【编者按】 中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议于11月8日至11日在北京召开。此次会议重点研究全面总结中国共产党百年奋斗的重大成就和历史经验问题。沧桑百年,见证了中国共产党为人类进步事业的不懈奋斗;新征程上,中国共产党将继续站在历史正确的一边,站在人类进步的一边,为推动构建人类命运共同体、建设更加美好的世界作出新的更大贡献。即日起,海外网“海评面”栏目组推出系列访谈节目“人类命运共同体的世界回响”,邀请多国驻华大使和海外专家学者讲述他们眼中的人类命运共同体。此为第五期。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国亚裔奥运冠军街头遭种族歧视攻击 被喷胡椒粉
海外网11月12日电 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)11日报道,美国体操奥运冠军苏妮沙·李(Suni Lee)日前在接受采访时称,自己在今年10月和其他亚裔女性朋友外出等车时,遭到了种族歧视者攻击。当时一辆汽车经过,车里的人用侮辱性字眼攻击苏妮沙·李等人,并对她们大喊“滚回你来的地方去”,还向苏妮·李的手臂上喷胡椒粉。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
俄公民荷兰被捕最高获刑20年 律师:美国“实际绑架”
中新网11月13日电 据俄罗斯卫星网13日报道,近日,俄罗斯公民丹尼斯·杜布尼科夫在荷兰被捕。其律师阿尔卡季·布赫说,美国联邦调查局“实际绑架”了杜布尼科夫。杜布尼科夫面临最高20年的监禁。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国累计新冠死亡病例超76万例 欧洲再成疫情“震中”
中新社北京11月13日电 综合消息:世界卫生组织12日公布的最新数据显示,截至欧洲中部时间12日16时32分(北京时间23时32分),全球确诊病例较前一日增加514819例,达到251788329例;死亡病例增加7508例,达到5077907例。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社金边11月13日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)从11月初全面放开各行业领域,进入“与病毒共存”的抗疫新阶段后,柬埔寨每日新增新冠肺炎报告病例并未出现大幅度反弹情况,各地“第三针”疫苗接种行动有序推进。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社莫斯科11月13日电 (张萌)据塔斯社12日报道,俄罗斯政府当天已向国家杜马(议会下院)提交了关于在公共场所和乘坐公共交通工具等时出示健康二维码的法案。预计法案的有效期持续至2022年6月1日。俄国家杜马将于11月15日审议该法案。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
APEC宣言强调强化区域经贸合作 战疫情、促复苏
中新网11月13日电 综合报道,21个国家和地区参加的亚太经合组织(APEC)首脑会议,11月12日晚以视频形式在线举行。各成员经济体誓言通过缓解供应链吃紧、解决劳工问题以及携手应对新冠疫情,促使亚太的经济复苏。美国总统拜登、新西兰总理阿德恩、新加坡总理李显龙等均发表讲话。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社华盛顿11月12日电 (记者 沙晗汀)美国国务卿布林肯当地时间12日宣布,卡塔尔将成为美国在阿富汗的利益代理国。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美芝加哥涉杀害中国留学生嫌犯被捕 被控多项罪名
中新网11月13日电 综合外媒13日报道,涉嫌抢劫并杀害美国芝加哥大学一名24岁中国留学生的嫌犯已被捕,嫌犯年仅18岁,是一名非裔男子,名为奥尔顿·斯潘。其目前被诉一级谋杀、持武抢劫及两项非法使用武器罪名,将接受审判。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
“维基解密”创始人阿桑奇获准狱中结婚 曾起诉英方
中新网11月13日电 英国《太阳报》援引知情人士的消息称,英国监狱中的“维基解密”创始人朱利安·阿桑奇已获得皇家检察署的许可,可以与他的未婚妻斯特拉·莫里斯结婚。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
欧洲新冠确诊病例一周激增近200万创新高 世卫提醒
中新网11月13日电 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞11月12日指出,上周,欧洲通报近200万起新冠确诊病例,是大流行以来单周新高,欧洲正面临再度采取限制措施遏止传播的压力。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社联合国11月12日电 联合国秘书长古特雷斯12日表示,利比亚即将举行的总统和议会选举是通往和平与稳定道路上“必不可少的下一步”。他敦促利比亚人树立民族团结精神,在选举前克服可能存在的分歧。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
“世维会”在捷克从事反华分裂活动 驻捷使馆回应
Source: 中新网国际新闻
德国第四波疫情暴发 主要由未接种疫苗者染疫引起
中新网11月13日电 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,德国第四波疫情暴发,主要是未接种新冠疫苗者受感染引起的。当地一家医院接收的新冠病患近几周上升三倍,近半数需要呼吸机,相关病例都未接种疫苗。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
布林肯将出访撒哈拉以南非洲 美对非洲政策将转变?
