华人女学生1400万买豪宅 9年后卖房大赚2500万?




位于温西区德拉蒙德道(Drummond Drive)4868号的豪宅,本月以3,990万元挂牌放售,在社交媒体引发关注,不仅是因为价格接近温市最高纪录,还因为业主买入时登记的职业是“学生”。

纪录显示,业主陈涵英(Hanying Chen,译音)在2012年以1468万元的现金购入这间位于格雷岬(Point Grey)的七居室豪宅时,还是一名学生。不过,Sutton Group-West Coast Realty地产经纪李巍巍(Vivian Li)表示,陈涵英在2015年之前是学生,但根据最新的土地所有权记录,陈目前已经不在学校读书。

陈涵英现在是Circle Bright Productions公司的创始人和导演,这是一家于2018年成立的现场剧院和艺术公司,为加拿大英语和华语观众提供戏剧演出及青少年培训项目,同时也将英语剧目翻译成普通话。


本地媒体Glacier Media通过她的公司联繫陈,陈让李巍巍代表她就房屋销售发言。 李巍巍说,陈涵英致力她的创作公司,该公司在网上没有公布地址,但注册在陈拥有的川普大厦公寓单位中。

去年三月,陈涵英的Circle Bright Productions为联合国儿童基金会加拿大分会(UNICEF Canada)组织了一场名为“一个世界一个爱 — 中国和加拿大”的慈善音乐会,筹集到近3,000元。

陈的豪宅叫价接近温哥华单一住宅物业的最高纪录销售价,附近贝尔蒙特大道(Belmont Avenue)4743号的另一豪宅,当时的现金售价4200万元,两个物业之间的距离仅一箭之遥。

温哥华最高的住宅交易金额仍然是2015年以5,180万元交易的德拉蒙德道4787号物业,买家是中国大亨陈脉林(Mailin Chen,译音),他经营地产开发及酒店,并且是中国全国政协委员。



来源: 星岛日报

A Vancouver mansion listed for a near-record price is not being sold by a student, according to the listing’s realtor.

The $39.9 million listing for 4868 Drummond Drive raised eyebrows on social media this month not just because of the price but because the owner’s stated occupation is a “student.”

However, Hanying Chen was only a student in 2012, when she paid $14.68 million cash for the seven-bedroom home in West Point Grey. While she continued to be a student in 2015, according to the most recent land title record, Chen is no longer in school, says her realtor Vivian Li of Sutton Group-West Coast Realty.

Rather, the title was never updated and Chen now works as the founder and director of Circle Bright Productions, a live theatre and arts company that launched in 2018.

Glacier Media had reached out to Chen via her company and she had Li speak to the sale on her behalf. Li said Chen is dedicated to building the production company, which has no address online but is registered in a Trump Tower condo unit owned by Chen.

Circle Bright states it develops “accessible theatre and youth program for English and Chinese-speaking communities in Canada.”

It also translates English acts into Mandarin. In 2018 it had an inaugural production at Gateway Theatre in Richmond. Last March Chen organized a charity concert titled “One World One Love – China and Canada” for Unicef Canada’s COVID-19 response, and raised close to $3,000.

The home’s sale price inches toward what is believed to be a record sale for one single residential property in Vancouver — a cash sale of $42 million for 4743 Belmont Avenue, just a stone’s throw away from Chen’s listing.

Sotheby’s International Real Estate told CTV News in July the “Belmont Estate” was the highest price ever paid in the Lower Mainland for a single residential lot. CTV reported a numbered company directed by Peter Chung, a doctor who is CEO of Primacorp Ventures, bought the property. Primacorp claims online to be “Canada’s largest independent provider of private post-secondary education.”

The top residential deal in Vancouver continues to be the $51.8 million sale of 4787 Drummond Drive in 2015 to Chinese tycoon Mailin Chen, a developer and hotelier who is also a member of a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), which directs the United Front Work Department, a foreign propaganda and influence network of the Chinese Communist Party.

However, Mailin Chen’s property on Drummond (In 2015 he owned 13 Vancouver-area properties) is situated on three lots, so realtors do not consider it a record price for one single lot, as is the case for the one on Belmont.

Mailin Chen’s home is kitty corner to Chen’s home, which Li said is a “family holding.”

Asked if the two Chens are related, Li said she could not disclose personal information.

Li said she does not expect a bidding war on the property but rather negotiations among those interested.

The 58,632 square-foot lot comes with an annual tax bill of $101,897.

A realtor’s commission on a $40 million sale would be $653,255.
