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警方消息人士称,已有至少22人死亡,五六十人受伤。 事发地包括一个保龄球馆、一家酒吧和一家超市配送中心。 警方还公布了嫌犯持突击步枪作案的照片,以及嫌犯车辆的照片,并要求民众就地避难。


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At least 22 killed and SIXTY injured in Lewiston, Maine, mass shooting after gunman armed with AR-15 opens fire at bowling alley and then at a bar: Firearms expert and Army reservist Robert Card named person of interest

Maine police are searching for an Army reservist and firearms instructor who is a ‘person of interest’ in a series of shootings in Lewiston, Maine on Wednesday night, leaving 22 people dead.

Residents of Lewiston are being asked to shelter in place amid reports of a gunman at large.

美缅因州枪击事件至少已致22人死亡:五六十人受伤 嫌犯持突击步枪作案

美缅因州枪击事件至少已致22人死亡:五六十人受伤 嫌犯持突击步枪作案

美缅因州枪击事件至少已致22人死亡:五六十人受伤 嫌犯持突击步枪作案

美缅因州枪击事件至少已致22人死亡:五六十人受伤 嫌犯持突击步枪作案

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