZ5083 from Auckland to Nelson at 5:20pm on January 16
- Flight NZ5080 from Nelson to Auckland at 4pm on January 19
- Flight NZ5077 from Auckland to Nelson at 2pm on January 19
- Flight NZ5049 from Auckland to New Plymouth at 7:50pm on January 19
- Flight NZ5042 from New Plymouth to Auckland at 1:50pm on January 20
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