南欧九国集团峰会在希腊举行 共同签署《雅典宣言》
中新网9月19日电 据欧联网援引希腊欧联通讯社报道,南欧九国集团峰会9月17日在雅典南郊斯塔夫罗斯·尼亚尔霍斯文化中心(SNFCC)举行,与会领导人呼吁积极应对气候变化和难民挑战,以及维护地中海地区的安全与稳定。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
法国驻澳大利亚大使奉召回国 批评澳方犯下“巨大错误”
中新社巴黎9月19日电 法国驻澳大利亚大使让-皮埃尔·泰博(Jean-Pierre Thebault)18日奉召回国。他在临行前批评澳方在潜艇交易问题上犯下“巨大的错误”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 题:拒绝无理打压,抗疫溯源需要重新拿起“话筒”的科学家
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美媒:美军在喀布尔炸错目标前 CIA警告称区域内或有儿童
美媒:美军在喀布尔炸错目标前 CIA警告称区域内或有儿童
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 综合外媒19日报道,日前,由于澳大利亚撕毁与法国的潜艇合约转而与美英进行合作,法国决定从美国和澳大利亚召回大使。不过,法国没有从英国召回大使,法国外长勒德里昂解释说,因为知道该国的“机会主义政策”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国对外战争频致悲剧 看美军谎言如何一步步被揭穿→
美国对外战争频致悲剧 看美军谎言如何一步步被揭穿→
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 据美媒18日报道,三名知情人士透露,美军8月29日在阿富汗通过无人机对阿富汗首都喀布尔实施空袭时,中央情报局(CIA)曾紧急发出警告,称现场可能有包括儿童在内的平民。只是警告发出太迟,数秒之后,导弹击中汽车,造成十名平民死亡,其中七人是儿童。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
希腊多地现假新冠疫苗证书 卫生部长发警告
中新网9月19日电 据希腊《中希时报》报道,当地时间9月18日晚,希腊国家公共卫生组织宣布,过去24小时,希腊新增2190例新冠确诊病例,累计确诊达629498例;新增死亡病例37例,累计死亡达14433例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
意约20%警察决定不接种疫苗 或致部分工作警力不足
中新网9月19日电 据据欧联通讯社援引欧联网报道,意大利民防部18日报告新增确诊病例4578例,死亡51例。截至当天18时,全国累计确诊病例4632275例,死亡病例130284例,治愈病例4388951例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
吴哥古迹所在地暹粒疫情扩散 多个区域被列“红区”
(抗击新冠肺炎)吴哥古迹所在地暹粒疫情扩散 多个区域被列“红区”
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社吉隆坡9月19日电 题:疫情下的马来西亚中秋:古早味月饼坚守“温暖的感觉”
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美数州新冠确诊激增 医院对有限资源进行“配给”
中新网9月19日电 据外媒19日报道,美国数州的新冠确诊病例近期激增,加上医护人员和设备吃紧,医疗系统不胜负荷,一些医院表明要对有限的资源进行“配给”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中国驻菲大使:赴华航班将发生较大调整 监督航空公司做好退改签
(抗击新冠肺炎)中国驻菲大使:赴华航班将发生较大调整 监督航空公司做好退改签
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国动物确诊新冠事件频发 澳大利亚反封锁示威引发冲突
(抗击新冠肺炎)美国动物确诊新冠事件频发 澳大利亚反封锁示威引发冲突
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 据美国中文网报道,美国国务院18日宣布,又有约30名美国人乘坐包机从阿富汗撤离。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
巴黎圣母院将启动修复工作 2024年有望重新开放
中新网9月19日电 据外媒报道,当地时间18日,法国当局表示,经过几个月的艰苦工作,已经确保巴黎圣母院建筑结构的安全,并准备好进行修复工作,有望在2024年重新开放。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
四人将竞逐日本自民党总裁 日媒:罕见混战局面
