新年的第一个 Covid-19 更新已经发布——过去两天有 105 个社区病例。
Omicron 边境新增两个病例,截至目前,Omicron 边境病例总数已达 90 个。
卫生部的数据显示,社区中没有报告有 Omicron 病例。
过去 48 小时内,奥克兰市医院还记录了另外两个人与 Covid 相关的死亡病例。
昨天,卫生部没有发布下午 1 点的官方声明——这是新西兰人在过去两年大流行期间已经习惯的 Covid 应对措施中罕见的情况。
然而,卫生官员确实敦促新西兰人尽快出去并接种加强疫苗;说这是保护新西兰人免受高度传播的 Omicron 变种的“关键”。
卫生总干事 Ashley Bloomfield 博士表示,加快推出加强针是应对 Omicron 的关键部分。
从周三(1 月 5 日)开始,一个人从辉瑞第二次注射到加强剂之间的时间将从六个月正式缩短到四个月。
从那天起,任何至少四个月前接种过第二次疫苗的 18 岁及以上的人都可以接种加强疫苗。
“更短的间隔意味着到 2022 年 2 月底,超过 82% 的接种疫苗的新西兰人将有资格获得加强疫苗,”布卢姆菲尔德说。
布卢姆菲尔德说,在疫苗推出初期接种疫苗的 326,000 多人已经接种了加强针。
这相当于 2021 年超过 70% 的人有资格这样做。
布卢姆菲尔德接着说,有“明确的证据”表明辉瑞疫苗可以提供针对 Omicron 的保护。
“我们也知道,与两剂疗程相比,辉瑞的加强剂量对 Omicron 变体提供了更好的保护,”他说。
在我们最大的城市,共有 1264 人正在隔离,其中目前有 355 人感染了新冠病毒。
卫生官员还证实,奥克兰艾伯特山的 Everil Orr 护理中心现在有 6 例 Covid-19 病例。
该部说:“其中一名居民于 12 月 30 日检测呈阳性,目前正在医院接受治疗,目前情况稳定。”
在怀卡托地区,过去两天报告了 7 例新的 Covid 病例。
在丰盛湾,过去两天共报告了 22 例新病例。
其中,陶朗加有 15 人,丰盛湾西部有 5 人,丰盛湾东部有 2 人。
过去两天,罗托鲁瓦报告了四例新的 Covid 病例。
医院里有 43 人在与病毒作斗争——其中大部分是奥克兰的患者。
The first Covid-19 update of the new year have been released – there are 105 community cases from the past two days.
There are two new Omicron cases at the border, taking the total number of Omicron border cases to 90 so far.
There are no reported cases of Omicron in the community, the Ministry of Health’s data shows.
Two further Covid-related deaths have been recorded, both in Auckland City Hospital in the past 48 hours.
It comes as a positive case has been identified in a holiday hotspot in Matarangi, Coromandel.
A Waikato District Health Board spokesman confirmed that a Whitianga case location identified yesterday will now be reclassified as Matarangi.
However, no further information about the cases will be released at this time, he said.
Where the new community cases are
There are 71 new cases in Auckland over the last two days.
A total of 1264 people are isolating in our largest city – including 355 people with Covid at the moment.
Health officials have also confirmed that there are now six cases of Covid-19 at the Everil Orr Care Centre in Mt Albert, Auckland.
They are made up of five residents and one staff member.
“One of the residents, who tested positive on December 30, is in hospital and is currently in a stable condition,” the Ministry said.
Covid cases in hospital
There are 43 people fighting the virus in hospital – the majority of patients in Auckland.
Eight people are at North Shore Hospital, 12 in Auckland City Hospital and 19 at Middlemore.
Two people are in hospital in Tauranga and one each at Lakes and Waikato.
Five people – three in Auckland and two in Tauranga – are in an intensive care unit or high dependency unit.