(双语)Royal Cam 直播最新的信天翁雏鸟在奥塔哥半岛的 Taiaroa Head的孵化

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题图:The Royal Cam albatross and its chick. Photo: Department of Conservation / supplied
Royal Cam 皇家信天翁和它的雏鸟。照片:环保部/提供

Hundreds of thousands of viewers have watched this year’s Royal Cam albatross chick hatch on the Otago Peninsula.
数十万观众观看了今年在奥塔哥半岛孵化的Royal Cam 信天翁雏鸟。

Each year, a toroa pair is livestreamed as they go from nesting to fledging a chick at the albatross colony at Taiaroa Head.
每年,都会直播一对 toroa 都会在 Taiaroa Head 的信天翁栖息地从筑巢到羽化雏鸟的过程。

Since 2016, Royal Cam has had more than 4.2 million viewers spanning 190 countries. It is run by the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
自 2016 年以来,Royal Cam 已在 190 个国家/地区拥有超过 420 万观众。它由保护部 (DOC) 和康奈尔鸟类学实验室运营。

DOC said this year’s Royal Cam chick hatched on Tuesday, weighing a healthy 300g.
美国环保部表示,今年的Royal Cam 直播的雏鸟于周二孵化,体重为300克。

Biodiversity Ranger Sharyn Broni said by Thursday morning, the chick had been fed three times and weighed in at 370g, which was a good weight increase.
生物多样性护林员Sharyn Broni说,到周四早上,这只雏鸟已经喂了三次,体重为370克,这是一个很好的体重增加。

Most of the northern royal albatross’ estimated population of 17,000 was inaccessible to people, she said.

“This gives us a perfect opportunity for us to share their lives – and they live a long time and their breeding cycle is very long – to everyone who wants to watch around the world.”
“这给了我们一个绝佳的机会,让我们与世界各地所有想要观看的人分享它们的生活 – 它们寿命很长,繁殖周期很长。”

The royal cam livestream appeared to help people to become more engaged and aware of conservation and their plastics consumption, she said.

All chicks at the colony are hatched in incubators to prevent flystrike – when flies lay maggots on the chick or egg and the maggots start eating – before being returned to the nest.
基地中的所有雏鸟都在孵化器中孵化,以防止苍蝇袭击 – 苍蝇会在雏鸟或鸟蛋上产下蛆虫并且蛆虫开始进食时 – 然后返回巢穴。

“For the safety of the chicks, we take any egg which has pipped – or begun to hatch – to the artificial egg incubators, which protects them from flystrike,” she said.

Nests and young chicks were treated to reduce the chance of flystrike, Broni said.

The first chick hatched last week, and she hoped it would be a good season – last season was particularly good.

“Once the chicks are back with their parents, rangers weigh them regularly to ensure they are putting on weight as expected and supplementary feeding may be required in some cases.

“Heat is managed through a sprinkler system which cools the nesting birds to protect them from the scorching temperatures.”

“This is a critical time for us working at the colony as we manage potential issues such as flies and hot dry conditions, which are only likely to worsen through climate change.”

Flystrike is when flies lay maggots in the egg or on the chick, which can be fatal.

Te Poari o Pukekura chairperson Nadia Wesley-Smith said the hatching of the Royal Cam chick was celebrated along with all hatchings that herald the coming season.
Te Poari o Pukekura 主席 Nadia Wesley-Smith 表示,Royal Cam 雏鸟的孵化与所有预示着即将到来的季节的孵化一起庆祝。

“The Royal Cam is a wonderful mechanism in which to raise awareness of the toroa and the conservation efforts that goes into the colony at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head.”
“Royal Cam 是一种绝妙的机制,可以提高人们对 toroa 的认识以及进入 Pukekura/Taiaroa Head 基地的保护工作。”


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