中新网9月19日电 综合报道,日本自民党总裁选举将于29日举行投计票,行政改革担当相河野太郎、前政务调查会长岸田文雄、前总务相高市早苗、代理干事长野田圣子四人参与竞逐。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 据美媒报道,当地时间18日,数百人在聚集在美国国会大厦附近,举行示威集会。美国国会警察在社交媒体上说,当天共有四人被捕。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社柏林9月19日电 (记者 彭大伟)18日,在德韩国人协会等团体在柏林举行集会,要求柏林米特区不应屈服于日本政府压力,允许在当地永久保存“慰安妇”雕像。活动还呼吁人们关注包括日军“慰安妇”制度在内的全球女性所遭遇的暴力侵害行为。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 据台湾“联合新闻网”报道,在太空中停留近3天后,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)公司的“全平民太空团”于美东时间18日晚19时左右返回地球,降落在佛州沿岸的大西洋中。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
澳撕毁协议美“抢单” 法国怒批:将影响北约未来
中新网9月19日电 综合报道,澳大利亚放弃向法国购买潜艇,转而与美英合作打造核动力潜艇舰队一事,持续发酵。法外交部批评,此举是对法国的重大失信和背叛,不仅动摇法国,也动摇整个欧洲的信心。法外长还称,“刚刚发生的事情”将影响北约的未来。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月19日电 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,德国将在9月26日举行联邦议会选举,执政近16年的总理默克尔将“告别”。目前,三位主要总理人选中,呼声最高的不是默克尔所属联盟党推举的拉舍特,而是试图将自己塑造成“下一个默克尔”的社会民主党籍的副总理兼财政部长肖尔茨。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华国际时评:美国“回来”了 盟友寒心了
新华国际时评:美国“回来”了 盟友寒心了
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社雅加达9月18日电 (记者 林永传)18日下午,印尼阿拉扎大学孔子学院举办“浓情中秋 与月共舞”线上庆中秋活动,来自该院各教学点近200名师生参加活动。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社北京9月18日电 (记者 余湛奕)中国人民对外友好协会与中朝友好协会17日在北京共同举办庆祝朝鲜民主主义人民共和国成立73周年招待会。中国人民对外友好协会会长林松添和朝鲜驻华大使李龙男分别在招待会上致辞。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
48%日本自民党员支持河野当新总裁 4名候选人公开辩论
中新网9月18日电 据日本共同社报道,当地时间18日,决定日本首相菅义伟接班人的自民党总裁选举候选人:行政改革担当相河野太郎、前政务调查会长岸田文雄、前总务相高市早苗、代理干事长野田圣子,参加了日本记者俱乐部主办的公开讨论会。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社巴黎9月18日电 (记者 李洋)当地时间18日,法国巴黎天气晴朗,秋意盎然。“被包裹的凯旋门”艺术项目当天正式向公众开放。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社伊斯兰堡9月18日电 题:反恐者如何把自己变成恐怖分子?
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美军终于承认“盲杀”平民 总台独家报道早已揭开铁证!
Source: 中新网国际新闻
【国际3分钟】这个日本人在越南妄议中国 得逞了吗?
【国际3分钟】这个日本人在越南妄议中国 得逞了吗?
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
巴黎圣母院第一阶段加固工作结束 修复工作预计冬季启动
巴黎圣母院第一阶段安全加固工作已结束 修复工作预计冬季启动
Source: 中新网国际新闻
全球连线 | 专家:美国中情局文件证实美在朝鲜战争中使用生物武器
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网9月18日电 综合外媒报道,澳大利亚放弃向法国购买潜舰,转而与美英合作打造核动力潜舰舰队后,法国外交部17日宣布召回驻美国与驻澳大利亚大使以表抗议。法国驻澳大使在离开澳大利亚前,愤怒表示澳大利亚犯了一个“巨大的错误”。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
参考快评 | 美澳休想搅局!
