今天,社区新增 135 个新冠病例,有 76 人因该病毒住院。
Nelson-Marlborough 还报告了四个新病例,但这些将在明天上午 9 点后收到通知后添加到官方统计中。
There are 135 new cases of Covid-19 in the Delta community outbreak.
There were 125 new cases in Auckland, eight in Waikato, and two in Canterbury.
Four new cases are also being reported Nelson-Marlborough, but these will be added to the official tally tomorrow as they were notified after 9am.
There are seven people in ICU with Covid.
卫生部在下午 1 点起以书面声明的形式发布最新消息,随后总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 将于下午 4 点举行内阁会议后的新闻发布会。
周日有 106 例新确诊的病毒病例,旺格努伊和坎特伯雷有最新确诊病例。
有 77 人因感染病毒住院,其中 7 人在重症监护病房。
新西兰 20 个 DHB 中有 13 个存在活跃的 Covid-19 病例。
尽管现在新西兰近 90% 的符合条件的人口都接种了疫苗,但仍有一半以上的住院患者没有接种过疫苗。 另有 25% 的人在过去一周内只接种了一剂或接种了第二剂,这意味着他们还没有完全免疫。
只有 13% 的人完全接种了疫苗,而最后 6% 的疫苗状况未知。
今天早些时候,总理杰辛达·阿德恩 (Jacinda Ardern) 表示,她预计不会在夏季封锁,因为某些地区才刚刚开始恢复自由。
阿德恩Ardern 发表令人欣慰的评论之际,一位著名的流行病学家警告说,尽管疫苗接种率很高,但奥克兰“可能”会在全市范围内看到更多的(病毒)传播。
但是当奥克兰人准备从下周三开始离开这座城市时,Michael Baker教授告诉AM(早餐节目)奥克兰人不应该去和任何未接种疫苗的人呆在一起,因为这可能是一场“真正的灾难”。
然而,Ardern 相信上周五推出的新交通灯系统将为该国提供足够的保护。
据称,新西兰预计在平安夜之前符合条件的新西兰人中达到 90% 的疫苗接种里程碑。
这很重要,因为模型表明,在 90% 的疫苗接种率下,10,000 次 Covid-19 暴露只会导致 1175 例病例和 73 例住院治疗。
但一些专家认为,除了从下月底开始为儿童接种疫苗外,我们还可以将疫苗接种率推得更高——目标是 95% 的 12 岁以上儿童。
在奥克兰,90% 的符合条件的人口现在已经完全接种了疫苗——尽管 Manukau DHB 尚未达到这一里程碑。
截至昨天,约有 360 万符合条件的新西兰人(88%)现已完全接种疫苗,而 390 万人(93%)至少接种了一剂疫苗。
这使得大约 285,244 人——即符合条件的人口的 6.8%——完全没有接种疫苗。
一些专家警告说,90% 的目标掩盖了毛利人和太平洋岛民等弱势群体中仍然落后的比率——也没有考虑到儿童面临的风险,他们要到下个月才能获得资格。
毛利人健康研究员陶努伊( Rawiri Taonui) 博士担心奥克兰的重新开放可能会带来高昂的代价——并担心卫生部的数据可能低估了尚未接种疫苗的毛利人数量。
他的计算使用了新西兰统计局的估计,结果表明毛利人中少计了约 45,000 人。
The Ministry of Health will give the update in a written statement from 1pm, ahead of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern holding a post-Cabinet press conference at 4pm on Monday.
On Sunday there were 106 new confirmed cases of the virus, with Whanganui and Canterbury the latest to confirm a case.
Another 93 cases were in Auckland, eight in Waikato and three in Northland.
There were 77 people in hospital with the virus, seven of which were in ICU.
There are active Covid-19 cases in 13 of the country’s 20 DHBs.
And despite almost 90 per cent of New Zealand’s eligible population now being vaccinated, more than half of those in hospital had not had a jab. Another 25 per cent had only received one dose or had had their second within the past week, which meant they had not developed full immunity.
Only 13 per cent were fully vaccinated, while the vaccine status of the last 6 per cent was unknown.
Earlier today Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she was not expecting lockdowns over summer, with some parts of the country only just starting to get freedoms back.
(12月5日)(中英)新西兰社区新增 106 例新冠病例,奥克兰93例,怀卡托8例,北地3 例,77人住院,其中7人在重症监护室