中新网10月27日电 25日,苏丹局势发生突变。苏丹军方26日表示,将组建新的文职政府管理国家。据卡塔尔半岛电视台中文网报道,美国拜登政府针对此次苏丹局势,预期将出现传统上的批评、停止提供援助,以及对苏丹部分军事官员实施制裁的威胁。但许多评论员并不认为,华盛顿能够改变苏丹现实力量的平衡。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,秘鲁卫生部26日报告说,秘鲁可能从11月1日或2日开始,给65岁及以上人群接种新冠疫苗加强剂。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
苏丹驻12国大使谴责政变 过渡总理夫妇已返家
中新网10月27日电 苏丹局势25日突变,过渡政府总理哈姆杜克被军方“软禁”。据半岛电视台中文网报道,26日,苏丹总理办公室表示,哈姆杜克夫妇已返回自家住宅。与此同时,喀土穆爆发了夜间示威,抗议军方解散部长委员会和主权委员会的行动。另一方面,苏丹驻12国的大使也表示,谴责该国发生的这场军事政变。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
俄太平洋舰队未来几年将获四艘潜艇 其中包括“北风之神”
中新网10月27日电 据俄罗斯卫星网27日报道,俄太平洋舰队潜艇部队司令部参谋长阿尔卡季·纳瓦尔斯基表示,未来几年,太平洋舰队将获得四艘潜艇,包括2艘955型“北风之神-A”和885M型“白蜡树-M”核潜艇。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网多伦多10月26日电 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省高等法院的法官已经签发法庭令,要求加拿大皇家骑警归还在拘押孟晚舟时没收的物品。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 据美国中文网报道,由于美国公众对新冠病毒德尔塔变种的焦虑似乎已经减弱,美国消费者信心指数在连续三个月下降后于10月出现上升,这一增长令分析师感到惊讶,他们原本普遍预期会出现连续第四次下降。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
95岁英女王将不出席格拉斯哥气候大会 将遵医嘱休养
中新网10月27日电 综合报道,当地时间26日,英国白金汉宫表示,英女王伊丽莎白二世将遵照医嘱休养,不会出席下周在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候变化大会(COP26)。几天前,英女王曾入院一晚,进行“初步检查”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社首尔10月27日电 (记者 刘旭)韩国政府当地时间27日通过国务会议审议,决定为已故前总统卢泰愚举行国葬。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国近630万儿童感染新冠 俄罗斯新增死亡病例数现新高
(抗击新冠肺炎)美国近630万儿童感染新冠 俄罗斯新增死亡病例数现新高
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社北京10月27日电 题:美式“公平竞争”不公平
Source: 中新网国际新闻
韩国8月新生儿数量再创新低 人口连续22个月减少
中新网10月27日电 据韩媒报道,韩国8月份新生儿数量再次创下同月历史新低。此外,因死亡人口多于出生人口,韩国总人口已连续22个月减少。8月结婚对数也创下同月最低水平。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 综合希腊《中希时报》、路透社报道,当地时间10月26日清晨,一艘载有27名非法移民的偷渡船,在希腊北部的希俄斯岛东南海岸翻船沉没。事件造成4人溺亡,包括1名妇女和3名年龄在3岁至14岁之间的孩童,死者遗体已被找到,另有一人失踪。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新冠死亡数或将激增 希腊多地取消传统国庆游行
中新网10月27日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,当地时间10月26日晚,希腊国家公共卫生组织宣布,过去24小时,希腊新增4165例新冠确诊病例,累计确诊达724571例;新增25例死亡病例,累计死亡达15707例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社利雅得10月26日电(记者胡冠 王海洲)麦纳麦消息:巴林国家防治新冠病毒医疗工作组26日宣布,从27日开始,巴林所有年龄在3岁至11岁的儿童将可以登记接种两剂中国国药集团新冠灭活疫苗。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 据日本放送协会(NHK)报道,26日,日本经济产业省表示,预计2021年冬天,日本全国电力需求高峰时刻,或出现供给余力不足的情况,将迎十年来最严峻时刻。日本呼吁家庭和企业尽可能节约能源。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Behind power grabs in Sudan and Tunisia, the shadow of Gulf monarchies
A trio of Arab autocracies — Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE — find themselves on the winning side of recent anti-democratic power plays.