Source: 中新网国际新闻
参考消息网9月18日报道 德国《世界趋势》月刊9月号发表题为《啜泣的西方与重新测量世界》的文章,作者为德国国际技术转让协会会长托马斯·邦沙布和德国全球与区域研究所前所长、莱比锡大学教授罗伯特·卡佩尔,全文摘编如下:
Source: 中新网国际新闻
澳大利亚墨尔本和悉尼现反封锁示威 逾200人被捕
中新网9月18日电 据外媒报道,当地时间18日,澳大利亚维多利亚州首府墨尔本和新南威尔士州首府悉尼举行未经当局批准的反封锁示威,示威者与警察发生冲突。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
England and Tottenham legend Greaves dies
World Cup-winning England striker and Tottenham’s record goalscorer Jimmy Greaves dies at the age of 81.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:54 pm(NZT)
Manny Pacquiao: Boxing star to run for Philippines president
Manny Pacquiao is a senator in parliament and remains active in the ring after a successful career.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:03 pm(NZT)
Johannesburg mayor Jolidee Matongo killed in car crash
South Africa’s President Ramaphosa pays tribute to Jolidee Matongo, who died at the age of 46.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 9:13 pm(NZT)
New Zealand warned of ‘specific and credible’ threat in Pakistan
New Zealand Cricket said it took “the only responsible course of action possible” by pulling out of the tour of Pakistan this week.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 7:57 pm(NZT)
Aukus: French minister condemns US and Australia ‘lies’ over security pact
France’s foreign minister accuses its allies of “duplicity” and “contempt” over a new security pact.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 7:41 pm(NZT)
Israel recaptures final Palestinian escapees
The two were part of a six man group who tunnelled out of jail almost two weeks ago.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 6:54 pm(NZT)
Migrants in Texas: Thousands moved to processing centres
More than 10,000 people have gathered under a bridge in Del Rio, a Texas border town.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:28 pm(NZT)
Police outnumber protesters at right-wing Capitol rally
A rally in support of jailed rioters draws a few hundred attendees – and far more press and police.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:05 pm(NZT)
Liam Gallagher shares photo after ‘helicopter fall’
The former Oasis frontman shares an image of his bruised face after playing the Isle of Wight festival.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 3:43 pm(NZT)
History-making space tourists splash down to Earth
The four amateur astronauts landed safely in the Atlantic Ocean after three days orbiting Earth.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 2:50 pm(NZT)
Turkmenistan: Getting Covid in a land where no cases officially exist
People in Turkmenistan are struggling to get treatment in a system that denies there are any cases.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 1:24 pm(NZT)
Ethiopia: Fact-checking misleading images about hunger in Amhara
Food shortages are worsening in Ethiopia but some images online are not what they claim to be.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 1:14 pm(NZT)
Emmy Awards: 7 things to know ahead of the ceremony
That’s one possibility at this year’s event, where Ted Lasso and The Crown are among other nominees.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 1:04 pm(NZT)
Canada election: Why it’s easier to vote in Canada than the US
Things like advanced voting and federally-run elections make it easier for Canadians to vote.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 12:37 pm(NZT)
Afghanistan: The ‘shattered dreams’ of the Ariana cabin crew
The BBC’s Lyse Doucet meets the female crew of Afghanistan’s national airline, who are in hiding.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:34 am(NZT)
Morgan Bullock makes professional debut in Riverdance
Morgan Bullock from Richmond, Virginia, joins the UK touring company of the acclaimed Irish dance show.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:22 am(NZT)
Fake Paralympians boss: ‘I didn’t know about cheating’
The man fined for sending non-disabled athletes to the Sydney Paralympics breaks his silence.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:22 am(NZT)
Get an Eiffel of this performer walking the line in Paris
Nathan Paulin walks along a 70m (230ft) high slackline attached to an iconic French landmark.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:18 am(NZT)
The link between climate change, seaweed and ice cream
Seaweed production has been affected by warming seas – this is how farmers are adapting.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:07 am(NZT)
From Katrina to Ida: How US presidents react to climate change and natural disasters
Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, US presidents have realised the impact of their reactions to extreme weather.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 11:02 am(NZT)
Aukus: French minister condemns US and Australia ‘lies’ over security pact
France’s foreign minister accuses its allies of “duplicity” and “contempt” over a new security pact.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:49 am(NZT)
Fallon Sherrock becomes first woman to reach televised PDC final
Fallon Sherrock becomes the first woman to reach a televised PDC final, but loses to Michael van Gerwen at the Nordic Darts Masters.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:31 am(NZT)
Former pro cyclist Sorensen dies after being hit by vehicle
Danish former professional cyclist Chris Anker Sorensen dies at the age of 37 after being hit by a vehicle during a ride in Belgium, the International Cycling Union (UCI) says.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:17 am(NZT)
Boxer Amir Khan removed from US flight
The Briton was asked to leave the plane at Newark airport after a reported row over face coverings.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 10:07 am(NZT)
Guardiola feels ‘guilty’ after Southampton stalemate
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says he feels “guilty” after his side fail to put on “a show” in Saturday’s goalless draw with Southampton.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 7:59 am(NZT)
Why the French are so furious at the Biden administration over a derailed submarine deal
The French diplomatic response has been unusual in its public bluntness.
