美国累计确诊病例数超4433万 悉尼时隔约4个月后解除封锁
(抗击新冠肺炎)美国累计确诊病例数超4433万 悉尼时隔约4个月后解除封锁
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 据希腊《中希时报》10日报道,希腊一男子偷盗摩托车后逃往该国中部的南皮利翁市,并闯入前妻家进行破坏。日前,希腊当地法庭认定该男子摩托车盗窃罪等罪名成立。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社金边10月11日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)为重振受到新冠肺炎疫情冲击的旅游业,柬埔寨官方成立跨多个部门的专门委员会,统一管理和发展生态旅游社区。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
秘鲁累计确诊218万 将先为50万名医务人员接种加强针
中新网10月11日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,秘鲁卫生部10月10日发布的新冠疫情数据显示,与前一日报告相比,新增检测32283次,新增新冠肺炎确诊病例675例,其中过去24小时新增病例为408例,累计确诊病例达到2184264例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社北京10月11日电 综合新华社驻华盛顿、喀布尔记者报道:美国国务院10日说,美政府跨部门代表团与阿富汗塔利班高级代表9日至10日在卡塔尔首都多哈举行会晤,双方的谈判“坦率且专业”。阿富汗方面表示,完全履行塔利班同美方此前在多哈达成的“和平协议”是解决问题的最佳途径,对阿人道主义援助问题不应与政治问题挂钩。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,当地时间10月10日晚,希腊国家公共卫生组织宣布,过去24小时,希腊新增1358例新冠确诊病例,累计确诊达676799例;新增30例死亡病例,累计死亡达15135例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
日本航空自卫队1架F-2座舱盖脱落 战机紧急着陆
中新网10月11日电 据日媒报道,当地时间10日下午,在日本福冈县朝仓市附近,1架隶属航空自卫队筑城基地的F-2战机在飞行时,覆盖驾驶舱的座舱盖脱落。该机随后在筑城基地紧急着陆,1名飞行员未受伤。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社德黑兰10月10日电(记者王守宝 高文成)伊朗原子能组织主席穆罕默德·伊斯拉米10日说,伊朗达到低浓铀上限即20%丰度浓缩铀的库存已超过120公斤。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社昆明10月11日电 题:世界期待引领全球生物多样性治理的“昆明时刻”
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社金边10月11日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)柬埔寨政府发言人帕西潘11日指出,柬埔寨政府已正式通过公共发展项目投资法规,以吸引私人企业参与基础设施和公共服务项目投资,缓解政府财政压力和优惠贷款日益减少的难题。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
“我们留下来”!担忧脱欧 波兰超10万人举行游行
中新网10月11日电 综合报道,波兰宪法法院日前裁决,欧盟法律的某些条文与波兰宪法“抵触”。此举引发批评和担忧。当地时间10日,波兰100多个城镇和国外的几个城市举行了反脱欧示威活动,仅首都华沙就有大约10万人上街。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
In U.S.-China clash, Taiwan takes center stage
Whether the defense of Taiwan should be a red line for the United States is emerging as one of the dominant foreign policy debates in Washington.