Source: World | 28 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)
新华社联合国10月26日电 中国常驻联合国副代表耿爽26日在第76届联大国际法周任意拘押问题视频边会上发言指出,美国在任意拘押方面劣迹斑斑,孟晚舟事件是典型的任意拘押。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 日本第49届众议院选战接近尾声。据日本共同社报道,根据调查,日本自民党在小选区和比例代表方面均表现坚挺。与公明党合计后的执政党议席数,或拿下达到可实现国会稳定运营的“绝对稳定多数”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社海牙10月26日电 综述:荷兰“解封”后新冠疫情反弹严重
Source: 中新网国际新闻
韩国将为前总统卢泰愚举行国葬 国务总理表哀悼
中新网10月27日电 据韩媒报道,韩国国务总理金富谦27日在国务会议开场白中表示,政府决定为已故前总统卢泰愚举行国葬。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 据俄罗斯卫星网27日报道,德国外长马斯称,如果苏丹的“军事政变”不立即停止,德国将不会在柏林协调的国际义务框架内,为苏丹提供支持。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 综合报道,根据福布斯富豪榜的最新数据,特斯拉CEO、全球首富马斯克的财富超过2500亿美元,彭博亿万富豪榜的数据则显示马斯克的财富超过2800亿美元。福布斯新闻网称,马斯克的财富接近3000亿美元,是历史上最富有的人。而且,马斯克可能很快成为第一个身价超3000亿美元的人。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
加拿大新一届内阁就职 外长、防长及卫生部长均易人
中新社多伦多10月26日电 (记者 余瑞冬)加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多率领的联邦政府新一届内阁10月26日在渥太华宣誓就职。外长、防长等多个重要职位均作出人员调整。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社柏林10月27日电 (记者 彭大伟)针对中国正式提出申请加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(CPTPP)后,是否对CPTPP成员国申请加入亚投行持开放态度的问题,亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)行长兼董事会主席金立群26日向中新社记者回应称,亚投行欢迎世界银行和亚洲开发银行的任何成员申请加入,大门始终是敞开的。他同时强调,亚投行如今已经是一家成熟的机构,他不再需要反复地“做广告”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社柏林10月27日电 布拉格消息:中国驻捷克大使馆官网26日刊登了使馆发言人就台湾地区所谓经贸考察团在捷克活动答记者问。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
世界首枚邮票“黑便士”将拍卖 估价高达600万英镑(图)
中新网10月27日电 据“中央社”报道,当地时间26日,苏富比拍卖行表示,全世界第一款邮票“黑便士”(Penny Black)即将进行拍卖,预计落槌价可高达600万英镑。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
疫情形势严峻 美国将韩国旅行安全预警上调至三级
中新网10月27日电 据韩国国际广播电台(KBS)27日报道,美国国务院近期将韩国旅行安全预警上调至三级,即“重新考虑是否出行”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美丹佛动物园11只狮子感染新冠 出现轻微症状
中新网10月27日电 据美国中文网27日报道,近日,美国丹佛动物园的11只狮子新冠病毒检测呈阳性。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月27日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,当地时间26日,德国总统施泰因迈尔在政府卸任仪式上将任期结束通知,正式交给担任了德国总理16年之久的默克尔。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
苏丹政变后示威活动持续 军方称将组建新的文职政府
中新网10月27日电 综合报道,当地时间26日,苏丹政变进入第二天,首都喀土穆等地的道路被封锁,商店关闭,电话中断。当天,苏丹武装部队总司令布尔汉表示,将组建新的文职政府管理国家。相关机构一旦成立,国家紧急状态将被取消。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
疫情再度反弹给欧洲出难题 连俊
Source: 中新网国际新闻
加拿大新政府宣誓就职 特鲁多带全体成员与媒体见面
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
科技日报北京10月26日电 (记者张梦然)交通部门的碳减排对于全球减排工作至关重要。英国《自然·气候变化》杂志25日发表新加坡学者的研究指出,中国高速铁路网在2008年至2016年间的扩张,极大降低了交通运输行业的碳排放。该研究显示,减排的实现主要是因为高铁网释放了传统铁路的运输能力,从而让货物运输从公路运输改为传统铁路运输。该研究被认为是“分析高铁系统对温室气体减排作用的首个贡献”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
科技日报北京10月26日电 (记者刘霞)据物理学家组织网24日报道,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)日前表示,计划今年年底前执行的“阿尔忒弥斯1”号任务又被推迟到2022年2月,这是美国重返月球的第一步。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
遥感技术揭示跨两千年古迹布局 有助理解人类早期文明
科技日报北京10月26日电 (记者张梦然)据英国《自然·人类行为》杂志25日发表的一项研究,美国科学家利用遥感技术对跨度两千年时间里的463个古迹,覆盖84516平方公里的建筑和遗址布局进行了可视化。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
苏丹之乱 究竟谁是背后黑手?
