
澳纽原创 编辑精选


The government will double how long breaches count against beneficiaries, as the traffic light system for sanctions comes into effect today.

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  • 将未履行义务的福利领取者的影响期从一年延长至两年
  • 要求求职者支持接受者每六个月重新申请一次
  • 要求所有有工作义务的福利领取者在领取福利之前拥有求职者档案
  • 一半的福利将用于一张只能用于有限基本产品和服务的支付卡
  • 一项新的社区工作制裁要求福利领取者“建立技能和信心”
  • Extending the period a failure to meet obligations counts against a beneficiary from one year to two years
  • Requiring Jobseeker Support recipients to reapply every six months
  • Requiring all beneficiaries with work obligations to have a jobseeker profile before receiving a benefit
  • Half of the benefit will go onto a payment card that can only be used for a limited range of essential products and services
  • A new community work sanction requiring beneficiaries to “build skills and confidence”
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“Our welfare system will always be a safety net that catches people if they fall. But in the past few years it has become a drag net that has captured too many people who can work and allowed them to languish on Jobseeker Support for too long,” Upston said.




  • 绿色(合规)-履行准备或寻找工作的义务。福利不变
  • 橙色(一些风险)-第一次或第二次违反义务,导致额外的要求和支持,如更多的定期检查或参加求职工作坊
  • 红色(高风险)-第三次违反义务,其后果包括减少福利、暂停福利、资金管理和/或强制性社区服务

The scheme included three levels:

  • Green (compliant) – Meeting obligations to prepare or find work. No change to benefit
  • Orange (some risk) – First or second breach of obligations, resulting in additional requirements and support like more regular check-ins or attendance at job workshops
  • Red (high risk) – A third breach of obligations, with consequences including benefit reductions, benefit suspension, money management and/or mandatory community work experience
[xyz-ihs snippet=”googleAD300x100″] 厄普斯顿当时承诺,如果求职者有子女,则将继续执行一项规定,防止将福利金削减 50% 以上。超过一年仍未领取救济金的受益人还将有资格获得 1000 纽币的奖金。




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