Source: World | 12 Oct 2021 | 5:01 am(NZT)
变电站起火引发停电 致日本首都圈铁路大规模停运
中新网10月11日电 据香港《文汇报》报道,10日,日本东京首都圈最少10条日本铁路(JR)线路,包括被视为东京交通“大动脉”的山手线,突然因为无预警停电全数停驶。JR东日本表示,事件与一个变电站火警有关。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
印度面临电力危机:严重缺煤燃料短缺 首都恐断电
中新网10月11日电 据外媒报道,近来,印度严重缺煤燃料短缺而面临着电力危机,首都恐遭遇断电。针对这一情况,印度煤炭部10日发表声明称,该国有充足的煤炭库存满足电力部门的需求。印度电力部还表示,已吩咐石油部协助供应天然气,以使德里的两个发电厂能运行。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网柏林10月11日电 (记者 彭大伟)2021智能交通世界大会(ITS World Congress)当地时间11日在德国汉堡开幕。该大会是全球最大的智能交通系统领域盛会,预计将有来自130多个国家的400个专业参展商和15000多名参观者参与本届大会。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 据俄罗斯卫星网11日报道,法国马赛医院公卫当局称,一名男子出示法国总统马克龙的健康码进入了马赛市内的一家医院。随后不久,该男子被赶往现场的警察逮捕。这名男子交了罚款并获释。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 据美国中文网报道,美国传染病学专家安东尼#8226;福奇10日表示,尽管新冠疫情仍在持续,但今年儿童应该能够安全地进行万圣节的“不给糖就捣蛋”(trick-or-treat)活动。他还表示,在短时间内不会强制要求国内航班旅客打疫苗。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 据“中央社”报道,一名高阶警官10日透露,被控“飞车撞死农民”的印度高官之子遭到逮捕。在此前的一场抗议活动中,印度家庭事务部次长米什拉之子阿西什的车队冲撞示威群众,造成其中4人丧生。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网10月11日电 综合报道,奥地利总理库尔茨近日卷入贪腐丑闻,正接受当局调查。当地时间9日晚,他宣布辞去总理职务,并提名现任外交部长沙伦贝格接班。不过,库尔茨否认相关指控,强调辞职是为了保证国家稳定,他仍将以人民党议会领袖的身份活跃在政坛。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社华盛顿10月10日电 美国明尼苏达州圣保罗市一家酒吧10日凌晨发生枪击事件,造成1人死亡、14人受伤。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
秋季风暴将横扫美中西部 中部地区200万人受影响
中新网10月11日电 综合美媒消息,气象预报显示,秋季风暴将横扫美国西部和中部地区,西部山上将出现大量降雪,中部则是气候恶劣,恐怕还会出现龙卷风。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
塔利班警告美勿破坏阿政府稳定 拒绝合作打击IS
中新网10月11日电 综合报道,10日,阿富汗塔利班与美国政府代表结束在卡塔尔多哈连续两天的会谈。这是自美军8月底撤出阿富汗以来双方首次面对面对话。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
捷克总统泽曼入住重症监护病房 恐影响组阁谈判
中新网10月11日电 综合报道,当地时间10月10日,捷克总统泽曼突然被送进重症监护病房(ICU),其主治医生表示暂不能公开其诊断结果。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
巴“核弹之父”染新冠后离世 被西方视作危险人物
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
伊拉克举行新一届国民议会选举 能治愈其政治顽疾吗?
伊拉克举行新一届国民议会选举 能治愈其政治顽疾吗?
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
死亡病例突破70万 疫情持续肆虐美政府呼吁民众接种疫苗
疫情持续肆虐美政府呼吁民众接种疫苗 死亡病例突破70万
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
“潜艇危机”风波未平 欧盟与澳大利亚推迟贸易谈判
欧盟与澳大利亚推迟贸易谈判 “潜艇危机”风波未平
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新模型评估办公室和学校新冠病毒传染风险 结果表明通风非常重要
新模型可评估办公室和学校新冠病毒传染风险 结果表明通风非常重要
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社纽约10月10日电 美国明尼苏达州首府圣保罗市10日发生一起大规模枪击案,造成1人死亡、14人受伤。警方形容现场“如地狱般”令人毛骨悚然。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
当地时间10月10日,捷克总统泽曼的主治医师米罗斯拉夫·扎沃拉尔(Miroslav Zavoral)在一场新闻发布会上称,泽曼已进入重症监护病房接受治疗,并表示目前尚不能公开其诊断结果。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社莫斯科10月10日电 综合俄媒体消息,俄罗斯一架L-410轻型飞机10日在俄鞑靼斯坦共和国境内坠毁,造成16人遇难。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
韩国执政党总统候选人出炉 京畿道知事李在明当选
中新社首尔10月10日电 (记者 刘旭)韩国执政党共同民主党的第20届大选党内初选于当地时间10日结束,京畿道知事李在明当选民主党总统候选人,他将代表执政党参与2022年韩国总统大选。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社马尼拉10月10日电 (记者 关向东)中国驻菲律宾使馆与菲律宾中国和平统一促进会10日共同举办纪念辛亥革命110周年线上座谈会。与会者表示,中国早日实现完全统一,既是不可抗拒的历史潮流,也是海内外中华儿女的最大心愿。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
印尼超1亿人接种新冠疫苗 日增确诊和死亡病例创15个月来新低
中新社雅加达10月10日电 (记者 林永传)据印尼卫生部10日公布的数据,截至当天该国已有超1亿人接种了新冠疫苗。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社金边10月10日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)柬埔寨商业部10日消息称,目前柬政府正在制定和完善相关政策、法律、法规和措施,以加快电子商务领域快速发展。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Early results show record low turnout in Iraq election
Iraq’s electoral committee says preliminary results show turnout from Sunday’s election was 41 percent
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 8:02 pm(NZT)
Huge fire breaks out at oil facility in southern Lebanon
State media reports that a huge fire has broken out at an oil facility in southern Lebanon
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:50 pm(NZT)
Police: TV reporter killed in bomb attack in Pakistan
Pakistan’s police say a roadside bomb has killed a regional television reporter in the country’s southwest
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:44 pm(NZT)
Afghan soldier who killed 3 Australians released by Qatar
Officials say an Afghan army deserter who murdered three Australian soldiers has been released from custody in Qatar and his whereabouts are not known
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:40 pm(NZT)
A bird stars in rare feel-good tale about Afghan evacuations
A small bird rescued from Kabul by a French diplomat is starring in a rare, feel-good tale about evacuations from Afghanistan
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:21 pm(NZT)
Record number of people attempt to cross the border between Poland and Belarus, officials say
