
新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选

今天 新西兰疫情新闻发布会。 我们所知道的情况:

* 新西兰从西班牙获得了超过25万剂的辉瑞(Pfizer)疫苗。 他们定于明天到达。
* 今天新增13个社区病例,都在奥克兰。
* 今天的病例中有 7 起与集群有关,6 起仍在调查中。
* 31 人因 Covid 住院,其中 6 人在 ICU,3 人使用呼吸机。
* 该集群中现在有 868 例病例——奥克兰 256 例已经康复,惠灵顿 9 例已经康复。

And that’s it for today’s press conference. Here’s what we learned:
* New Zealand is getting more than a quarter of a million Pfizer doses from Spain. They are due to arrive tomorrow.
* There are 13 community cases to report, all are in Auckland.
* Seven of today’s cases are linked to the cluster, six are still under investigation.
* 31 people are in hospital with Covid, of these six are in ICU and three on ventilators.
* There are now 868 cases in this cluster – 256 cases in Auckland have recovered, and nine in Wellington have recovered.


Vaccine update: 

To date, 4.1 million doses have been administered nationwide – this is made up of 2.7m first doses and 1.3m second doses.

Yesterday, 48,491 first doses were administered and 18,444 second doses.

Jacinda Ardern has announced the first of two deals intended to keep the pace of vaccinations high throughout September.


迄今为止,全国已接种了 410 万剂——包括 270 万剂第一剂和 130 万剂第二剂。

昨天,共48,491人注射了 第一剂和 18,444 人注射了 第二剂。

Jacinda Ardern 宣布了旨在在整个 9 月保持高疫苗接种速度的两项交易中的第一项。


Covid-19 live: Jacinda Ardern and Ashley Bloomfield to provide an update on the Delta situation at 1pm

Covid-19 直播:Jacinda Ardern 和 Ashley Bloomfield 在下午 1 点提供有关Delta疫情的最新消息

Ardern is sharing details of additional vaccines en route to New Zealand. But first to Bloomfield.

总理 Ardern 正在分享前往新西兰途中的其他疫苗的详细信息。 但布卢姆菲尔德首先说。

There are 13 new community cases, all are in Auckland


There are now 868 cases in this cluster, over 260 have now recovered.

该集群中现在有 868 例病例,现已康复超过 260 例。

There are 30 unlinked cases today.

今天有 30 个无关联的病例。

Of the 13 new cases, over half have already had links established.

在这 13 个新病例中,超过一半已经建立了联系。

12 of yesterday’s 15 cases were contacts of other cases, six were infectious in the community.


There are 31 people in hospital – 5 are in ICU, 3 are on ventilators.

医院有 31 人,其中 5 人在重症监护室,3 人在使用呼吸机。

There were over 17,000 tests processed across the country yesterday.

昨天,全国共进行了 17,000 多项测试。

Public health and clinical teams in Auckland are widening the scope of surveillance testing at essential workplaces to help rule out any undetected community spread.

There are pop up testing sites for staff at Auckland supermarkets. These are for workplace staff only.
奥克兰超市的员工有随到随检测试站点。 这些仅适用于工作场所的工作人员。

Of the 38,126 people who have been identified as contacts, around 87 per cent have already been tested.
在被确定为接触者的 38,126 人中,约有 87% 已经接受了检测。

Staff are still deploying from around the country to support Auckland DHBs. Three ICU nurses moved up on Sunday, five more will be deployed next week.
工作人员仍在全国各地部署,以支持奥克兰 DHB。 周日,三名 ICU 护士上来了,下周将再部署五名。

Bloomfield thanked these staff for putting their hands up.

Day three test results from the 124 patients at Middlemore Hospital and 29 staff members have all been negative. All 149 of the contacts remain in isolation.
Middlemore 医院的 124 名患者和 29 名工作人员的第三天检测结果都是阴性。所有149人都保持隔离状态。

Onto QR codes, Bloomfield reminded businesses to ensure the posters are at the right height and are accessible for everyone.

1.6 million scans were registered yesterday. This isn’t a record, but is still quite high.
昨天登记了 160 万次扫描。 这不是一个记录,但仍然很高。

Ardern said we’re making “solid progress” at the moment, but people need to keep getting tested, following alert level rules, and getting vaccinated.
Ardern 说,

“We need to test, test, test,” she said.

