(11月12日) (滚动更新) 中国新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报

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中共中央召开党外人士座谈会 习近平主持并发表重要讲话


Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:33 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:27 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:22 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:12 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:09 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:06 pm(NZT)

百年间波澜壮阔 新时代斩浪前行

联播丨百年间波澜壮阔 新时代斩浪前行

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:05 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:53 am(NZT)

党的十九届六中全会审议通过的《决议》 集中了全党的智慧 是我们党历史上第三个历史决议


Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:29 am(NZT)


中新网11月12日电 据中国政府网消息,国务院日前发布《关于同意将安徽省桐城市列为国家历史文化名城的批复》,同意将安徽省桐城市列为国家历史文化名城。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:28 am(NZT)


中新网11月12日电 据水利部网站消息,11月10日,水利部监督司、督查办会同规计司、财务司、水资源司和农水水电司,就水利资金监督检查发现的问题约谈吉林省水利厅。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:27 am(NZT)

精神长河 映照初心——红旗渠精神述评


Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:24 am(NZT)


中新网北京11月12日电 (记者 郎朗)当地时间11月10日晚,中美联合发布了《中美关于在21世纪20年代强化气候行动的格拉斯哥联合宣言》(下称《宣言》),重提温升控制低于2°C之内,并努力限制在1.5°C之内,中国也明确将制定甲烷国家行动计划,这份宣言被认为是更具可行性的行动纲要。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:22 am(NZT)


中新网广州11月12日电 (郭军 徐礼鹏)记者12日从广州海事部门了解到,11月11日,深圳至香港、澳门、珠海、中山等多地高速客运航线恢复通航,这也标志着自8日以来因货轮“穗富航628”沉没事故而导致多条高速客运航线停航的情况已得到初步解决,后续相关工作正在开展中。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:17 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:05 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:55 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:47 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:45 am(NZT)


中新网沈阳11月12日电 (沈殿成)据辽宁省教育厅11月12日消息,辽宁省教育厅、辽宁省人民政府教育督导室近日联合印发了《关于落实义务教育学校校内“双减”三年行动计划(2021-2023年)》,坚持问题导向,着力减轻义务教育学校学生作业负担。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:35 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:11 am(NZT)

贯通“长征路标” 突出整体辨识度

贯通“长征路标” 突出整体辨识度

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 6:43 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 6:42 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 6:07 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)


多部委重拳调控推动煤价理性回归  严厉打击捏造散布涨价信息囤积居奇等违法行为

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 5:42 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 12 Nov 2021 | 12:53 am(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 11:53 pm(NZT)


中新网大连11月11日电 (记者 杨毅) 大连市交通运输局局长王少成11日在大连疫情防控工作新闻发布会上通报称,疫情发生以来,大连市总指挥部连续3次发布非必要不离连通告,不断加严管控措施,空港、铁路、港口等交通枢纽严格落实“非必要不离连”政策,通告发布以来,旅客离连客运量大幅下降,大连市日均发送旅客918人,下降96.49%

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 11:14 pm(NZT)


中新网大连11月11日电 (记者 杨毅)11月11日,大连市政府秘书长衣庆焘在大连疫情防控新闻发布会上通报称,疫情发生后,经辽宁省总指挥部批准同意,大连市已经将大连市3个县(区)的24个区域划定为中风险地区。同时,暂时关停非生活必需的公共场所,重点场所实施封闭管理,最大程度减少聚集活动。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 11:14 pm(NZT)


中新网大连11月11日电 (记者 杨毅)11月11日,大连市商务局局长丛克在大连疫情防控工作新闻发布会上通报称,11日监测的农贸市场和大型商超蔬菜销售价格已明显下降,监测的19种蔬菜平均价格为5.68元/斤,比11月9日的7.29元/斤回落了22.08%。其中大型商超平均价格为4.9元,恢复到本轮疫情发生前水平。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 11:12 pm(NZT)


中新社北京11月11日电 (记者 郭超凯)就近日中美两国宣布达成气候协定,中国外交部发言人汪文斌11日在例行记者会上表示,双方将根据共同但有区别的责任和各自能力原则、考虑各自国情,采取强化的气候行动,有效应对气候危机。这再次表明,中美可以在国际重大问题上进行合作,中美合作可以办成很多有利于两国和世界人民的大事。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 10:37 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 10:11 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 10:02 pm(NZT)


中新网北京11月11日电 (记者 张素)今年10月上旬,山西多地遭遇时间久、范围广、强度大的降雨天气,导致严重的洪涝灾害。11月初,当地遭受寒潮天气,雨雪大风降温对设施农业、畜牧业、秋播秋管等造成不利影响。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:55 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:27 pm(NZT)

大连疫情仍在发展中 中石油在京系统全面进入应急状态

(抗击新冠肺炎)大连疫情仍在发展中 中石油在京系统全面进入应急状态

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:25 pm(NZT)

