新华社北京11月17日电 全国人大常委会委员长栗战书17日在北京人民大会堂以视频方式同秘鲁国会主席阿尔瓦举行会谈。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 1:46 pm(NZT)
中新网北京11月17日电 (记者 孙自法)全新世(距今1万年)以来,全球快速回暖,海平面上升,中国东部滨海地区地貌随之发生改变,这对新石器时期以宁(波)绍(兴)平原上河姆渡文化为代表的古人类生产生活等有何影响?
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 1:37 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 1:21 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 1:20 pm(NZT)
重拳打击电信网络诈骗推广引流犯罪 公安部公布十大典型案例
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 1:18 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 12:50 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 12:38 pm(NZT)
台湾宜兰县海域发生4.7级地震 福建多地有震感
中新网福州11月17日电 (记者 龙敏)台湾宜兰县海域17日上午发生4.7级地震,福州、厦门等福建沿海地区有震感。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 12:09 pm(NZT)
中新网杭州11月17日电(黄龄亿)16日,之江实验室与美国科学促进会(AAAS)在中国杭州、美国华盛顿两地,以视频方式在线签署联合办刊协议,双方将共同创办《Science》(《科学》)伙伴期刊《Intelligent Computing》(《智能计算》)。之江实验室主任朱世强与《Science》系列期刊出版人比尔·莫兰代表双方签约。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 11:41 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 11:32 am(NZT)
中新社乌鲁木齐11月17日电 (苟继鹏)穿着特意准备的白衬衫、黑西装,50岁的新疆棉农麦提克日木·吐尔逊,16日在新疆驳斥“强迫劳动”专场新闻发布会上,说出了乡亲们托他讲的心里话:新疆农民种地很轻松,没有所谓“强迫劳动”。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 11:18 am(NZT)
新华社北京11月17日电 题:“双十一”结束后一些消费者发现:预售比现买还贵,保价售后套路多
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 11:10 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 11:01 am(NZT)
聚焦中美元首视频会晤:元首外交 引领新时期中美关系发展
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:36 am(NZT)
主播说联播丨言应信、行应果 世界在看美国真行动
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:35 am(NZT)
人民日报 本报记者 吴 刚 李欣怡 曲 颂 杨 一
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:32 am(NZT)
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:24 am(NZT)
光明日报记者 耿建扩 陈元秋
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:11 am(NZT)
【光小明的学习笔记 】老区精神:风雨同舟 生死与共
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:10 am(NZT)
云南瑞丽:简化离瑞审批 满足群众需求
中国日报11月16日(记者 武晓慧)2021年11月16日,在云南瑞丽东高速路口,有离瑞需求人员在向工作人员出示离瑞申请审批表、核酸检测报告等证明材料后,有序离开瑞丽。
Source: 中新网国内新闻 | 17 Nov 2021 | 10:10 am(NZT)
Peng Shuai: Doubt cast on email from Chinese tennis star
The head of the WTA says he has a “hard time believing” email attributed to Peng Shuai is from her.