A record number of people attempted to cross the border between Poland and Belarus Saturday, amid accusations that Belarus is facilitating migration to the European Union’s eastern border.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:34 am
What we learned this week in the trial of Elizabeth Holmes
The fifth week of the trial of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes brought another big name witness to the stand, as well as the conclusion of a crucial witness’s testimony that had lasted nearly half the length of the trial so far.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:56 am
This gay man hid from the Taliban in a Kabul basement. Now he has hope for a better life
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 11 Oct 2021 | 12:28 am
Russian plane crashes, 16 killed
A plane carrying a group of parachute jumpers crashed in the Russian region of Tatarstan on Sunday, killing 16 people and injuring six, the Emergencies Ministry said.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 10 Oct 2021 | 11:56 pm
Facebook will now ban the sale of protected Amazon rainforest land on Marketplace
Facebook is cracking down on the ability of people to use its e-commerce platforms to sell large parcels of land in the protected Amazon rainforest.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Oct 2021 | 8:09 am
136 countries agree to minimum corporate tax rate after Ireland drops its opposition
Ireland has dropped its opposition to a global treaty that would tax large multinationals at a minimum rate of 15% and require companies to pay taxes in the countries where they make money.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 9 Oct 2021 | 6:53 am
Dramatic images show Hong Kong scaffolding collapse
One person has died after a large scaffolding collapse in Hong Kong in the city’s Happy Valley residential area, according to the public broadcaster RTHK.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 8 Oct 2021 | 6:02 pm
World’s best restaurant for 2021 revealed
The gentle clink of glasses, the low hum of conversation, the soft lights and appetite-whetting scents.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 8 Oct 2021 | 1:36 am
India’s $99 billion man is opening the country’s first 7-Eleven
India’s richest man is bringing 7-Eleven to the country, adding the convenience store chain to a sprawling business empire that spans energy, chemicals, retail and telecommunications.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 8 Oct 2021 | 1:23 am
Playboy features first openly gay man on cover
Bretman Rock has donned Playboy’s famed bunny ears and become the first out gay man to star on its cover.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 6 Oct 2021 | 5:12 am
France beat Spain to become second Nations League winners
Kylian Mbappe hit a contentious winner as France came from behind to beat Spain and become the second team to win the Nations League.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 10:44 am(NZT)
Pope Francis launches consultation on Church reform
The pontiff says he wants to hear from ordinary Catholics and for the Church to be open to change.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 10:20 am(NZT)
Mass protests in Poland amid EU law controversy
Demonstrations backing EU membership take place nationwide amid fears Poland could leave the bloc.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 10:15 am(NZT)
US couple accused of selling nuclear submarine secrets
A US Navy nuclear engineer and his wife allegedly sold the secret data to an undercover FBI agent.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 8:42 am(NZT)
NFL London: Atlanta Falcons hold on for 27-20 win over New York Jets
The Atlanta Falcons hold on for a 27-20 victory over the New York Jets as the NFL makes a jubilant return to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 8:12 am(NZT)
Dhoni’s final-over heroics send Chennai into IPL final
Chennai Super Kings qualified for the IPL final by beating table-toppers Delhi Capitals in a final-over thriller.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 7:54 am(NZT)
Bolshoi performer killed in onstage accident during opera
The man was reportedly crushed by a backdrop during a scene change.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 5:18 am(NZT)
Bottas wins in Turkey as Verstappen retakes title lead from Hamilton
Valtteri Bottas wins the Turkish Grand Prix as second place for Max Verstappen returned the Red Bull driver to the championship lead.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:29 am(NZT)