中新网11月13日电 据卡塔尔半岛电视台12日报道,美国国务院表示,国务卿安东尼·布林肯将于下周首次以此身份,访问撒哈拉以南非洲。届时,他将对肯尼亚、尼日利亚和塞内加尔进行访问。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
边境难民危机欧盟威胁制裁 白俄出王牌:切断供气
中新网11月13日电 据《欧洲时报》报道,白俄罗斯和波兰、立陶宛因难民引发的边境争端仍在发酵。波兰、立陶宛持续加强边境管控,欧盟也威胁加强制裁,作为回应,白俄罗斯则警告要切断对欧洲的天然气供应,引发欧洲天然气价格将进一步上涨的新一轮担忧。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
除美军外 日本首次对澳军实施“武器等防护”
中新网11月13日电 据日本共同社报道,日本防卫省12日发布消息称,在四国地区以南开展联合训练之际,海上自卫队护卫舰“稻妻”号对澳大利亚海军护卫舰“瓦拉蒙加”号实施了基于安全保障相关法的“武器等防护”。防卫省表示,这是首次对美军以外实施类似防护。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社布鲁塞尔11月12日电 (记者 德永健)荷兰、比利时和英国军方12日称,两架俄罗斯图-160战略轰炸机当日在欧洲海域上空飞行,期间遭比利时和英军战机跟踪拦截。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
地区大国博弈色彩浓厚 伊拉克政治进程难言乐观
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
利比亚问题国际会议在法国巴黎举行 聚焦利比亚选举进程
中新社巴黎11月12日电 (记者 李洋)由法国、意大利、德国、利比亚和联合国共同举办的利比亚问题国际会议当地时间12日在巴黎举行。会议聚焦利比亚选举进程,谋求推动利比亚稳定。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社曼谷11月12日电 (记者 王国安)中国驻泰国大使韩志强12日在曼谷拜会泰国总理巴育,并转交中国政府援助泰国的最新一批新冠疫苗和抗疫物资。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社莫斯科11月12日电 (记者 田冰)俄罗斯总统普京12日表示,俄罗斯国内生产总值(GDP)增长已恢复到新冠疫情发生前的水平。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
地区大国博弈色彩浓厚 伊拉克政治进程难言乐观
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
利比亚问题国际会议在法国巴黎举行 聚焦利比亚选举进程
中新社巴黎11月12日电 (记者 李洋)由法国、意大利、德国、利比亚和联合国共同举办的利比亚问题国际会议当地时间12日在巴黎举行。会议聚焦利比亚选举进程,谋求推动利比亚稳定。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社曼谷11月12日电 (记者 王国安)中国驻泰国大使韩志强12日在曼谷拜会泰国总理巴育,并转交中国政府援助泰国的最新一批新冠疫苗和抗疫物资。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社莫斯科11月12日电 (记者 田冰)俄罗斯总统普京12日表示,俄罗斯国内生产总值(GDP)增长已恢复到新冠疫情发生前的水平。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
全球连线 | 游客回来了!中国疫苗海外故事被拍成纪录片
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Gang allows fuel to flow in Haiti — but just for a week
A powerful Haitian gang leader says he is easing a chokehold on fuel deliveries that has caused a growing crisis for hospitals, gas stations and even water supplies across the nation’s capital
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 9:01 pm(NZT)
Police: Roadside bomb kills 2 constables in NW Pakistan
Authorities say a roadside bomb has exploded in a tribal district that borders Afghanistan, killing two police
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 8:39 pm(NZT)
Africa’s ‘Great Green Wall’ shifts focus to hold off desert
The Great Green Wall that was once envisioned as a way for Africa to fight climate change has stalled
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 8:22 pm(NZT)
Hong Kong authorities deny visa to Economist journalist
Hong Kong authorities have declined to renew a visa for a foreign journalist working for The Economist without any explanation, the magazine said in a statement on Friday
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 8:08 pm(NZT)
The ‘new’ Drug War and how the U.S. aided the capture of Colombia’s most wanted man
In an interview, Colombia’s Defense Minister Diego Molano describes how the U.S. helped capture Colombia’s most wanted man.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)
Dozens of armed farmers reject ruling on Mexico land dispute
Dozens of Mexican farmers armed with rifles and shotguns have gathered in a pocket of mountain forest in southern Mexico to angrily reject a Supreme Court ruling on a decades-old land dispute
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 5:53 am(NZT)
What the Taliban’s youngest fighters tell us about the future of the movement
Thousands of Americans born after 9/11 joined the U.S. military to serve their nation. The lives of a parallel generation of Taliban fighters were also shaped by the attacks.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 5:36 am(NZT)
American journalist Danny Fenster sentenced to 11 years in Myanmar prison
The especially punitive treatment of Fenster, who was arrested while trying to board a flight out of Myanmar, has alarmed the U.S. government and press advocates
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 4:09 am(NZT)
Austria aims to ‘green light’ lockdown for unvaccinated citizens amid infection surge
“I don’t see why two-thirds should lose their freedom because one-third is dithering,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 3:10 am(NZT)
Russia assures E.U. it will continue delivering gas despite Belarus pipeline threats
In a bid to defuse the migrant border crisis, Turkey will no longer allow people from Yemen, Syria and Iraq to fly straight to Belarus.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 2:58 am(NZT)
Hamilton under investigation after topping Sao Paulo qualifying
Lewis Hamilton romps to pole position for the ‘sprint’ qualifying race at the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, but is under investigation for a technical infringement.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 2:12 pm(NZT)
Summer Zervos: Ex-Apprentice drops lawsuit against Trump
Mr Trump declares himself “totally vindicated” as Summer Zervos abandons her long-running lawsuit.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 2:11 pm(NZT)
Britney Spears released from 13-year conservatorship
An LA judge terminates a legal guardianship set up by the 39-year-old pop star’s father in 2008.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:48 pm(NZT)
Dontae Sharpe: US man wrongfully imprisoned for 26 years pardoned
Dontae Sharpe’s pardon follows a BBC documentary on the miscarriage of justice in his case.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:32 pm(NZT)
