(双语)总理卢克森公布了一项有 43 个目标的新计划,新季度瞄准基础设施

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The Prime Minister has announced the completion of all but one of the items on the third-quarter plan, and unveiled a new one with 43 targets.
【澳纽网编译】总理宣布完成了第三季度计划中除一项外的所有项目,并公布了一项有 43 个目标的新计划。

The “partially completed” third-quarter plan item was to publish an updated health workforce plan.

With Commissioner Lester Levy appointed to lead Health NZ Te Whatu Ora, the government says a new national health workforce plan will now be considered by Cabinet in the next quarter.
随着专员 Lester Levy 被任命为新西兰卫生部 Te Whatu Ora 的负责人,政府表示,内阁将在下个季度考虑一项新的国家卫生人力计划。

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The new plan also focuses on infrastructure, with items including the passing of the Fast-Track Approvals Bill and the first RMA reform bill, establishing the National Infrastructure Agency, and starting the review of regulations for a third sector.
新计划还侧重于基础设施,项目包括通过快速审批法案和第一个 RMA 改革法案、建立国家基础设施局以及开始审查第三部门的法规。

It also includes the promised expansion of free breast cancer screening, more consequences for beneficiaries not meeting obligations, and legislation to combat foreign interference.

Luxon says the government is shifting focus now that interest rates are falling, towards “creating the foundations for growth”.
Luxon 表示,由于利率正在下降,政府正在将重点转移到“为增长奠定基础”上。

It follows large protests over the weekend against the government’s announcement last Thursday that it would look to scale down construction of the new Dunedin Hospital, keeping it within the funding envelope of $1.9 billion.
此前,周末发生了大规模抗议活动,反对政府上周四宣布将寻求缩小新但尼丁医院的建设规模,将其保持在 19 亿纽币的资金范围内。

A report suggested the costs had increased to about $3b.
一份报告显示,成本已增加到约 30亿纽币。

Asked about that, Luxon said he understood the frustration, but “we can’t have a project like that blowing out and heading towards a $3b cost.
当被问及此事时,Luxon 表示他理解这种挫败感,但“我们不能让这样的项目爆裂并朝着三亿的成本发展。

“Rest assured, we’re committing to building a new hospital but it needs to be within the budget frame … even at $1.9b it would be amongst one of the most expensive hospitals in the southern hemisphere.”
“请放心,我们致力于建造一家新医院,但它需要在预算框架内……即使以 19亿的价格,它也是南半球最昂贵的医院之一。

He said New Zealand could not have situations like what the government “inherited around cost blowouts”, pointing to the Interislander ferries and school buildings projects.
他说,新西兰不能出现像政府“围绕成本井喷继承”的情况,并指出了 Interislander 渡轮和学校建筑项目。

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Rebuild the economy and ease the cost of living

  • 1. Pass the Fast-track Approvals Bill to speed up delivery of regional and national projects of significance
    1. 通过快速审批法案,加快区域和国家重要项目的交付
  • 2. Pass the first Resource Management Amendment Bill to reduce the regulatory burden on farmers and the primary sector
    2. 通过第一个资源管理修正案,以减轻农民和第一产业的监管负担
  • 3. Introduce the government’s second RMA reform Bill to Parliament to cut through the tangle of red and green tape holding back growth in the infrastructure, energy, housing, and farming sectors
    3. 向议会提交政府的第二项 RMA 改革法案,以消除阻碍基础设施、能源、住房和农业部门增长的红绿胶带
  • 4. Establish the National Infrastructure Agency
    4. 成立国家基础设施局
  • 5. Take Cabinet decisions on funding and financing tools to get more housing built
    5. 做出内阁关于资金和融资工具的决定,以建造更多住房
  • 6. Introduce legislation to make it easier to build offshore wind farms
    6. 引入立法,使海上风电场的建设更加容易
  • 7. Take Cabinet decisions on allowing greater use of road tolling to support the delivery of transport infrastructure
    7. 就允许更多地使用道路收费来支持交通基础设施的交付做出内阁决定
  • 8. Take Cabinet decisions on measures to get local councils back to basics
    8. 就措施做出内阁决定,让地方议会回归基本
  • 9. Finalise the development of farm-level emissions measurement methodology
    9. 完成农场层面排放测量方法的制定
  • 10. Announce policy direction to limit farm conversions to forestry on high-quality land to protect food production
    10. 宣布政策方向,限制优质土地上的农场转为林场,以保护粮食生产
  • 11. Pass legislation to complete the removal of agriculture from the Emissions Trading Scheme
    11. 通过立法,完成将农业从排放交易计划中删除
  • 12. Take Cabinet decisions to streamline regulations around food safety export exemptions
    12. 做出内阁决定,简化有关食品安全出口豁免的法规
  • 13. Pass legislation to reverse the ban on oil and gas exploration
    13. 通过立法撤销石油和天然气勘探禁令
  • 14. Release a discussion document on the Regulatory Standards Bill
    14. 发布关于《监管标准法案》的讨论文件
  • 15. Initiate a third regulatory sector review to identify and remove unnecessary red tape
    15. 启动第三次监管部门审查,以识别并消除不必要的繁文缛节
  • 16. Pass legislation extending deadlines for earthquake prone buildings to enable a review of the current settings
    16. 通过立法,延长地震多发建筑物的截止日期,以便对当前设置进行审查
  • 17. Pass the Contracts of Insurance Bill to better protect Kiwis in the event of a disaster
    17. 通过《保险合同法案》,在发生灾难时更好地保护新西兰人
  • 18. Take Cabinet decisions on the future of the greyhound racing industry
    18. 就赛狗行业的未来做出内阁决定
  • 19. Introduce legislation to ensure the financial sustainability of the racing industry
    19. 引入立法以确保赛马业的财务可持续性
  • 20. Publish the final second emissions reduction plan to deliver the first two emissions budgets
    20. 发布最后的第二个减排计划,以实现前两个排放预算
  • 21. Take Cabinet decisions on opportunities to partner with the private sector to plant trees, including natives, on Crown land (excluding National Parks) that has low conservation or agricultural value
    21. 让内阁决定,抓住机会与私营部门合作,在保护或农业价值较低的国有土地(不包括国家公园)种植树木,包括本地树木
  • 22. Pass legislation to allow lotteries for non-commercial purposes to operate online, cutting red tape to make fundraising more effective
    22. 通过立法,允许非商业目的的彩票在网上运营,减少繁文缛节,使筹款更有效
  • 23. Take final design decisions on the primary legislation for an online casino gambling regulator
    23. 对在线赌场赌博监管机构的主要立法做出最终设计决定
  • 24. Introduce legislation to remove the GE ban and enable the safe use of gene technology in agriculture, health science and other sectors
    24. 出台立法,取消转基因禁令,使基因技术在农业、健康科学和其他部门得到安全使用
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Restore law and order 恢复法律和秩序