苏丹之乱究竟谁是背后黑手?军方领导人:苏丹处于危险关头 需要团结
Source: 中新网国际新闻
德防长称可对俄进行核威慑 俄方痛批:完全是“幻想”
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网首尔10月26日电 (记者 刘旭)城市在可持续发展中的角色越来越受重视,为积极应对疫情结束后也会持续的气候危机,当地时间26日至27日,首尔市政府在线上举办“2021年应对气候变化全球城市市长论坛”,与全球各座城市共享为应对气候危机所做的努力,促进为通过低碳发展应对气候变化的国际合作。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月26日电 据日本共同社报道,当地时间26日晚,针对日本自民党副总裁麻生太郎“大米因气候变暖变好吃”言论引发的争议,日本首相岸田文雄表示道歉。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月26日电 据法新社报道,当地时间26日,苏丹军方领导人布尔汉表示,于前一天在政变中被软禁的该国过渡总理哈姆杜克“在我家”,并称其健康状况良好。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月26日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,当地时间26日,俄罗斯总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫针对25日发生的苏丹政变表示:苏丹局势应由苏丹人民自己解决。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
UN, US sanction Libyan official over human trafficking
The United Nations Security Council and the United States have imposed sanctions on a Libyan official over the alleged abuse and torture of migrants in a detention center
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 10:19 pm(NZT)
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, was target of organized hate campaign on Twitter, report says
After analyzing 114,000 tweets related to Harry and Meghan, an analytics company identified 83 accounts that it said were behind 70 percent of the more virulently anti-Sussex tweets.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 10:05 pm(NZT)
The strange backdrop to the G-20: a Roman neighborhood built as a fascist showpiece
Designed for the canceled the 1942 World’s Fair, EUR gets its moment in the spotlight eight decades later.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 10:00 pm(NZT)
Australia is fighting fire with fire, but running out of time
Hazard reduction burns are aimed at reducing the chance of a wildfire, or at least slowing one. But in this chess game with Mother Nature, humans have put themselves at a disadvantage.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 10:00 pm(NZT)
India’s top court probes spying charges against government
India’s top court has established a committee of experts to probe accusations that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government used Israeli military-grade spyware to monitor political opponents, journalists and activists
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 9:25 pm(NZT)
Sudan arrests 3 activist as pressure mounts on military
Sudanese activists say security forces have detained three prominent pro-democracy activists
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 9:09 pm(NZT)
In Somalia, a rare female artist promotes images of peace
Among the once-taboo professions emerging from Somalia’s decades of conflict and Islamic extremism is the world of arts, and a 21-year-old female painter has faced more opposition than most
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 9:04 pm(NZT)
Putin has pledged carbon neutrality by 2060. He claims Russia’s forests will do much of the work.
But climate experts question the numbers and the science Russia may pitch at the U.N. climate conference.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 9:00 pm(NZT)
Trudeau picks ex-Greenpeace activist dubbed ‘Green Jesus’ as climate chief, angering Canada’s oil-rich west
Steven Guilbeault worked for environment advocacy groups for more than a decade and once denounced then-president George W. Bush as a “climate killer.”
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 8:50 pm(NZT)
Hiroshima atomic bombing survivor Sunao Tsuboi dies at 96
Sunao Tsuboi, a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing who made opposing nuclear weapons the message of his life, including in a meeting with President Barack Obama in 2016, has died
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 8:44 pm(NZT)
Countries are reopening borders. But China isn’t ready to live with the coronavirus.
With the Olympics and political pageantry coming up, Beijing is showing no sign that it is prepared to begin treating the virus as endemic.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 7:56 pm(NZT)
India’s Supreme Court orders independent probe following Pegasus Project investigation
The Indian government has refused to confirm if it bought the Israeli spyware that was used to hack journalists and activists.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 7:32 pm(NZT)
Officials say cyberattack crippled gas stations across Iran
Iran has been a frequent target of cyberattacks, including state-sponsored efforts and hacks attributed to shadowy anti-government groups.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 5:06 am(NZT)
Sudan’s military has taken over. Here’s what to know about who’s in charge.
Over two years after a popular uprising set Sudan on the road to change, the military has seized power and detained the country’s civilian prime minister.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 3:22 am(NZT)
Huma Abedin: Clinton aide details sex assault by US senator
In a new book, Huma Abedin says she was assaulted after a senator invited her into his home.
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 3:28 pm
Covid: Australia to end ban on citizens leaving country
For the first time in 19 months, Australians will not need an exemption to travel overseas.
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 3:19 pm
Moldova: Russia threatens gas supply in Europe’s poorest state
Moldova has made history by buying gas from somewhere other than Russia. How will the Kremlin react?
