2022年世界夫人新西兰赛区大赛启动仪式 Launching Ceremony of 2022 WORLD MADAM NZ Division


Auckland, 20 August, 2022 . The 2022 WORLD MADAM New Zealand Division to be hosted by New Zealand International Culture and Art Exchange Centre and co hosted by Miss New Zealand Ltd was officially launched at Jocky Club, Clubhouse, Remuera, Auckland which was covered by local leading media such as AusNZ.net, Skykiwi, Chinese Headline New Media and 90.6am the Chinese Radio Station.


At 2pm, Emma Huang (on the left), the special body shaping coach of the event and Shan Collings, the champion of 2021 World Madam New Zealand Division  jointly presided the launching ceremony.

下午2.00,大赛特约形体指导Emma Huang女士(左)以及2021年世界夫人新西兰赛区总冠军Shan Collings女士共同主持了启动仪式。

World Madam Series initially launched by the United States Foundation of World Madam is an integrated service platform with the focus on promotion of the beauty of married women around the world. The aim is to link the power of influential married women around the globe in economy, science and technology, culture and other fields, wakening up more married women to promote the benefits of good health, beauty and love so as to improve the status of women in global politics, economic and social activities !


World Madam does not judge candidates by means of appearance, figure and talent. Instead, the success of candidates is defined by their achievements in their social roles in terms of multi dimension, diversification and inclusiveness.


The Great Madam for the World and the Great World for the Madam is the brand new definition of the mission of World Madam.


With the Crown Changes Lives campaign, World Madam hopes to encourage more married women to learn how to care for themselves and to participate in social welfare activities while working hard on jobs, for their families and children. More examples of happy family hostesses are to be set up as the power of examples and more unremitting efforts will be made to promote the vision and the goal of Happiness and harmony is shared in families around the world

世界夫人大赛通过“皇冠改变人生”理念的传播,旨在勉励更多的已婚妇女学会在努力做好本职工作,照顾好家人的同时,学会如何更好的关爱自己, 并参与各项社会公益活动。大赛会树立更多快乐主妇的范例来彰显榜样的力量。此外,也会不遗余力地弘扬“世界共享家庭美满与和谐”的理念。

The past few years saw the negative impacts on the world caused by the Covid 19, New Zealand was included of course. However, more than 62 countries and regions of 185 divisions around the world participated in 2021 Global Grand Finals of World Madam which was held in China in June 2022. New Zealand was one of the countries for the grand finals. Ms Maye Musk, Elon Musks mother, was awarded with the title of Honorary Global Overall Champion of 2021 Global World Madam.


At the launching ceremony here in Auckland on 20 August 2022, Jenny Li, the runner up of 2021 World Madam NZ Division was once again congratulated on her having been awarded with the Global Overall Third Place of 2021 Global Grand Finals of World Madam !

在2022年8月20日的奥克兰启动仪式上,荣获2021年世界夫人新西兰赛区亚军桂冠的Jenny Li女士因其荣获2021年世界夫人全球总决赛总季军奖而再次受到祝贺!

The great success of 2021 World Madam New Zealand Division held on 26 March 2021 despite of the Covid 19 is the confidence for the launching of 2022 World Madam NZ Division as per the press conference. Some of the winning candidates of 2021 World Madam NZ Division were also congratulated again at the launching ceremony with big applauds from the audience. They were thanked for their courage and the power of examples to encourage more married women to step on the stage to display their great charm.



Ms Rose Foulger, the honorary chairperson of the organizing committee, the chief judge of 2022 World Madam NZ Division, the former host of Miss New Zealand declared the official start of the launching of 2022 World Madam NZ Division followed by her brief introduction to the structure, scheduling and requirements of the forthcoming event. Professional training will be offered prior to the grand finals.

接着,本次大赛组委会荣誉主席,2022年世界夫人新西兰赛区大赛评判长以及前新西兰小姐选美机构负责人Rose Foulger女士宣布2022年世界夫人新西兰赛区大赛正式启动。Rose Foulger女士对本次大赛的结构,赛事活动安排以及相关要求等做了简要的介绍。大赛组委会在本次赛事总决赛前将会为参赛夫人提供专业培训课程。

Bryan Veloso, the director in chief, the art director and also the coach of the training sessions of the forthcoming event introduced the content of and the requirements of the costumes of the competition and stressed the importance of the rehearsals by the candidates.

本次大赛的总导演,艺术指导兼形体培训导师Bryan Veloso先生就参赛内容,服装要求以及参赛夫人的赛前培训的重要性等做了介绍。

When the ceremony was closing to an end, those candidates who have registered for the event and those who are about to enter for the event stepped up to the front showing their support to the event with their beautiful smiles. Jasmine Li delivered a speech on behalf of those candidates. One has to give ones dream a try, otherwise it will remain a dream forever! was the slogan .

启动仪式接近尾声,已报名参赛的夫人以及感兴趣报名参赛的夫人纷纷走上前台,用她们的美丽微笑来展示对这次赛事的鼎力支持。Jasmine Li女士代表这些参赛夫人发表了简短讲话。“要给梦想一个开始,否则它只是个梦!”

In addition, Ms Xin Chu, a mid wife by profession, Ms Frieda Lee and Ms Estie Wilson also made their speeches expressing their excitement about the event and honour to be part of the forthcoming competition.

此外,专业助产士Xin Chu女士, Frieda Lee 女士以及Estie Wilson女士也发表了讲话,对自己能有幸参与这次赛事表示兴奋与荣幸。

Finally, Ms Stella Li, QSM/JP and  Shone Zhang, both of whom are the honorary chairpersons of the organizing committee of the event delivered speeches encouraging those who were still deciding to take part in the event to take immediate actions to register for the competition so as to display their glamour on the grand stage on 26 Nov 2022.

最后,本次大赛组委会荣誉主席,英女王奖获得者及新西兰太平绅士Stella Li女士以及本次大赛组委会荣誉主席及2021世界夫人新西兰赛区季军获得者Shona ZhangShona Zhang女士也先后发表热情讲话,鼓励现场尚未报名参赛的选手马上行动起来,完成报名手续,等到2022年11月26日总决赛当天在绚丽的舞台上一展自己的华丽风采!

The ceremony ended in the great fun of the onsite demo training to all the candidates by Bryan Veloso and Mr Zhuangzi, the art director of the event in talent training . See you on 26 Nov 2022 was echoed in the hall of the ceremony !


本次启动仪式在与会嘉宾参加由Bryan Veloso先生以及本次大赛负责才艺培训的艺术指导庄子先生提供的培训展示活动中结束。“2022年11月26日见!”的欢呼声回响在仪式大厅中!