(双语)GDP下降0.1%, 新西兰经济陷入技术性衰退

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The economy slipped into a recession at the end of last year.

Stats NZ says gross domestic product fell 0.1 percent in the three months ended December.

The economy shrank 0.3 percent in the previous quarter fulfilling the technical definition of a recession

And real gross national disposable income fell 1.4 per cent.

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Manufacturing, wholesale trade,retail trade and accommodation, and the transport, postal, and warehousing sectors all took a hammering in the quarter, according to Stats NZ data.

Despite the grim quarterly news, GDP rose 0.6 percent over the year ended December 2023.
尽管季度消息严峻,但截至 2023 年 12 月的一年中,GDP 增长了 0.6%。

There’s no question the economy is struggling. But new data due at 10.45am today will confirm whether we entered recession at the end of 2023.
毫无疑问,经济正在苦苦挣扎。但将于今天上午 10 点 45 分公布的新数据将证实我们是否在 2023 年底进入衰退。

The bulk of local economists have a near-miss forecast for top-line recession. ANZ and BNZ have forecast a 0.1 per cent expansion for the December quarter.

Westpac and Kiwibank have a flat (0 per cent) result pencilled in. The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) has also forecast a flat result.

Meanwhile, ASB is taking a gloomier view, picking a contraction of 0.2 per cent for the quarter.

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Either way, if you feel like we’re already in a recession, you’re probably not wrong.

We’re almost certainly in a deep per capita recession. There will also be numbers today showing how much the economy shrank per person.

“On a per capita basis we are already in a recessionary environment,” said Kiwibank chief economist Jarrod Kerr.
“按人均计算,我们已经处于衰退环境中,”Kiwibank首席经济学家Jarrod Kerr表示。

“In the September quarter alone, GDP per capita contracted 0.9 per cent. And a painful 3 per cent decline over the year. ” Kerr said.

With high net migration flattering the topline result, ASB is picking that per capita GDP fell by as much as 1.1 per cent in the fourth quarter.

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“At this point, the slice of the economic pie available for each Kiwi is only about 0.6 per cent bigger than it was in late 2019,” said ASB economist Nathaniel Keall.
ASB经济学家纳撒尼尔·基尔(Nathaniel Keall)表示:“在这一点上,每个新西兰人可用的经济蛋糕仅比2019年底大0.6%左右。

“By the time per capita GDP begins growing again, it could be nearly 1.5 per cent smaller by our reckoning.”

The headwinds facing the New Zealand economy weren’t unique, Keall said.

“Flatlining GDP growth and deteriorating GDP per capita are features of many Western economies outside the US,” he noted.

来源:RNZ / NZHerald

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