Italy hold off Belgium to claim third place in Nations League
Italy score twice in the second half and withstand a late Belgium fightback to claim third place in the Nations League.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:13 am(NZT)
Iraqis vote in first parliamentary election since 2019 mass protests
The election was brought forward by six months in response to unprecedented nationwide unrest.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:04 am(NZT)
In Iraqi elections triggered by protests, voters only trickle in
The low turnout appeared to reflect the public’s skepticism that the elections can bring change.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:00 am(NZT)
WSL teams show solidarity with NWSL players before Sunday matches
Women’s Super League teams show solidarity with players in the United States who have made sexual misconduct allegations against a coach.
Source: BBC News – Home | 11 Oct 2021 | 3:50 am(NZT)
Czech president admitted to intensive care unit one day after general election
The hospitalization of President Milos Zeman hours after the defeat of his ally Prime Minister Andrej Babis complicates efforts to form a new government.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 3:30 am(NZT)
In Iraqi elections triggered by protests, voters only trickle in
The low turnout appeared to reflect the public’s skepticism that the elections can bring change.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 4:00 am(NZT)
Czech president admitted to intensive care unit one day after general election
The hospitalization of President Milos Zeman hours after the defeat of his ally Prime Minister Andrej Babis complicates efforts to form a new government.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 3:30 am(NZT)
16 killed as parachuting flight crashes in Russia’s Tatarstan region
Six people were reported to be seriously injured. Officials said the plane failed to gain height after takeoff.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 3:09 am(NZT)
Taiwanese president responds to Xi’s call for peaceful reunification: Island will not ‘bow to pressure’
In a National Day speech, Tsai Ing-wen called on the Taiwanese people to renew their commitment to democracy.
Source: World | 11 Oct 2021 | 2:14 am(NZT)
Tropical Storm Pamela forms off Mexico’s Pacific coast
Tropical Storm Pamela has formed off Mexico’s Pacific coast and is expected to strengthen to hurricane status before hitting shore somewhere near the port of Mazatlan at midweek
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 10:28 pm(NZT)
UN, Bangladesh sign deal to aid Rohingya on island
The United Nations and the government of Bangladesh have signed a memorandum of understanding to work together in aiding protection and management of Rohingya refugees on an island in the Bay of Bengal
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 10:04 pm(NZT)
More than 100 Haitians found in trailer in Guatemala as desperate efforts to reach U.S. continue
Authorities said they searched the trailer around dawn after residents heard screams coming from within.
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:44 pm(NZT)
She was ready to die. Now an 11th-hour decision by health officials has halted her euthanasia bid.
Martha Sepúlveda was set to become the first person in majority-Catholic Colombia without a terminal prognosis to die by legally authorized euthanasia. But health officials have canceled the procedure, in a decision she has vowed to fight.
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:24 pm(NZT)
Tunisia protest shows rift over president’s seizure of power
Several thousand demonstrators gathered in central Tunis to protest President Kaïs Saied’s recent consolidation of power, which his critics have called a coup
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 9:01 pm(NZT)
After the Taliban seized their school, Afghanistan’s all-female orchestra tried to flee. Only some escaped.
This month, 102 members of Afghanistan National Institute of Music, including half of the renowned Zohra Orchestra, left the country. But about 180 remain trapped in Kabul.
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 8:24 pm(NZT)
Taliban says US will provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
The Taliban say Washington has agreed to provide humanitarian aid to a desperately poor Afghanistan on the brink of an economic disaster, while refusing to give political recognition to the country’s new rulers
Source: World | 10 Oct 2021 | 8:20 pm(NZT)