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A public health warning sign at Mission Bay beach in late September, 2023. Photo: RNZ / Jordan Dunn
2023 年 9 月下旬,Mission Bay 海滩的公共卫生警告标志。照片:RNZ / Jordan Dunn

Most of Auckland’s beaches have do not swim warnings or are classified at high risk due to sewage overflows.

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Swimmers have been warned to stay out of the water at 21 places, including Mission Bay, Kohimarama, and St Heliers, Herne Bay, St Mary’s Bay, Beach Haven, Narrow Neck, Mairangi Bay, Milford, Howick, Point England, Taipari Strand, and Chapman strand.
游泳者已被警告在 21 个地方远离水面,包括 Mission Bay、Kohimarama 和 St Heliers、Herne Bay、St Mary’s Bay、Beach Haven、Narrow Neck、Mairangi Bay、Milford、Howick、Point England、Taipari Strand 和 Chapman strand。

“Overflows are more common in wet weather, but they can happen in dry weather if pipes are blocked or damaged,” Safeswim’s website states.

The region was hit by thunderstorms and heavy rain this week.

MetService meteorologist John Law said there were reports of 20 to 25 millimetres of rain in less than an hour in some areas of the region overnight.
气象局气象学家约翰·劳(John Law)表示,有报道称,该地区一些地区一夜之间不到一个小时就下了20至25毫米的降雨。

“That heavy rainfall produces a lot of runoff and pushes not just that water out in towards the coast, but it picks up a lot of things like dirt and pollutants and all sorts of grubby things you don’t necessarily want to be sharing the water with,” he said.

“It’s always worth taking that extra bit of care and extra bit of time just to check the conditions around the coast before you head towards your favourite swimming spots.”

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Other beaches have been classified as “high risk” and swimming is not advised, including at Long Bay, Takapuna, Bayswater, Stanmore Bay, Orewa, Red Beach, Te Atatu Beach, Titirangi Beach, Blockhouse Bay, Litlle and Big Bucklands, and Cockle Bay.

Most of Auckland's beaches either have a 'do not swim' advisory or are high risk due sewage overflows.

Most of Auckland’s beaches either have a ‘do not swim’ advisory or are high risk due sewage overflows. Photo: Supplied / Safeswim
奥克兰的大多数海滩要么有“请勿游泳”的建议,要么由于污水溢出而处于高风险状态。照片:提供/ Safeswim

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Even Waiheke Island didn’t go untouched, with several beaches having a high risk alert, which indicated levels of Faecal Indicator Bacteria breached national guidelines for swimming.

Several areas also have a long-term high risk alert, including at Piha Lagoon and North Lagoon, Bethells Lagoon, Wood Bay, Green Bay, Lynfield Cove, and Coxs Bay.

Long-term alerts are issued when water quality samples taken at a location consistently fail to meet national guidelines.

Water quality at west coast beaches, including Piha and Muriwai, is rated as good.

For the latest information, see Safeswim’s website.
有关最新信息,请参阅 Safeswim 的网站。


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