  • 25. Introduce legislation to support Government agencies to combat foreign interference in New Zealand
    25. 引入立法,支持政府机构打击外国对新西兰的干预
  • 26. Introduce legislation to address stalking
    26. 立法解决缠扰行为
  • 27. Introduce legislation to enable stronger consequences for serious youth offending
    27. 引入立法,对严重的青少年犯罪行为施加更严厉的后果
  • 28. Publish the second action plan on family and sexual violence
    28. 发布关于家庭暴力和性暴力的第二个行动计划
  • 29. Introduce legislation to tighten registration requirements for child sex offenders
    29. 立法收紧儿童性犯罪者的登记要求

Deliver better public services

  • 30. Begin delivery of new cancer treatments
    30. 开始提供新的癌症治疗方法
  • 31. Begin phased rollout of expansion of free breast cancer screening for women to age 74
    31. 开始分阶段推出将女性免费乳腺癌筛查扩大到 74 岁
  • 32. Release first quarterly health target data for cancer treatment, immunisation, emergency departments, specialist assessments, and elective treatment
    32. 发布癌症治疗、免疫接种、急诊科、专家评估和择期治疗的第一季度健康目标数据
  • 33. Introduce legislation to update and modernise the Mental Health Act
    33. 引入立法以更新和现代化《精神健康法》
  • 34. Launch an updated Smokefree Action Plan to continue progress towards the Smokefree 2025 goal
    34. 启动更新的无烟行动计划,继续朝着 2025 年无烟目标迈进
  • 35. Pass legislation to tighten controls on youth vaping, including a ban on disposable devices
    35. 通过立法加强对青少年电子烟的控制,包括禁止使用一次性设备
  • 36. Begin trial of phonics checks in English and te reo Māori for students in their first two years of school
    36. 开始为入学前两年的学生试用英语和 te reo 毛利语的语音检查
  • 37. Release final curriculum for English, maths, Te Reo Rangatira, and Pāngarau for use in primary schools in 2025
    37. 发布英语、数学、Te Reo Rangatira 和 Pāngarau 的最终课程,供 2025 年小学使用
  • 38. Release a Māori Education Action Plan focussed on lifting the achievement of Māori students
    38. 发布毛利教育行动计划,重点提高毛利学生的成绩
  • 39. Commence a review of the funding formula for independent school
    39. 开始审查私立学校的资助公式
  • 40. Negotiate contracts with, and announce, the first charter schools
    40. 与第一批特许学校谈判合同并宣布成立
  • 41. Introduce legislation to expand the Traffic Light System to include additional consequences for beneficiaries who do not meet their obligations
    41. 引入立法以扩大红绿灯系统,以包括对未履行义务的福利领取者的额外后果
  • 42. Provide 10,000 jobseeker beneficiaries with an over-the-phone case manager to help them move from welfare into work
    42. 为 10,000 名求职者福利领取者提供一名电话个案经理,帮助他们从福利转向工作
  • 43. Open applications for the contaminated sites and vulnerable landfills fund to support local authorities to remediate contaminated sites
    43. 开放受污染场地和易受伤害垃圾填埋场基金的申请,以支持地方当局修复受污染场地


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