奥克兰Skycity剧院,7月22日——在这个令人瞩目的时刻,中国传统文化与国际魔幻艺术交相辉映,北岸华人协会与Magic Moments NZ合作呈现了一场名为“Spectacular Spellbinders: Unveiling the Magic of Chinese Traditions”(揭示中国传统文化的魔力)的绝妙演出。这场完美融合中外魔幻文化的盛宴让整个剧院爆满,观众们在震撼与感动中度过了一个令人难忘的夜晚。
[xyz-ihs snippet=”In-article-ads”]这场演出堪称顶级,国内外魔幻文化的交流与碰撞成为了其最大亮点。两场演出爆满,座无虚席,观众们带着期待与兴奋齐聚一堂,共同见证了这场前所未有的盛况。全程欢声雷动,笑声不断,演出现场洋溢着独特的魔幻氛围,老少观众皆为之倾倒。
Magic Moments NZ,新西兰唯一魔术公司的荣誉呈现,为这次“东方魔团”巡演锦上添花。国际级魔术师们带来了令人难以置信的幻术表演,与非凡才华的完美结合,让观众们沉醉在国际魔幻的奇妙世界。特别是对于即将结束的学校假期,孩子们与朋友们在这场魔幻之旅中,尽情感受着惊喜与喜悦。
[xyz-ihs snippet=”GoogleADresponsive”]中国驻新大使馆、驻奥克兰总领馆以及新西兰各界的代表出席观看,大家对整场演出赞不绝口,对中国传统魔术进入中新文化交流舞台给予积极评价。
[xyz-ihs snippet=”googleAD300x100″]“Spectacular Spellbinders: Unveiling the Magic of Chinese Traditions”的成功举办充实了奥克兰的文化娱乐生活,也在全场观众心中留下了深刻的印记。这场魔幻文化盛宴将长久地被人们津津乐道,期待来年再次与奥克兰观众遇见。
The VIP guests were:
Dong Zhixue 中国驻新西兰大使馆参赞、
Wang Lin An中国驻新西兰大使馆秘书、
Chen Shijie 中国驻奥克兰总领事、
Zhou Li、中国驻奥克兰文化领事、
Wang Jianwen奥克兰中国文化中心主任,
以及Dr. Jian Yang – New Zealand Chinese Business Club
Danielle Grand – the Deputy Chair of Kaipatiki —Kaipatiki
Chinese culture is popular in New Zealand: multiculturalism coexists and blooms charm
On July 22nd, at Auckland’s Skycity Theatre, the North Shore Chinese Association, in collaboration with Magic Moments NZ, presented the Spectacular Spellbinders Chinese Magic show, which offered a mesmerizing glimpse into the remarkable moments of traditional Chinese culture and magic. The international performance seamlessly fused Chinese and foreign magic cultures, captivating the entire theater’s audience. Attendees were treated to an unforgettable night filled with laughter and surprises, experiencing centuries-old magic that was, for many, a first-time spectacle in New Zealand, unveiling the enchantment of Chinese traditions. Magicians from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Chinese Taipei, who have won numerous International Magic Awards, showcased their superb acting skills and mind-boggling magic effects. Their performances were carefully curated to promote interaction between new and old Chinese cultures, showcasing the utmost charm of traditional Chinese heritage.
This magical cultural feast is sure to be a topic of discussion for a long time, and the talented cast eagerly anticipates the opportunity to meet Auckland’s enthusiastic audiences again next year.
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