Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka says he strongly disagrees with criticism that the government is “anti-Maori”.
【澳纽网编译】毛利发展部长Tama Potaka表示,他强烈不同意有关政府“反毛利人”的批评。
毛利发展部长Tama Potaka
He has also denied his government is not interested in a partnership with Māori, saying it would in fact be even more committed to working alongside Māori but would be looking to do it in a way that was not in the form of a centralised bureaucracy.
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His comments come in the wake of thousands of protesters gathering at centres around the North Island to protest against the new government’s plans to use mainly English names for government departments and agencies, abolish the Māori Health Authority and undertake a review of all legislation that includes Treaty principles.
Potaka told Morning Report the Labour government has wreaked three years of economic vandalism against all communities, including Māori.
The high price of food, rents and petrol as well as high inflation and interest rates had hurt them and would be turned around by the new government.
He agreed there were some cultural disadvantages for Māori in areas such as health and housing.
“We will work closely with iwi, Māori and other community leaders to try and get away from the big bureaucracy solutions that have been proliferated under the recent Labour government.”
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He added: “What we believe more in is decentralising and devolution and engaging with those leaders. Whānau Ora is a great example of that.”
他补充说:“我们更相信的是分权和权力下放,并与这些领导人接触。Whānau Ora就是一个很好的例子。
He believed the new government would “lean in” more to a partnership with Māori rather than “a big bureaucratic solution to everything”.
It was untrue the National-led government would strip away the concept of partnership, he said.
Potaka said he supported a review of all legislation, including references to Treaty principles, to a Parliamentary select committee.
Under the ACT bill on Treaty principles National would be encouraging a discussion on the “big challenges” facing Māori, he said.
He was expecting tens of thousands of submissions to the select committee.
Potaka was asked about the government’s plans to remove section 7AA in the Oranga Tamariki law which concerns the uplift of children. It allowed iwi and hapū to be involved in the best placement of children.
波塔卡被问及政府计划删除Oranga Tamariki法中的第7AA条,该条涉及儿童的提升。它使 iwi 和 hapū 能够参与儿童的最佳安置。
He responded Oranga Tamariki and other organisations would continue to work alongside iwi and other organisations around the welfare and best outcomes for young people.
他回应说,Oranga Tamariki和其他组织将继续与iwi和其他组织合作,为年轻人提供福利和最佳结果。
这包括Tāmaki Makaurau的一些团体,他们继续零星地延误交通。
Protesters ‘just unhappy with the election result’, Seymour says
ACT leader David Seymour has said the Tuesday morning protesters were being disruptive “just because they’re unhappy with the election result.”
ACT党魁大卫·西摩(David Seymour)表示,周二早上的抗议者具有破坏性“只是因为他们对选举结果不满意”。
The leader continued that Te Pāti Māori “doesn’t respect democracy in New Zealand”.
Protesters were led to Parliament this morning by Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi
今天早上,毛利人共同领导人拉维里·维迪蒂 (Rawiri Waititi) 带领抗议者来到议会
陶朗加数百人参加了当地毛利人 Ngāi Te Rangi 组织的 hikoi 活动,以支持全国毛利人行动日。 抗议者包括陶朗加艺术家 Linda Munn,她是 Tino Rangatiratanga 旗帜的三位创作者之一。 一名抗议者表示,这是一种很棒的氛围,组织良好的和平抗议活动,他们感谢过往卡车和车辆的压倒性支持,当塔马里基举着标语时,这些卡车和车辆鸣响了喇叭以示支持。 然而,由于发生三车相撞事故,该市 29A 国道的双向交通现已陷入拥堵。
Reporting Annemarie Quill
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