The University of California has reached a $243.6 million settlement with more than two hundred people who allege they were abused by former UCLA gynecologist Dr. James Heaps, according to a statement from university officials and the plaintiffs’ attorneys
— CNN (@CNN) February 9, 2022
UCLA于8日声明指出,「希普斯的行为应该受到谴责,且违背本校价值观。我们对每位勇敢挺身的人表示感谢,盼望这项和解协议能为原告带来安慰。」受害女子沃勒克(Julie Wallach)20年前遭希普斯性暴力后曾向校方反映,但没有得到任何回音,「我等这一天等了20年。」女子卡格尔(Kara Cagle)罹患罕见乳癌,8年前正接受痛苦的疗程时遭遇袭击,「我无法想像有人如此卑鄙,痛苦到我哭了出来。我为所有未能幸免的女性感到心碎。」
The University of California will pay $243M to over 200 women who say they were sexually abused by an ex-UCLA gynecologist.
Victims say it hid allegations against James Heaps — reportedly the UC’s highest paid physician — and gave him access to patients during the investigation.
— AJ+ (@ajplus) February 8, 2022
来源: 东森新闻