(1月14日)(中英)新西兰新冠 MIQ 43例,社区18例,奥克兰11例,34人住院,2人在重症室

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


社区新增 18 例新冠肺炎病例,边境发现 43 例。


The cases at the border had arrived from Australia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Fiji and the United States.

今天卫生部发布的消息显示,自 12 月 1 日以来,在 MIQ 中共检测到 266 例 Omicron 病例,预计它将在几周内成为主要菌株。

医院有 34 名新冠肺炎患者,其中两人在重症监护室。


Quay St 上的 Danny Doolan’s、Round 6 Bar & Nightclub Auckland CBD、Albert St、Saturdays Britomart、Customs St East 和 AV Club 都在上周五或本周周三被列为暴露关注地点。



卫生部表示,新增社区病例的地点是奥克兰(11)、怀卡托(4)、丰盛湾(1)和坎特伯雷(2)。 在怀卡托的四个病例中,三个在 Ngāruawāhia,一个在 Huntly。 所有这些都与先前报告的病例有关。


在住院的 34 人中,4 人在北岸,8 人在奥克兰市,17 人在米德尔莫尔,4 人在陶朗加,1 人在怀卡托。

新西兰继续看到许多来自海外的边境病例,这反映出全球 Omicron 病例的数量不断增加。

“我们强烈建议至少四个月前接种过第二剂疫苗的 18 岁以上的人接种加强剂。”

截至昨天,边境病的 7 天滚动平均值为 29 例。

卫生部还敦促公众在他们的常规医疗保健提供者或家庭医生处检查他们的详细信息是否是最新的,以及他们各自的 Covid-19 Tracer 应用程序的详细信息。


昨天,社区新增 28Covid 病例,其中大部分病例发生在奥克兰。


仅在奥克兰,卫生和福利提供者就为 878 名在家隔离的人提供支持,其中包括 180 名新冠病毒检测呈阳性的人。

与此同时,Capital 和 Coast 将成为第一个在毛利人中达到 90% 完全接种疫苗里程碑的地区卫生委员会地区。



“在为符合条件的毛利人口达到 90% 完全接种疫苗方面紧随其后的是坎特伯雷和奥克兰的 DHB,他们可能会在下周到达那里。”

Two patients with Covid-19 remain in intensive care. (File photo)

There are 18 new cases of Covid in the community and 43 picked up at the border.

Today’s Ministry of Health release reveals that a total of 266 Omicron cases have been detected in MIQ since December 1, amid predictions it will be the dominant strain here within weeks.

There are 34 people with Covid in hospital – two of those are in ICU.

Earlier today, four downtown Auckland bars and nightclubs have been identified as locations of interest and patrons are told to self-isolate and get a Covid test immediately.

Danny Doolan’s on Quay St, Round 6 Bar & Nightclub Auckland CBD, on Albert St, Saturdays Britomart, on Customs St East and AV Club have all been named as locations of interest on either Friday last week or Wednesday this week.

“Self isolate, test immediately and on day five after you were exposed at this location of interest.

“Further isolation and testing requirements will be provided by Public Health.”

The Ministry of Health said locations of new community cases are Auckland (11), Waikato (4), Bay of Plenty (1) and Canterbury (2). Of the four Waikato cases, three are in Ngāruawāhia and one is in Huntly. All are linked to a previously reported case.

There was one new location reported in the region and that was in Te Aroha.

Of the 34 in hospital, four are at North Shore, eight are at Auckland City, 17 are at Middlemore, four are at Tauranga: and one is at Waikato.


(1月13日)(中英)新西兰新冠 MIQ 13例,社区28例,奥克兰9例,34人住院,2人在重症室