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澳纽网据NZ Herald报道,未缴税款促使税务局上法庭,要求清算人负责北岸房屋建筑和金融业务,一群知名的全国性企业在该业务中注册了权益。

Unpaid taxes prompted Inland Revenue to go to court to have liquidators appointed to a North Shore house building and finance business, where a group of big-name national businesses registered an interest.

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普华永道的克雷格·桑森(Craig Sanson)和马尔科姆·霍利斯(Malcolm Hollis)被任命为First Construction Group、First Finance和First Investment Group的清算人,据估计这些公司欠款总额为190万纽币。
– Carters建材供应商,由亿万富翁格雷姆·哈特(Graeme Hart)的Rank Group所有;
– NZX上市公司Fletcher Building旗下的PlaceMakers,其子公司Fletcher Distribution经营;
– 以Mitre 10 Mega New Lynn为品牌的Riviera Hardware;
– Yes Finance,担保权涉及汽车;
– Merchant Finance。

PwC’s Craig Sanson and Malcolm Hollis are liquidators of First Construction Group, First Finance and First Investment Group, estimated to owe $1.9 million.

Businesses with security over the First companies are:

* Carters Building Supplies, owned by billionaire Graeme Hart’s Rank Group;

* Fletcher Distribution trading as PlaceMakers, owned by multi-billion dollar NZX-listed Fletcher Building;

* Riviera Hardware, trading as Mitre 10 Mega New Lynn;

* Yes Finance with security over motor vehicles;

* Merchant Finance.

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First公司与相关实体Apollo Group合作,后者在北岸经营厨房和浴室制造业务,普华永道的清算人员现在也在经营这个企业。

The First companies operated with a related entity, Apollo Group, which traded as a kitchen and bathroom manufacturing business on the Shore and the PwC liquidators are also running that business now.

First集团为在Porona Rd, Wairau Valley与Apollo签有合同的客户提供项目管理和融资服务。普华永道表示,First的董事和股东是(音译)范湘宇(Xiangyu Fan),他在房屋建设、金融和住宅地产领域有业务。

First Group provided project management and financing services to customers with contracts to Apollo in Porona Rd, Wairau Valley. First’s director and shareholder is Xiangyu Fan, who operated in the house construction, finance and residential property fields, PwC said.

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小红书:澳纽网 4200514158

来源:NZ Herald

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