Source: BBC News – China | 17 Nov 2021 | 4:35 pm(NZT)
Dior runs afoul with controversial poster
A POSTER at an ongoing exhibition of French luxury powerhouse Christian Dior in Shanghai has been slammed by social media users as “uglifying Chinese women.” The picture was taken by famous Chinese portrait photographer Chen Man. It shows a woman of Asian origin with her eyes rolled back, swollen eyelids, freckles, smoked eyeshadow and long fingernail protectors, which were worn by people of nobility during the Qing Dynasty, holding a Lady Dior, one of the brand’s well-known handbags. Chinese social media users were largely spooked by the “eerie and creepy atmosphere” portrayed in the poster and were offended by it. Others suggested that the well-known photographer, considered China’s Annie Leibovitz in fashion photography, was pandering to Western tastes and stereotypes. The fashion brand has removed the controversial poster from its social media platforms but didn’t offer any explanation. Most netizens consider that Western brands choose models with slanted and narrow eyes and freckles because these traits fit their perceptions of Chinese women. Netizens discovered a previous collection of 12 covers taken by Chen for the iconic British fashion magazine i-D contained similar elements. Chen, 41, is known as one of China’s top fashion photographers and has shot numerous photos for international fashion brands and magazines. Christian Dior is not the first fashion brand to draw the ire of netizens. Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana infuriated Chinese people with several videos it released to promote a fashion show in Shanghai in 2018. In the videos, a Chinese-looking woman is being told how to use chopsticks to have Italian food. A voiceover in Chinese that many users slammed as “condescending” and “patronizing” tells the model how to “use this stick-shaped cutlery to eat your great traditional Pizza Margherita.” The show was canceled at the last minute and the two founders of the brand apologized.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 18 Nov 2021 | 5:06 am(NZT)
China, US ease restraints on visas for journalists
China and the United States will ease restrictions on access for journalists from each other’s countries, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson and the US State Department said yesterday. China and the United States have reached three consensuses, including one on the issuance of one-year multiple entry visas to journalists, to create favorable conditions for the media representatives of both countries. “After multiple rounds of consultations, China and the United States have recently reached three consensuses based on the principles of mutual respect, reciprocity and mutual benefit,” spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a daily press briefing. The two sides agreed to ensure that journalists from either country, currently based in the other country, can enter and leave that country normally on the premise of strictly observing laws and consular regulations, he said. The two sides also agreed to issue one-year multiple entry visas to journalists from the other country, and the US side pledged to immediately initiate domestic procedures to address the “duration of status” issues for Chinese journalists. The Chinese side promised to give equal treatment to American journalists in China after the US policies enter into force, Zhao said. Additionally, both parties will approve visas on an equal footing for new journalists who meet application requirements in accordance with laws and regulations, he said. “This achievement was hard-won, meets the interests of both sides, and is worth cherishing,” Zhao said, expressing hope that the United States will honor its words, implement the relevant policies as soon as possible, and work with China to continue creating favorable working and living conditions for the media of both countries. A spokesperson for the US State Department gave similar details. It said the United States planned to facilitate similar treatment for Chinese journalists. “We welcome this progress but see it simply as initial steps,” the spokesperson said. Tensions between the world’s top two economies on issues ranging from tech and trade spilled over into the media sector last year. China accused Washington of a “political crackdown” on Chinese journalists after it slashed the number of Chinese nationals allowed to work at the US offices of Chinese media and limited their authorized stay to 90 days, with an option to extend.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 18 Nov 2021 | 5:06 am(NZT)
China, US agree to ease restrictions on journalists
It comes after a face-to-face virtual summit between Chinese President Xi and US President Biden.
Source: BBC News – China | 17 Nov 2021 | 6:17 pm(NZT)
New Party resolution, by learning from the past, shines the path forward
THE recently concluded Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the CPC has drawn significant attention and sparked discussion at home and abroad. As a major achievement of the session, the adoption of the Resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century is an objective assessment of the Party’s achievement as well as a scientific appraisal of the invaluable historical experience gleaned in revolution and construction. The real worth of the resolution lies in — rather than merely casting a necessary backward glance at the Party’s glorious achievement — learning from the past, and leading the Chinese people on to the new, solid march into the next 100 years. Over the CPC’s century-old journey through struggles, three plenary session resolutions stand out. The first — the Resolution on Certain Issues in the History of the CPC — was issued in April 1945, at the Seventh Plenary Session of the 6th CPC Central Committee, four years before the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The second such pivotal document — The Resolution on Certain Issues in the History of the CPC Since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China — was issued in 1981, at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, about three years after the beginning of reform and opening-up and five years after the end of the “cultural revolution” in 1976. The third is the current resolution. Held at critical historical