“If you give Delta an inch, it will take a mile,” Ardern said. She reminded everyone to follow the rules and guidelines.
“Delta 会得寸进尺,”Ardern 说。 她提醒大家要遵守规则和准则。

Scanning QR codes is one of the most important contact tracing tools


On vaccines, New Zealand will be getting vaccines from Spain. This will be over a quarter of a million doses. This is in addition to scheduled doses.
在疫苗方面,新西兰将从西班牙获得疫苗。 这将超过25万剂的。 这是对预定剂量的补充。

The doses departed Madrid at 1am NZT and will arrive tomorrow morning. The shipment is on track.
疫苗于新西兰时间凌晨 1 点从马德里发出,将于明天早上到达。 货物正在按计划进来。

This supply will help the roll out track at high levels.

Ardern thanked the Government of Spain and the President, as well as Spanish and European officials, the team at Pfizer and officials in New Zealand who have been working around the clock to make this happen.
Ardern 感谢西班牙政府和总统,以及西班牙和欧洲官员、辉瑞团队和新西兰官员夜以继日地工作以实现这一目标。

This shipment means we can continue the roll out with speed until our next schedule shipment arrives.

More people per capita have been vaccinated in NZ than Australia, UK and Canada did at the peak of their roll outs.

Ardern thanked the New Zealanders who have “showed up” and done their bit for the team by getting the jab.


77 per cent of those aged 40+ have had at least one dose.
40 岁以上的人中有 77% 至少接种过一剂。

64 per cent of people aged 12+ have had at least one dose.
64% 的 12 岁以上的人至少接种过一剂。

“These alert levels are gruelling (严罚)and hard work and I know we all want to avoid them in the future,” she said. That’s why they want everyone who can be vaccinated, to be vaccinated.
她说:“这些警报级别是严酷艰苦的,我知道我们都希望在未来避免它们。” 这就是为什么他们希望每个可以接种疫苗的人都接种疫苗。

“I hate the idea of even one preventable death,” she said.
“即使有一例可以预防的死亡, 我都讨厌至极,”她说。

If everyone who can be vaccinated is vaccinated, they are potentially saving the life of someone who can’t be.

Ardern wants New Zealand’s vaccine rates in 2021 to lead the world, much like our response led the world in 2020.
Ardern 希望新西兰在 2021 年的疫苗接种率领先世界,就像我们的应对措施在 2020 年领先世界一样。

More primary care sites are coming online every day, as are more drive-through vaccination clinics.

“Let’s see if we can top the tables, but more importantly let’s make sure that we look after one another,” she said.

Now to questions. First up is a question about the health system’s ability to cope with larger outbreaks.

Bloomfield said the health system has been preparing for a surge like this and the Auckland region has responded very well.

The health system just came off the back of dealing with a large RSV outbreak, they’re used to adapting.
卫生系统刚刚摆脱了大规模 RSV 爆发的影响,他们已经习惯了适应。

Bloomfield said this outbreak has been handled “very well”. In future, they need to ensure that response can be sustained.


In stressful environments like what happened at Middlemore Hospital, staff, as much as possible, try to do the right thing.
在像 Middlemore 医院这样的压力环境中,员工尽可能地尝试做正确的事情。

Ardern said staff are working in a difficult environment and do the best they can, but we’ll always be looking back retrospectively to see if there was anything that could have been done better.
Ardern 说,员工在艰难的环境中工作,并尽其所能,但我们将始终回顾过去,看看是否有任何可以做得更好的地方。

There is clinical expertise on site at quarantine facilities at all times.


Bloomfield said Pasifika Futures has been involved with MIQ since last week and helping in a range of ways. They have addressed some concerns families in quarantine had.
Bloomfield 表示,Pasifika Futures 自上周以来一直参与 MIQ,并以多种方式提供帮助。 他们解决了隔离家庭的一些担忧。

MIQ facilities have had over 160,000 people move through them from a range of different places and walks of life.
MIQ 设施已经接待了超过160,000来自四面八方各行各业的人。

It’s not enough to have information provided in multiple languages, there sometimes need to be extra care taken. This is true for people who were suddenly placed into MIQ from the community.

以多种语言提供信息是不够的,有时需要格外小心。 对于突然从社区进入 MIQ 的人来说,情况确实如此。

Ardern said they’ve had to ensure they catered to that difference. Now, they’re utilising community providers who can help in this space, but there will always be areas to improve.
Ardern 说,他们必须确保满足这种差异。 现在,他们正在利用可以在这个领域提供帮助的社区提供商,但总会有需要改进的地方。

Onto the border reopening plan, Ardern said there’s an ongoing acknowledgement that variants of concern require an appropriate risk assessment.
关于重新开放边境的计划,Ardern 表示,人们一直在承认担心的变化需要进行适当的风险评估。

There’s a reconnecting framework that remains in place, but within that, there are individual risk assessments for countries.


