US couple dies of Covid-19, leaving five kids behind. Their newborn is 3 weeks old
美国夫妇死于 Covid-19,留下五个孩子。 他们的新生儿只有 3 周大。
Davy Macias, 37, was intubated and dying of complications from Covid-19 when doctors helped her give birth to her daughter. She would never see her baby.
37 岁的戴维·马西亚斯(Davy Macias)在医生帮助下她生下女儿时因 Covid-19 并发症而被插管并死亡。 她再也见不到她的孩子了。
Her husband, Daniel Macias, 39, would only get a brief glimpse of their child because he, too, was hospitalised after contracting the virus.
她的丈夫、39 岁的丹尼尔·马西亚斯(Daniel Macias)只能瞟了一眼他们的孩子,因为他也感染了病毒而住院。
According to Davy’s sister-in-law, Terri Serey, Daniel waited to name the baby girl because he believed he and his wife would walk out of the hospital alive to introduce the newborn to their four other children, the eldest age 7 and the youngest, 2.
据戴维的嫂子特丽·塞雷说,丹尼尔等待给女婴取名是因为他相信他和妻子会活着走出医院,把新生儿介绍给其他四个孩子,最大的 7 岁,最小的2岁。
But about a week after the baby was born, Davy died. Two weeks later, so did Daniel.
但是在婴儿出生后大约一周,戴维就去世了。 两周后,丹尼尔也去世了。
The deaths of Davy and Daniel Macias echo the story of Lydia and Lawrence Rodriguez, a Texas couple who last month died weeks apart from each other, leaving behind four children. Neither parent was vaccinated; before she died, Lydia Rodriguez asked her family to make sure her children received the vaccine.
戴维 (Davy) 和丹尼尔·马西亚斯 (Daniel Macias) 的死与莉迪亚 (Lydia) 和劳伦斯·罗德里格斯 (Lawrence Rodriguez) 的故事相呼应,这对德克萨斯夫妇上个月彼此相隔数周去世,留下四个孩子。 父母双方均未接种疫苗; 在她去世之前,莉迪亚罗德里格斯要求她的家人确保她的孩子接种疫苗。
As news circulated about the couple’s deaths, Serey said strangers have reached out to her and her husband – Davy’s brother, Vong – to ask whether they should take the vaccine.
随着关于这对夫妇死亡的消息传开,Serey 说陌生人已经联系她和她的丈夫——戴维的兄弟 Vong——询问他们是否应该接种疫苗。
“They ask me questions about side effects,” Serey said. “It’s interesting, because people want somebody to give them the answer.”
“他们问我关于副作用的问题,”Serey 说。 “这很有趣,因为人们希望有人给他们答案。”
她的回答? “我不认识任何人死于疫苗,但我确实认识死于 Covid 的人。”
Serey said she does not know whether Davy had regrets about not taking the coronavirus vaccine, but she did get the impression that Davy didn’t believe she’d get seriously ill.
“I don’t believe that she really thought it was going to get that bad.”
英文来源:The Washington Post