junctures, the first two resolutions have played pivotal roles in unifying thoughts within the Party and the timely redress of aberrations and deviations. The adoption and promulgation of the first resolution historically coincided with the revolutionary period times of CPC-led struggles against imperialist invasion, feudalist suppression, and exploitation by the national bourgeoisie. Although only twenty years after its birth, the Party, armed with an advanced world outlook and methodology, was able to view the resistance of foreign aggressions, the eradication of suppression and exploitation, the pursuit of equality and freedom, and the realization of the national rejuvenation and the country’s prosperity as its lifelong objectives. This enabled the Party, among the many rivaling political factions, to win one victory after another. Of course, the Party also paid dearly in dealing with the right and left deviations that resurfaced from time to time during this period. Therefore, that plenary session resolution in 1945, by taking stock of historical experience and lessons during the revolution, also served as ideological, organizational, and political preparation for repulsing the encircling and suppression of the KMT reactionaries, and for preparing the launch of a democratic united government. The second resolution, adopted and published in 1981, 32 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. At this juncture, the CPC had already undergone the state’s socialist transformation and had won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-53), and had completed the Party’s transformation pro forma from a revolutionary party to a ruling party. While the people had plunged themselves in the wave of socialist construction, given the infiltration and sabotage by the still formidable anti-Communist forces, to a large degree, the CPC still dealt with the many issues and contradictions during this period by resorting to the method of class struggle more proper to a revolutionary party, and this led to a deluge of the leftist stance and ideologies, culminating in the ravages of the “cultural revolution.” Thus the plenary session in 1981, through rectification and weeding out the ultra-leftist leanings, served to clear the ideological barriers and pave the way for the reform and opening-up and modern construction already initiated in 1978. One of the most common traits about these two previous plenary sessions was that the Party had made the fullest use of the principle of criticism and self-criticism more adopted in the Party’s routine political life. Anyone can see with clarity from the resolutions of the two plenary sessions that the Party lives up to its perception of being a party that is open, above-board, and truth-seeking. It also suggests the Party as full of wisdom, self-reflective, with full capacity for criticism and self-criticism. The recently adopted resolution, the third of its kind in the Party’s century-old history that merits special attention, differs considerably in the zeitgeist compared with the previous ones. First, the Party, in the 40 years since 1981, in light of the principle of ideological emancipation and “seeking truth from facts,” strives to combine advanced Marxist theory with the Chinese practice of reform and opening-up, and seeks to chart its route to socialism with Chinese characteristics that is at once practical and enjoys ardent popular support. This presupposes, while proceeding with its steadfast promotion of reform and opening-up and the modern construction, the Party’s effort in the eradication of ultra-left thoughts and the timely safeguarding against ultra-right tendencies. In this process, the country succeeded in gradually becoming a powerful country from a country becoming steadily more well-off. This is nothing short of a historical leap which amounts to an innovative development of Marxist theory. Secondly, since the reform and opening-up, the fourth generation of the collective leadership has been particularly attentive to the following aspects: Steadily raising people’s living standards, raising the nation’s spiritual nurturing and social moral stature, and participating in global governance by adhering to multilateralism and resisting unilateralism. As a matter of fact, the Party has been striving to achieve the organic merging of these three aspects with its practice in state governance. Since the CPC’s 18th National Congress, in dealing with unprecedented, complicated domestic and overseas contradictions, the Party has developed new wisdom in its innovative, creative Sinicization of Marxism, by proposing such concepts as the Belt and Road Initiative, a vision about a community and a shared future for mankind, ecological civilization, strategies for poverty alleviation and pandemic containment, and the principle of people first. Unlike the previous two resolutions, the current resolution does not give prominent coverage to the aberrations and problems during the 40 years since reform and opening-up, probably for two reasons. First, given the Party’s strict self-management and its law-based governance and beefed-up campaign to weed out corruption, the regime for such redress is more and more part of the routine, systemic and sustainable mechanism, with malfeasants dealt with promptly, and due punishment meted out accordingly. Secondly, given the infiltration of the anti- Communist and anti-China forces at home and abroad and the perturbations brought about by the information cocoons and the post-truth reality in the Internet era, marking the centenary of the Party by highlighting the Party’s successful historical experience and innovative wisdom in leading the people would help guide the people to forge ahead by reinforcing unity, confidence, and the fighting spirit. Judging by how the successfully convened plenary session is perceived by people from all walks of life, the current resolution has certainly achieved the effect of learning from the past, unifying the thoughts and concentrating the strengths of the whole Party, and this is exactly what we expect from the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. The author is the director of the Institute of Journalism, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. Wan Lixin translated the article.
Source: Shanghai Daily: Nation | 17 Nov 2021 | 5:57 am(NZT)