There are still parts of the world that have a very different risk profile than others.

They have always got to be willing to adapt to different variants as they emerge.

So they will work the impact of Delta into the plan.
因此,他们会将 Delta 的影响纳入计划。

The changed advice for pre-departure tests from Australia was always part of the plan.


Earlier, the whole of Australia was exempt from pre-departure testing requirements. The country had since been taken off that list and the decision was made to require predeparture tests for everyone travelling from Australia.
早些时候,整个澳大利亚都免于行前测试要求。 此后,该国已从该名单中删除,并决定要求所有来自澳大利亚的旅客进行行前测试。

When the decision was made around pre-departure testing requirements, people from NSW had been unable to travel to NZ for quite some time.

The red flights that were first arranged were done so rather last minute. All travellers on these flights went into managed isolation on arrival.
红色航班是早就安排的不是最后一刻完成的。 这些航班上的所有旅客在抵达时都进行了管理隔离。

Bloomfield said, at the time, the public health assessment found that the MIQ requirement meant there wasn’t a need to add pre-departure testing at that time.
布卢姆菲尔德说,当时公共卫生评估发现 MIQ 要求意味着当时不需要增加行前测试。

Pre-departure testing didn’t really have much of a difference in how many cases were being picked up in MIQ. This is because people could be too early on in the incubation period at the time of that test, so it might not get picked up.
出发前检测与 MIQ 检测到的病例数量并没有太大区别。 这是因为在进行该测试时,人们可能处于潜伏期为时过早,因此可能不会被发现。

Ardern didn’t think it fair to say some countries have surplus doses, they’re just at different stages. Everyone is working towards the utilisation of these doses.
Ardern 认为说一些国家的剂量过剩是不公平的,它们只是处于不同的阶段。 每个人都在努力利用这些剂量。

It mattered where doses were manufactured. New Zealand needed to get doses that matched the existing approvals in place.
在哪里生产剂量很重要。 新西兰需要获得与现有批准相匹配的剂量。

There was some leader to leader engagement to secure these doses, Ardern said. She said there were relationships already established which meant these conversations could take place.

Ardern 说,有一些领导者之间的参与来确保这些剂量。 她说已经建立了关系,这意味着可以进行这些对话。

What are the rules for hairdressers?

The stylist must wear a mask, customers don’t have to.

Onto the visitor policy at Auckland hospital, Bloomfield said one of his staffers was in contact with the Nurse’s organisation about this. Auckland DHB’s approach to visitors was consistent with the national policy
在谈到奥克兰医院的访客政策时,布卢姆菲尔德说,他的一名工作人员正在就此事与护士组织联系。 奥克兰 DHB 对访客的态度与国家政策一致

The policy will be reviewed and revised by the ministry. This updated guidance is expected soon and will be given to all DHBs.
该政策将由该部审查和修订。 预计此更新指南将很快提供给所有 DHB。

Regarding reports of sexual activity between a patient at Auckland hospital and a visitor, Ardern said regardless of the Covid status, she didn’t think that would be part of visiting hours.
关于奥克兰医院的一名患者和一名访客之间发生性行为的报告,Ardern 说,无论 Covid 状态如何,她都不认为这会成为探视时间的一部分。

Being told you have Covid then being told you’ll have to move into an MIQ facility, potentially separated from your whanau, is difficult.
被告知您感染了 Covid,然后被告知您必须搬入 MIQ 设施,这可能与您的家庭隔离,这很困难。

Ardern thanked people in these positions for their efforts during this time.

New Zealand was going out and seeking additional doses from countries, Ardern said.

Their experience has been that the European Commission and countries looking to ensure there’s no wastage are working in “good faith”, that’s all she’s seen.
他们的经验是,欧盟委员会和其它国家正在“真诚”地工作,希望确保没有浪费, 这就是她所看到的。

Ardern said New Zealanders want to ensure they are negotiating for vaccines with the taxpayer in mind, but she wouldn’t reveal details of those commercial negotiations.
Ardern 说,新西兰人希望确保他们在谈判疫苗时考虑到纳税人,但她不会透露这些商业谈判的细节。

Previously, they’ve talked about the overall spend on vaccinations, they’ll look at that again.

We will continue to support our Pacific neighbours with vaccinations down to age 12.

我们将继续支持我们的太平洋邻国接种疫苗直至 12 岁。

On the self-isolation pilots due for later in the year, work is ongoing. Ardern said they’re mindful of delivering that in an environment that isn’t level 3 because it will call on health resources to deliver it successfully.

