NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover discovered an arrow-shaped rock named “Cheyava Falls” that could harbor fossilized microbes from billions of years ago.
On July 21ˢᵗ, Perseverance drilled into this rock in Neretva Vallis, collecting a core sample for further analysis on Earth.…
— Visionaledge (@Visionaledge) July 28, 2024
[xyz-ihs snippet=”In-article-ads”]法新社报道,7月21日,毅力号在火星上穿越古河谷内雷特瓦山谷(Neretva Vallis)时,发现一块被称为“切亚瓦瀑布”(Cheyava Falls)的箭头形状岩石,其中或许蕴藏着微生物化石,年代可追溯至数十亿年前火星曾是蓝色“水世界”时期。
参与毅力号火星探测计划的加利福尼亚理工学院科学家法利(Ken Farley)说:“切亚瓦瀑布是毅力号迄今所调查到最难以捉摸、最复杂,且可能也是最重要的一块岩石。”
[xyz-ihs snippet=”GoogleADresponsive”]最后,根据“X射线岩石化学行星仪器”的扫描结果,岩石还有被黑圈环绕的微小米色斑点,其中或含有古代微生物能量来源的化学物质。
澳洲昆士兰理工大学天体生物学家、毅力号科学团队成员佛兰纳瑞(David Flannery)说:“在地球上,岩石含有这类特征通常与活在地表下的微生物的化石纪录有关。”
[xyz-ihs snippet=”googleAD300x100″]NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover discovered an arrow-shaped rock named “Cheyava Falls” that could harbor fossilized microbes from billions of years ago.
On July 21ˢᵗ, Perseverance drilled into this rock in Neretva Vallis, collecting a core sample for further analysis on Earth.
Scientists are particularly excited about the rock’s features, which include calcium sulfate veins, organic compounds, and potential energy sources for microbes.
The samples will be returned to Earth as part of the Mars Sample Return Program in the 2030s.
来源: 联合早报
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