黄坤明在学习宣传贯彻党的十九届六中全会精神电视电话会议上强调 全力以赴做好全会精神宣传工作 汇聚坚定历史自信、创造历史伟业的磅礴力量

新华社北京11月11日电 中宣部11日晚在京召开学习宣传贯彻党的十九届六中全会精神电视电话会议。中共中央政治局委员、中宣部部长黄坤明出席会议并讲话,强调要认真学习贯彻全会精神,全力以赴做好学习宣传、研究阐释各项工作,汇聚起坚定历史自信、创造历史伟业的磅礴力量。

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:15 pm(NZT)


新华社北京11月11日电 中华人民共和国主席习近平根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定任免下列驻外大使:

Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:12 pm(NZT)



Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 9:06 pm(NZT)


Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 11 Nov 2021 | 8:59 pm(NZT)

Hong Kong’s ‘Captain America’ protester jailed under national security law

Ma Chun-man is sentenced to nearly six years in prison under the controversial national security law.

Source: BBC News – China | 11 Nov 2021 | 7:02 am(NZT)

China’s Xi Jinping cements his status with historic resolution

Mr Xi is only the third leader to issue a “historical resolution” after Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

Source: BBC News – China | 11 Nov 2021 | 5:21 am(NZT)

US, Russia, China and Pakistan meet to discuss Afghanistan as humanitarian crisis deepens

Representatives from the United States, Russia, China, and Pakistan met on Thursday to discuss Afghanistan amid the deepening humanitarian crisis on the ground and months after the Taliban seized power.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 12 Nov 2021 | 8:48 am(NZT)

Singles Day stock tip: Forget Alibaba and look at JD

Chinese consumers were hunting for bargains on Singles Day, the online shopping extravaganza that takes place every November 11 which was originally launched by e-commerce giant Alibaba.

Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 12 Nov 2021 | 6:51 am(NZT)

China: North-eastern city sees highest snowfall in 116 years

It comes amid concerns about keeping homes warm in an area that was earlier hit by outages.

Source: BBC News – China | 11 Nov 2021 | 5:58 pm(NZT)

The man turning cities into giant sponges to embrace floods

Yu Kongjian’s sponge city, based on ancient Chinese wisdom, seeks to change how we deal with floods.

Source: BBC News – China | 11 Nov 2021 | 1:53 pm(NZT)

Off-campus tutoring ad regulations

CHINESE authorities have issued a notice on regulating the advertisement of off-campus tutoring, making clear work plans on the issue, according to the State Administration of Market Regulation on Tuesday. The notice was jointly published by nine regulators, including the SAMR, the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Ministry of Education. Local governments should immediately launch special campaigns to eliminate all off-campus tutoring advertisements and follow the requirements of policy documents, said the notice. Mainstream media outlets and their affiliated new-media, as well as Internet platform companies and outdoor advertising operators, should immediately conduct self-checks and rectify their behavior on the issue. Authorities should conduct regulatory talks with major media outlets, Internet platform companies, key off-campus training institutions and advertising operators, while cracking down on false and illegal off-campus training advertisements and maintaining a tough stance on regulation. Efforts should be made to strengthen the management of information on traditional media and the Internet, and to ban sponsored programs and “soft articles” funded by the off-campus training institutions. Railway, subway and bus sectors run by the government are also banned from publishing such advertisements.

Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 11 Nov 2021 | 5:08 am(NZT)

North lashed by record blizzards

CHINA is resolved to tackle the strong snowstorm that is wreaking havoc and disrupting normal life in its northern regions. The lingering blizzard, which began on Sunday, has brought record snowfall. Shenyang, the capital city of northeast China’s Liaoning Province, had by Tuesday logged an average snowfall of 51 millimeters and a maximum snow depth of 41 centimeters, the highest level recorded since 1905, local meteorological authorities have said. Local traffic has been severely disrupted by the heavy snowfall, with most expressway toll stations in the province remaining closed on Tuesday. Passenger stations in all parts of the province also remain closed, except those in the cities of Dalian and Dandong. Solid efforts are underway to clear snow from transport routes in a bid to ensure transportation security and safeguard people’s livelihoods. Shenyang has mobilized approximately 24,000 people, with over 2,000 sets of machinery and equipment running at full steam to clear the expressway. The cold wave has brought a significant drop in temperature in northeast China. By Tuesday, temperatures had plummeted by 10 to 14 degrees Celsius in most areas, and by more than 16 degrees Celsius in certain areas, compared to five days ago. Weather departments in the Liaoning and Jilin provinces in northeast China have successively issued red alerts for snowstorms. Amid public concerns over power shortages posed by the blizzard, local governments in north China have made all-out efforts to keep homes warm. The average coal storage rate at Liaoning’s heating enterprises is currently over 60 percent. The provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang are also working to increase their energy production capacities and increase coal imports. To avoid vegetable price hikes because of the extreme weather, Shenyang has urged markets and grocery stores in the city to set the prices of several vegetables lower than the overall average and increase their supplies. In the four-tier color-coded weather warning system for snowstorms, red is the most severe, followed by orange, yellow and blue.

Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 11 Nov 2021 | 5:08 am(NZT)

China criticizes US delegation’s visit to Taiwan

CHINA’S military said yesterday it had conducted a combat readiness patrol in the direction of the Taiwan Strait after its defence ministry condemned a visit to Taiwan by a US congressional delegation it said had arrived on a military aircraft. The patrol was aimed at the “seriously wrong” words and actions of “relevant countries” on the Taiwan issue and the activities of pro-independence forces in Taiwan, a Chinese military spokesperson said in a statement. “The US act has wantonly interfered in China’s internal affairs, seriously undermined China’s territorial sovereignty and posed a severe threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan region,” Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, said while reiterating that Taiwan is a sacred and inalienable part of Chinese territory. “We sternly warn that the United States must immediately stop its provocative actions and all destructive moves that lead to the further escalation of tensions in the Taiwan region, and refrain from sending false signals to ‘Taiwan independence’ separatists,” Tan said. Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authority must not misjudge the situation or take desperate moves, which will only bring disaster to Taiwan, Tan warned. China must be and will be reunited, he stressed. “No one should underestimate the Chinese people’s staunch determination, strong resolve and powerful capability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Tan said, adding that the People’s Liberation Army remains on high alert and will take every necessary measure to crush any external interference or any form of separatist attempts for “Taiwan independence.” A Chinese mainland spokesperson yesterday said tensions across the Taiwan Strait will not ease until provocative acts advocating “Taiwan independence” cease. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office also condemned the visit. Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the State Council’s Taiwan Affairs Office, described the touting of the so-called “two states” theory by Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party authority and elements advocating “Taiwan independence,” and their collusion with external forces to incite provocations, as the “root causes” of the tensions across the strait. Zhu said relevant exercises and training conducted by the People’s Liberation Army are meant to target separatist activities seeking “Taiwan independence” and interference by external forces. In essence, these exercises and training aim to safeguard the overall interests of the Chinese nation and the immediate interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, said Zhu.

Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 11 Nov 2021 | 5:08 am(NZT)

Energy for households and factories in winter secured

CHINA’S energy crunch is expected to alleviate as the country’s multiple measures to boost supply and rein in price hikes have started to take effect, securing sufficient energy for factories and households for the winter. China’s coal output has sustained its growth momentum since mid-October. The maximum daily output of coal has hit 11.93 million tons, a record high for recent years, said the National Development and Reform Commission, the economic planner. The coal stockpiles of the country’s power producers have also rebounded, the latest official data shows, with power producers nationwide reporting a total of 117 million tons of coal in their inventories as of Saturday, an increase of about 40 million tons from the end of September. Coal for power generators and heating suppliers is guaranteed as mid to long-term coal supply contracts have roughly covered demand, the economic planner said. Increased coal output and inventories at power plants will help drive down the soaring coal prices, the NDRC said, noting that prices are expected to continue their decline as production and inventories rise further. Energy prices have surged globally since the start of this year amid a supply crunch. In China, energy strains caused power outages in September, hitting families in some regions and forcing factories in the world’s second-largest economy to halt production. Following the September power blackouts, the country stressed the importance of efforts to prioritize energy sufficiency in several meetings. At an executive meeting of the State Council in late October, China ordered concerted efforts to ensure coal production and transportation, increase the gas supply and crack down on speculative activities in the market. Centrally administered state-owned enterprises were important coal producers, with their coal output accounting for nearly a quarter of the country’s total. During a symposium last month, central SOEs were ordered to increase the supply of coal and natural gas to ensure power generation, while taking the lead in stabilizing coal prices. To unleash more production capacity, the National Mine Safety Administration has streamlined the approval process for coal producers to put qualified mines into operation. So far, the administration has added some 153 coal mines to its emergency supply list, a move expected to increase production capacity by 220 million tons per year. In addition to expanding output, China has also moved to facilitate coal transportation in key areas and on key routes. The amount of coal transported via railways reached a record high in recent years after the NDRC urged rail and shipping companies to fully tap their transport capacities and prioritize orders from power generators and heating suppliers. Spot prices and coal futures have slumped rapidly since mid-October as long-term supply contracts cover more coal producers and supervision strengthens to rein in excessive speculation. In response to recent diesel shortages in some regions, China’s major oil producers have worked to increase the oil supply through means such as adjusting the production process. The diesel supply recorded a month-on-month rise of nearly 20 percent in both September and October. With these measures underway, the State Grid Corporation of China, the country’s largest state-owned utility company, on Sunday said that power supply and demand in areas operated by the company have returned to normal, with considerable reductions in the scale of power curbs and the electricity gap. There is no problem in ensuring household power and gas supply, the NDRC said, shrugging off concerns over an energy crunch during a winter that is forecast to be colder than usual.

Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 10 Nov 2021 | 5:06 am(NZT)

(11月12日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News

(11月11日) (滚动更新) 中国新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语简报