关于将于今年晚些时候进行的自我隔离试点,工作正在进行中。 Ardern 说,他们注意在不是 3 级的环境中提供它,因为它会调用卫生资源来成功提供它。

Regarding contact tracing data, Bloomfield said the data collected through the NZ Covid Tracer app doesn’t go anywhere, it’s only released from a user’s phone with permission.
关于接触者追踪数据,Bloomfield 表示,通过 NZ Covid Tracer 应用程序收集的数据不会去任何地方,它只会在获得用户许可的情况下从用户的手机中释放出来。

That data has been protected right from the start.



总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 今天宣布,超过 25 万剂辉瑞疫苗正在从西班牙运往新西兰。


“最近看到这么多新西兰人接种疫苗令人振奋,我们从西班牙购买的额外疫苗将帮助我们在 9 月之前提供额外的容量和步入式站点,”杰辛达·阿德恩说。



“除了从西班牙购买的剂量外,我们预计在整个 9 月份将从辉瑞获得总共 180 万剂疫苗。这意味着我们没有任何计划放慢接种速度。






Here’s the official statement from Ardern on the additional vaccine doses sourced from Spain.

More than a quarter of a million additional doses of the Pfizer vaccine are on their way from Spain to New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today.

The additional doses will arrive in Auckland on Friday morning to help meet the current surge in demand for vaccination.

“It’s been heartening to see so many New Zealanders getting vaccinated recently and the additional doses that we have purchased from Spain will help us provide additional capacity and walk-in sites through September,” Jacinda Ardern said.

“We’re vaccinating well ahead of plan and these additional vaccines will ensure we can continue to ramp up our vaccination programme.

“The Spanish shipment is in addition to New Zealand’s regular weekly delivery from Pfizer which is also expected this weekend.

“We expect to receive a total of 1.8 million doses from Pfizer throughout the month of September, in addition to the doses purchased from Spain. This means we don’t have any plans to slow down the rollout.

“This is the result of excellent collaboration between officials from New Zealand, Spain, the European Commission and Pfizer to secure this agreement. I wish to say thank you to those involved especially President Pedro Sánchez of Spain.

“We are deeply grateful to Spain for their cooperation and agreement to sell these doses to New Zealand. This reaffirms the strong links between our countries and is in the spirit of the global values shared by New Zealand and Spain.

“We also wish to extend our appreciation to the European Commission, for coordinating this purchase and to Belgium for their important role in producing the vaccines that New Zealand is the recipient of.

“We expect to make a further announcement about an agreement to buy additional Pfizer vaccines from a second country next week,” Jacinda Ardern said.



持有过期签证的汤加逾期居留者害怕获得 Covid-19 检测、疫苗甚至食品包裹,以防他们的移民身份被发现。Tongan Robin Hood worries for overstayers amid Delta outbreak
Tongan overstayers on expired visa are scared to get Covid-19 tests, vaccines or even food parcels in case their precarious immigration status is discovered.

Ōtāhuhu 当地的 Kennedy Maeakafa Fakana’ana’a-ki-Fualu 说,至少有 50 个汤加家庭处于这种情况,大约 250 人。

他说:“在目前的Delta局势下,逾期逗留者确实有可能像野火一样传播 Covid-19,因为您无法追踪和追踪他们。”



What you need to know/ Kia mōhio mai koe:
* PM Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield will update us live at 1pm
* Surgeries and scans have now been delayed for about 37,000 patients due to the lockdown
*The Government’s plan for “reopening” to the world will have to be reworked, it’s been announced
Auckland remains in alert level 4 until at least September 14. The rest of NZ is in level 2.
* NZ’s vaccine roll-out explained in 10 charts, and compared with rest of world
* See all the latest locations of interest here
* Here’s a map of Auckland’s Delta outbreak

您需要知道的/ Kia mōhio mai koe:
* PM Jacinda Ardern 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士将在下午 1 点实时更新信息
* 在2级警报下许多地区的学校今天复课

* 由于封锁,大约 37,000 名患者的手术和扫描现已延迟
*奥克兰至少在 9 月 14 日之前仍处于 4 级警报。新西兰其他地区处于 2 级。
* 点这个链接了解在新的第 2 级下您可以做什么和不可以做什么

* 在 10 个图表中解释了新西兰的疫苗推广情况,并与世界其他地区进行了比较
* 周三宣布了 15 例新的 Covid-19 社区病例,全部发生在奥克兰。
* 现已交付超过 400 万剂疫苗

* 在此处查看所有暴露最新关注点


* 这是奥克兰Delta爆发的图表


(9日)新西兰多源滚动英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News(24小时持续更新)