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 2:55 pm
Sudan coup: Why the army is gambling with the future
The generals fear they are at risk if civilian rule demands accountability, argues Alex de Waal.
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 2:15 pm
Lebanon: Beirut violence fuels fears of return to civil war
A deadly flare-up shows how Lebanon’s festering tensions could spiral into all-out conflict again.
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 1:47 pm
Hollywood co-owners attend first Wrexham game
Wrexham’s Hollywood co-owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney choose a Tuesday evening in Maidenhead to watch their club in action for the first time.
Source: BBC News – Home | 27 Oct 2021 | 1:44 pm
Officials say cyberattack crippled gas stations across Iran
Iran has been a frequent target of cyberattacks, including state-sponsored efforts and hacks attributed to shadowy anti-government groups.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 5:06 am(NZT)
The indisputable harm caused by Facebook
“These documents leave little room for doubt about Facebook’s crucial role in advancing the cause of authoritarianism in America and around the world.”
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)
Australia pivots on climate with 2050 net zero target, but won’t adopt steeper 2030 commitment
The nation, one of the top per capita emitters, had faced criticism for resisting firmer action against global warming.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 5:00 am(NZT)
Sudan’s military has taken over. Here’s what to know about who’s in charge.
Over two years after a popular uprising set Sudan on the road to change, the military has seized power and detained the country’s civilian prime minister.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 3:22 am(NZT)
Floods, flames and heat: Images of this year’s extreme weather offer a stark backdrop for COP26 climate summit
Scientists say the impact of climate change is no longer an abstraction.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 3:00 am(NZT)
France looted treasures from West Africa 130 years ago. Now 26 prized artifacts are going back to Benin.
The items include 19th century thrones, sacred altars and royal statues and are part of an estimated 90,000 items from sub-saharan Africa currently in France.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 2:29 am(NZT)
Sudan’s revolutionaries vow to resist military’s power grab
After three years of pushing for a democratic transition, activists watched years of progress seemingly disappear in one sudden move by the military.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 1:33 am(NZT)
Iran’s role in attack on U.S. troops in Syria signals new escalation
Iranian media outlets are gloating over the drone strike on the Tanf base, warning that further attacks may follow.
Source: World | 27 Oct 2021 | 12:10 am(NZT)
Familiar drive pushes migrant caravan through Mexico
After three days of walking along a scorching highway in southern Mexico, a couple thousand migrants decided to rest here, receive medical attention for badly blistered feet, wash clothing in the river and doze in any shade they could find
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 11:34 pm(NZT)
Sudan’s prime minister, detained after coup, returns home
The office of Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok says he and his wife, who were detained after the military seized power, were allowed to return to their home in Khartoum
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 11:05 pm(NZT)
Sudan strongman is seen as an insider with powerful allies
Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, who led this week’s coup in Sudan, has vowed to usher the country to an elected government
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 9:59 pm(NZT)
Trudeau overhauls Canadian Cabinet, gives women top roles
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has overhauled his Cabinet and named prominent women to the foreign affairs and defense posts in the gender-balanced group of the government’s top officials
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 9:47 pm(NZT)
Iraqi officials: 11 killed in IS attack northeast of Baghdad
Iraqi security officials say at least 11 civilians have been killed and several wounded in an attack by gunmen of the Islamic State extremist group on a village northeast of Baghdad
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 9:42 pm(NZT)
What is donovanosis? So-called ‘flesh-eating’ STI sparks fears in Britain, but case numbers are low.
Doctors in Britain are concerned about the extremely rare but “terrible” sexually transmitted infection that can raise the risk of contracting HIV.
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 9:35 pm(NZT)
Pablo Escobar’s ‘cocaine hippos’ are legally people, U.S. court rules
The federal ruling is believed to be the first of its kind in the United States. Legal analysts say it has no direct effect in Colombia.
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 8:31 pm(NZT)
Bucking tradition, Japanese Princess Mako marries controversial fiance, loses royal status
Despite massive online criticism and exile from the imperial family, Mako still called Kei Komuro “irreplaceable.”
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 8:07 pm(NZT)
Australia proposes parental consent for children under 16 on social media
The bill would also strengthen the protection of people’s personal information.
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 7:12 pm(NZT)
Queen Elizabeth II announces she will no longer attend COP26 summit in person
Though the queen is back working after a hospital visit, she is confined to “light duties” and will not be traveling to Glasgow.
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 6:44 pm(NZT)
France sets minimum book delivery fee in effort to protect independent stores from Amazon
During the pandemic, France sought to save independent bookstores by reimbursing delivery fees and classifying them as essential businesses.
Source: World | 26 Oct 2021 | 6:02 pm(NZT)