101个社区病例; 住院61人,ICU 4人
随着内阁准备宣布该国将采用何种颜色来迎接新年,今天社区新增 101 例 Covid-19 病例。
做出这一决定之际,最近几天 Covid-19 病例数已从 200 多个病例的高峰下降到 100 多个病例低点附近徘徊。
今天是内阁在 1 月 17 日之前更改交通灯设置的最后机会。
奥克兰所有的 DHB 现在都达到了 90% 的双重疫苗接种率。
总理今天早上告诉 RNZ,过渡到红绿灯系统还为时过早,他们希望确保看到宽松政策的全部影响。
“我们只在这些环境中待了大约 10 天。”
内阁今天开会时,将收到公共卫生团队的额外信息,并考虑所有意见。 然后将在下午 4 点宣布决定。
周三奥克兰取消边界时,Ardern 鼓励计划在圣诞节期间离开该地区的人们继续采取安全预防措施。
然而,流行病学家罗德·杰克逊认为现在做出任何改变还为时过早,因为自“自由星期五”以来的 10 天还不够长。
他告诉 RNZ,酒吧是唯一人们走来走去的地方,因为大多数餐馆似乎都做得不错。
Te Pūnaha Matatini Covid-19 建模师 Michael Plank 教授表示,Omicron 的变体可能会迅速传播,因此相信可能有“明确的理由”将边界推迟至从 1 月中旬重新开放,并使 MIQ 保持更长时间。这将为新西兰人提供时间进行加强接种,因为英国的数据显示,接种两剂的人,加强剂的保护水平比仅接种两剂的人高得多。
他告诉 RNZ,即使由于可能出现大量病例,大多数病例都是轻微的,但仍可能使大量人住院。
Ardern 和专家都希望在接下来的几周内了解更多有关 Omicron 严重性的信息。
今天下午,新西兰人将了解他们 2021 年新年前夜的计划。
在周一的决定之前——预计在下午 4 点在国会举行的内阁新闻发布会上——政府明确表示,该国任何地方都不会进入“绿色”环境。 这将持续到最早从 1 月 17 日开始的那一周。
在橙色地区,音乐节、大型演出和夜总会是接种疫苗的人的去处。 而我们这些留在红色的人将坐下并分开,被限制在椅子上,或将计划迁到后院。
Cases in hospital
61; North Shore: 13; Auckland: 19; Middlemore: 25; Waikato: 2; Tauranga: 2
Vaccination status of current hospitalisations (Northern Region wards only)
Unvaccinated or not eligible (36 cases / 64%); partially immunised
Average age of current hospitalisations
Cases in ICU or HDU
4 (2 in Auckland; 1 in Middlemore, 1 in North Shore)
Number of tests total (last 24 hours)
Tests rolling average (last 7 days)
Auckland tests total (last 24 hours)
Wastewater detections
No unexpected results to report
Poster scans in 24 hours to midday yesterday
Manual diary entries in 24 hours to midday
My Vaccine Pass
My vaccine pass downloads total
My vaccine pass downloads (last 24 hours)
Arrival date
Positive test day/reason
Managed isolation/quarantine location
10 December
Day 1 / routine
3 November*
Day 4 / routine
101 community cases; 61 people in hospital, 4 in ICU
There are 101 Covid-19 cases in the community as Cabinet prepares to announce what colours the country will be in to welcome the new year.
Cabinet will today consider case numbers, vaccination rates and the length of time the new traffic light system has been in place
The decision comes as the number of Covid-19 case numbers has declined in recent days from its 200-plus peak to hovering around the low 100s figure.
Today is Cabinet’s last chance to change traffic light settings until January 17.
Although throughout the pandemic there would be a bit of “going back and forward”, she said.
When Auckland’s border lifted on Wednesday, Ardern encouraged people planning to travel out of the region for the Christmas period to continue to take safety precautions.
However epidemiologist Rod Jackson felt it was too soon to make any changes because 10 days since Freedom Friday wasn’t long enough.
“If we loosen restrictions more we are going to end up going up again by the end of the year.”
Australia was a good indication of what happened when restrictions loosened and case numbers were already rising again in NSW cases and no longer dropping in Victoria.
Bars were the only ones keen to move as most restaurants seemed to be doing okay, he told RNZ.
Te Pūnaha Matatini Covid-19 modeller Professor Michael Plank said the Omicron variant could spread quite quickly so believed there could be a “clear case” for delaying the border reopening from mid-January and keep MIQ in place for longer.
This would give time for New Zealanders to have their booster shots as UK data showed those with two doses and the booster had a much higher level of protection than those with just two doses.
Even if the majority of cases were mild due to the large number of cases likely, it could still put a significant number of people in hospital, he told RNZ.
“The fact that it can spread so quickly and infect people who have been vaccinated more easily means it is certainly likely to cause problems.”
Both Ardern and the experts expected more information around the severity of Omicron to be known in the next few weeks.