Source: World | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:36 am(NZT)
Yemen Houthi rebels execute 9 over senior official’s killing
Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they have executed nine people for their alleged involvement in the killing of a senior Houthi official in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition more than three years ago
Source: World | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:24 am(NZT)
Indonesia’s most wanted militant killed in jungle shootout
Indonesia’s military says security forces have killed the country’s most wanted militant with ties to the Islamic State group
Source: World | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:03 am(NZT)
Italy will likely hold a referendum on decriminalizing cannabis next year
Italy will likely decide whether or not to decriminalize cannabis in a referendum next year, after campaign groups managed to gather the required 500,000 signatures in a week.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 19 Sep 2021 | 1:23 am
Afghanistan: Girls excluded as Afghan secondary schools reopen
“Everything looks very dark,” a schoolgirl tells the BBC as schools reopen for boys but not girls.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 6:45 am(NZT)
Superb Odegaard free-kick helps Arsenal beat Burnley for second win of season
Martin Odegaard’s sweetly struck free-kick earns Arsenal their second Premier League win of the season at the expense of Burnley, who remain winless.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:31 am(NZT)
Manchester City 0-0 Southampton: Shot-shy Man City fortunate to draw with Saints
A strangely shot-shy Manchester City cannot find a way through a resolute Southampton and are fortunate to get a draw at a noisy Etihad Stadium.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:23 am(NZT)
Bayern Munich 7-0 VfL Bochum: Hosts cruise past back to the top
Bayern Munich hammer VfL Bochum 7-0 to move to the top of the German Bundesliga.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 4:15 am(NZT)
Liverpool 3-0 Crystal Palace: Reds remain unbeaten as Sadio Mane scores 100th goal
Liverpool remain unbeaten in the Premier League this season after Sadio Mane scores his 100th goal for the club in a victory against Crystal Palace.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 3:57 am(NZT)
Thousands of migrants gather at US-Mexico border crossing
At least 10,000 people are camped under the bridge at the US-Mexico border, in poor conditions.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 1:08 am(NZT)
Unsafe water failures ‘put 900,000 people at risk’
Unsafe water entered the public drinking water supply in Ireland at two water treatment plants.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 12:59 am(NZT)
Australia beat South Africa again to revive Rugby Championship hopes
Australia secure their second successive win over world champions South Africa in the Rugby Championship.
Source: BBC News – Home | 19 Sep 2021 | 12:59 am(NZT)
Aukus: France recalls envoys amid security pact row
The “exceptional decision” follows a pact between Australia, the US and UK, which scuppered a French deal.
Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Sep 2021 | 11:16 pm(NZT)
Gabby Petito: Fiance Brian Laundrie goes missing too
Brian Laundrie, a person of interest in the disappearance of Gabby Petito, has gone missing.
Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Sep 2021 | 8:00 pm(NZT)
Brazil legend Pele says he is ‘recovering very well’ after surgery
Brazil legend Pele says he is “recovering well” from a recent operation after briefly being readmitted to intensive care.
Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Sep 2021 | 6:35 pm(NZT)
Robert Durst convicted: US millionaire found guilty of first-degree murder
Durst was convicted of killing his best friend Susan Berman in 2000, and is likely to die in prison.
Source: BBC News – Home | 18 Sep 2021 | 5:08 pm(NZT)