屋崙华侨会所和新西兰华人体育总会,于2023年8月26日以及8月27日两天在ACCC Mangere Hall共同成功主办了第八屆奥克兰华人篮球比赛。
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本年強勁隊伍包括MIC team
Police Association
NZ Honey Bee-Ballers
Team Hunan
Hi5 Dragons
第八屆奧克蘭華人籃球錦標賽。這次比賽於 8 月 26日至 27日在 ACCC 體育館舉行。 繼往年舉辦的非常成功的賽事之後,此次奧克蘭華人籃球錦標賽繼續延續了下來。
[xyz-ihs snippet=”In-article-ads”]新西兰知名建筑集团 Legendary Homes 的董事长 CJ 説道 “祝贺奧克兰屋崙华侨会所和新⻄兰华人体育总会举办第七届华人篮球锦标赛。 并且很荣幸能赞助这项活动。 我本人1995年来到新西兰, 看到我们华人通过努力和团结而得到的成果, 希望通过这样的比赛, 我们能首先自强不息, 外加能带给篮球技术提高,更重要能接触到奥克兰更多的华人,以及交朋友。 首次比赛我就有参加, 八年来我看到很多小朋友长大, 通过不断的练习和优质的成长环境已经取得了很多成绩。 而成长的过程中我们可以能帮助他们记住不要忘本,我们还是炎黄子孙, 是华裔的后代。 在这里我再次感谢屋崙华侨会所和新⻄兰华人体育总会给的这次可以做贡献的机会。”
如此同時,祝賀 2023 Registered Master Builders House of the Year 颁奖典礼,Legendary Homes拿下各大金奖。
Carpetland 的负责人Lawrence Ngan -直支持本次籃球錦標賽,成為強而有力的支持者,在比賽期間一直擔任協調員。
本次比賽結果如下 :
冠军隊 (Sonics )
亞軍隊 (ACCC BLUE))
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What a terrific weekend of action on the basketball court at Mangere. The top teams fought hard for their places. The finals were hard fought but in the end Sonics (blue)won over ACCCSC(navy blue). A great end to a well organised tournament.
The Auckland Chinese Community Centre Inc and The New Zealand Chinese Sports Association Inc. are co-hosts for the 8th Auckland Chinese Basketball Tournament being held at the ACCC Sports Hall on 26 and 27 August 2023. This goodwill tournament follows on from the very successful events held in previous years.
The co-hosts extend a warm invitation for your organizationor any other Chinese group to participate in this year’s event and we also extend the invitation to teams from Wellington, Hamilton, Christchurch and Dunedin.
All games will be officiated by two badge holder referees. The tournament final will finish about 5.45pm on Sunday followed by the trophy presentations and snacks & refreshments.
Acknowledgements go to the sponsors: ACCC, NZ Chinese Sports Association (Wei Li),
Steven Wong,
Legendary Homes (C.J. Chen) ,
Carpetland ( Lawrence Ngan) NZMA (Lewis Pan)
Bonnie Lynch & her volunteers (catering)
Thank you to the Tournament Controller Laisen Joe, Kai Luey, Lawrence Ngan, Rean Wong.
David Tai
Auckland Chinese Community Centre Inc.