在边境发现了 6 例新的新冠 Omicron 变种病例,有 51 人因新冠住院。
新增社区病例 56 例,分别位于奥克兰(33 例)、怀卡托(6 例)、丰盛湾(11 例)、湖泊(4 例)、塔拉纳基(1 例)和哈特谷(1 例)。
惠灵顿地区 Hutt Valley 地区的 Covid-19 新病例与 Lakes DHB 地区有关。
6个新的 Omicron 病例使该变种的境外输入总数达到 28 个。
自 12 月 1 日以来,在新西兰边境发现了 45 例 Covid-19 病例。
从 11 月 24 日向世界卫生组织报告该变种到 12 月 20 日,已有 11,014 名返回者进行了管理隔离。
在住院的 51 人中,有 7 人在重症监护室或高依赖护理病房。
12 月 20 日从赫特谷收集的废水样本检测到 Covid-19 病毒,官员们表示,鉴于周三报道的病例,这并不意外。
在 12 月 20 日从纳皮尔收集的样本中也检测到了该病毒——这是过去一周内纳皮尔连续第三次获得阳性废水结果。
12 月 20 日,怀蒂昂格和达格维尔也发现了意想不到的废水结果。
在 Gisborne 收集的废水样本中继续检测到 Covid-19,最近一次检测也是在 12 月 20 日。
周二仅宣布了 28 例新的社区病例,这是自 10 月 5 日以来的最低每日病例数。
Six new Omicron Covid-19 cases have been detected at the border, as 51 people are in hospital with the virus.
There are 56 new community cases, in Auckland (33), Waikato (six), Bay of Plenty (11), Lakes (four), Taranaki (one), and Hutt Valley (one).
The new case of Covid-19 in the Hutt Valley area of the Wellington region has a link to the Lakes DHB area.
The case was self-isolating, and case interviews had identified a small number of household contacts, who were also isolating with testing arranged, the Ministry of Health said.
有人怀疑新冠病毒又回到了惠灵顿地区,而卫生部即将发布最新的 Covid-19 病例详细信息。
昨天社区中只有 28 例新的 Covid-19 病例,没有新的 Omicron 病例,这意味着Omicron病例总数仍为 22。
卫生部昨天发布了 Covid-19 的详细信息后,克里斯·希普金斯部长确认了一些将影响管理隔离、边境和 5-11 岁儿童的变化。
从 1 月 17 日起,这些儿童现在可以在获得父母许可的情况下接种疫苗,而本来在同一天重新开放边境的提议已被推迟到 2 月底。
这意味着至少有 27,000 人的旅行计划因延期而被推翻,被旅游人士称为“灵魂粉碎”,被其他人称为“悲伤但必要”。
鉴于目前正在肆虐世界其他地区(包括澳大利亚和英国)的 Omicron Covid 毒株,任何留在 MIQ 的人的逗留时间也将从 7 天延长至 10 天。
奥塔哥大学公共卫生教授迈克尔贝克告诉 RNZ,应该考虑采取另一项措施:限制甚至停止来自某些 Omicron 比率高的国家的入境。
“我们应该看看每天进来的 [阳性病例] 数字…… [如果] 我们每天可能有 10 或 20 名来自某些国家或地区的旅客,那只会淹没我们的 MIQ 系统,所以我们’ 我得做点什么把那个水龙头关小。”
Omicron 被广泛认为是一种传播速度非常快的变体,但对其严重程度尚未达成共识。
施打加强针的间隔时间也被提前了,从六个月改到四个月,到 2 月底,超过 80% 的接种者将有资格获得第三次接种。
与此同时,卫生部今天将透露几家DHB 距离全面接种疫苗还有多远。
在 Wairarapa DHB 地区,只有另外四名毛利人需要接种第一剂疫苗,才能达到 90% 的首次接种率。
南部 DHB 需要接种 42 剂疫苗,Waitemata 还要接种 225 剂疫苗,以便在第一剂时覆盖 90% 的符合条件的毛利人。
其他五个 DHB 已经达到了这个标准——两个 DHB 接近 90% 的符合条件的毛利人都已接种了两剂疫苗。
奥克兰 DHB 需要再接种 1118 剂疫苗,Capital and Coast 需要 1154 剂才能达到毛利人的里程碑。
中部地区 DHB 只需接种 6 剂疫苗即可覆盖 90% 的符合条件的太平洋地区已完全接种疫苗,而坎特伯雷仅需要 10 剂,怀卡托则需要 108 剂。
在其他九个 DHB 中,太平洋地区的人口已经有 90% 是接种两剂疫苗的。
据媒体了解,在 Hutt Valley 发现了 Covid-19 病例。
今天早上发布了五个疫情关注地点——Warehouse Stationery、Pak N Save 和 Funda Bakery——都在下哈特。 Naenae 的 Four Square 和 Minimart Trentham 也是值得关注的地点。
多个消息来源证实,这些地点与一名住在赫特谷(Hutt Valley)的人有关,据信他处于管理隔离状态。
任何在相关地点的人都被告知要自我监测 10 天,如果出现症状,则要去进行检测。
The Ministry of Health is set to release the latest Covid-19 case details as the virus is suspected to have returned to the Wellington region.
It comes as the Ministry prepares to release full Covid-19 case details in its 1pm update.
Yesterday there were just 28 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today and no new Omicron cases, meaning the country’s total remains at 22.
All of those cases are in managed isolation with the exception of one case who has now recovered and been released as they are no longer infectious.
After the ministry released its Covid-19 details yesterday, Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed a number of changes that would impact managed isolation, the border and 5-11 year olds.
The young age group will now be able to get vaccinated, with their parents’ permission, from January 17, while the proposed re-opening of the border on the same day has been pushed out until the end of February.
That’s meant at least 27,000 people have their travel plans overturned with the extension, labelled soul-crushing by the tourism sector, and sad but necessary by others.
Anyone staying in MIQ will also have their stay extended from seven to 10 days in light of the Omicron strain of Covid currently ravaging other parts of the world, including Australia and United Kingdom.
Otago University professor of public health Michael Baker told RNZ one other measure should be considered: limiting or even halting arrivals from certain countries with high rates of Omicron.
“We should look at the [positive case] numbers coming in every day… [if] we’re getting potentially 10 or 20 travellers a day coming from some countries or regions, that would just swamp our MIQ system, so we’ve got to do something to turn that tap down.”
Omicron is widely thought to be a very fast-spreading variant but there is no consensus yet on its severity.
The availability of booster shots was also brought forward, from six months to four, and more than 80 per cent of vaccinated people will be eligible for the third shot by the end of February.