目前最强两用机?佳能EOS R5C为视频拍摄而生

摄影纵横 科技

佳能终于正式发布了集EOS R5以及Cinema EOS系统视频机于一身的全画幅专微EOS R5C,这款最新推出的佳能EOS R5C拥有强大的视频能力,配合主动式散热系统让这款新机在支持8K 60p规格内录下还提供无限时长的视频拍摄。EOS R5C预计会在3月份正式上市,目前的海外售价为4499美元,折合人民币28538元。



佳能EOS R5C全画幅专微在机身正面大致与EOS R5相同,但EOS R5C的机背相较于EOS R5来说则要厚一大截,原因是这款相机加入了主动式散热的风扇和散热片,让长时间拍摄视频时的高热不会困在相机内部,避免出现像EOS R5那样因为过热而罢工。除了机背可以看到EOS R5C的特点外,区分EOS R5C和EOS R5也很简单,首先EOS R5C的快门钮改为红色,机身前方也有Cinema EOS系统独有的红色C标识;前方机顶也有专业视频机用来标示正在摄录中的录影灯;其次,机身多个按钮也加入专门的数字作为功能设定和快速识别的功能;另外原来在EOS R5机顶左方的开关,EOS R5C除了开关机外还兼具切换视频和照片模式,而开关尺寸较EOS R5更大,相信新改动也是考虑专业视频流程而设计。








虽然EOS R5C在拍照模式的操作大致与EOS R5相同,也具备EOS R5相同的4500万像素全画幅CMOS感光元件、全像素双核CMOS AF自动对焦、12fps机械快门连拍和20fps电子快门连拍等功能,但是EOS R5C也阉割掉了EOS R5的五轴机身防抖功能,仅支持电子防抖,但在搭配使用部分兼容的IS光学光都镜头时,EOS R5C的电子防抖系统也得到强化,但有1.1x的剪裁系数。在视频拍摄方面,EOS R5C在操作上与Cinema EOS系统视频机一样,就连菜单界面也如是,当然因应EOS R5C在视频规格上的优越性,自然也加入了更多EOS R5上没有的新功能。



得益于主动式散热技术,EOS R5C可以在8K 60p格式的任何模式下进行无时限的拍摄,即使在4K 120p高帧率视频拍摄时,也支持4:2:2、10-bit的色彩取样。同时,EOS R5C也是第一款使用Cinema RAW Light作为内置8K 60p规格视频拍摄的佳能相机,Cinema RAW Light格式较原来的Cinema RAW更易于处理,同时也设有 HQ(高质素)、ST(标准质素)及 LT(长时间摄录)三个级别设定,而这三个模式同样支持12-bit。



EOS R5C提供HLG或PQ格式的8K HDR视频拍摄(EOS R5仅支援 PQ),也可以同步将Proxy文件储存在SD卡。至于 Canon XF-AVC编码、Canon Log 3曲线、时间码端子、使用HDMI可以输出8K 30p的 ProRes RAW原始文件也成为 EOS R5C的标准配置。



可以说,这款佳能EOS R5C就是专门为视频拍摄而生的全画幅微单,具备与EOS R5相同的拍照能力的同时,视频功能才是这款相机最大的魅力,整体性能不输专业的影视广播级产品,同时又兼具相对便携的体型,适合专业的视频用户以及机构使用。


Canon’s EOS R5C is a 2-in-1 stills and cinema camera

Canon has announced a new camera that brings cinema-grade video capabilities to a conventional full-frame mirrorless body. The EOS R5C looks a lot like the EOS R5, which in turn looked a lot like a Canon DSLR, but it’s much bulkier in the back. This is to accommodate an active cooling system so it can shoot for long stretches without overheating.

How long? Well, Canon says the cooling system allows the R5C to shoot up to 8K/60fps indefinitely. This was an issue with the R5; it was advertised as being able to shoot 8K for about 20 minutes, and Canon later released a firmware update to improve overheating problems. The R5C also supports 8K HDR recording in HLG and PQ formats as well as 4K/120fps recording in 4:2:2 10-bit color without cropping the sensor.

As a stills camera, it’s essentially identical to the R5 except for the lack of in-body image stabilization. The full-frame sensor is 45 megapixels and you can shoot at 12fps with the mechanical shutter or 20fps with the electronic shutter. The camera’s three-way power switch lets you boot it up into photo or video modes, with the menus and button functionalities changing accordingly.

The EOS R5C will be released in March for $4,499. That’s $600 more expensive than the EOS R5, but then you’re almost getting another separate camera at the same time. For some creators and producers, the all-in-one convenience could be worth it.

Source: The Verge