The Nigerian artist who turned pain into fame during lockdown
Ijeoma Ogwuegbu only took up painting 18 months ago but praise from Thandiwe Newton helped her work go viral.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:13 pm(NZT)
Iqaluit: A month without clean water in Canada’s north
Frustration is growing in the Canadian city of Iqaluit after fuel contaminated the water supply.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:10 pm(NZT)
Belarus border: Scrambling for facts in Europe’s new crisis
Journalists and aid workers are kept away from the bleak spectacle of migrants on the Polish border.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:09 pm(NZT)
Ship-load of ‘toxic’ Chinese fertilizer causes diplomatic stink
A ship carrying fertiliser from China to Sri Lanka is at the heart of a dispute between both allies.
Source: BBC News – Home | 13 Nov 2021 | 1:07 pm(NZT)
The ‘new’ Drug War and how the U.S. aided the capture of Colombia’s most wanted man
In an interview, Colombia’s Defense Minister Diego Molano describes how the U.S. helped capture Colombia’s most wanted man.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 6:01 am(NZT)
What the Taliban’s youngest fighters tell us about the future of the movement
Thousands of Americans born after 9/11 joined the U.S. military to serve their nation. The lives of a parallel generation of Taliban fighters were also shaped by the attacks.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 5:36 am(NZT)
Austria aims to ‘green light’ lockdown for unvaccinated citizens amid infection surge
“I don’t see why two-thirds should lose their freedom because one-third is dithering,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 3:10 am(NZT)
Russia assures E.U. it will continue delivering gas despite Belarus pipeline threats
In a bid to defuse the migrant border crisis, Turkey will no longer allow people from Yemen, Syria and Iraq to fly straight to Belarus.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 2:58 am(NZT)
Air Canada CEO’s mostly English speech inflames French anxiety in Quebec
Michael Rousseau called it a “testament” to Montreal that he had lived there for more than a decade without having to speak French. It wasn’t the compliment he thought it was.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 2:00 am(NZT)
Priests differ on call to arms in violence-torn Mexico state
Even for the violence-wracked Mexican state of Michoacan, people were surprised when a priest called from the pulpit for parishioners to arm themselves against warring drug gangs
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 12:42 am(NZT)
UN says many lives lost daily in Africa’s Sahel Crisis
The U.N. peacekeeping chief is warning that the crisis in Africa’s Sahel region remains volatile, with insecurity and instability seriously undermining prospects for development and many lives lost every day as a result of terrorist attacks
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 12:37 am(NZT)
Climate talks march past deadline
Negotiators search for compromise and ways to slow climate change, as protestors clamor for bolder action.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 12:22 am(NZT)
U.N. climate summit heads into extra time as negotiators work to strike deal
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 12:01 am(NZT)
Vaccine mandates are spreading. Italy shows what to expect.
The emerging lesson seems to be that a forceful policy can indeed reap a payoff — at least, a modest one.
Source: World | 13 Nov 2021 | 12:00 am(NZT)
As coronavirus cases surge, more European countries consider lockdowns
Europe is once again the epicenter of the pandemic. With cases and deaths surging across the continent, countries are considering new lockdowns and debating whether vaccines alone are sufficient to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:24 pm(NZT)
Countries around the world are debating coronavirus booster shots. Here’s where they’ve been approved.
Here are some of the countries administering booster shots – and some of the places that have been left behind.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 11:00 pm(NZT)
Yemen’s Houthi forces breach U.S. Embassy compound, detain local employees
Operations at the embassy have been suspended since 2015, and the State Department said that a “majority” of the detained staff were released.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:59 pm(NZT)
Why has it been so hard to get fossil fuels mentioned in U.N. climate deals?
In the context of consensus-seeking climate diplomacy, singling out fossil fuels would be groundbreaking.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:38 pm(NZT)
Family of jailed Chinese chronicler of Wuhan lockdown pleads for her release
The request for Zhang Zhan’s release comes after a doctor told her family she would probably die without medical attention.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 10:01 pm(NZT)
Russia, West clash over Russian military presence in the CAR
The U.N. Security Council has extended the mandate of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Central African Republic
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 9:54 pm(NZT)
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange granted approval to wed lawyer in high-security London prison
The announcement came after Stella Moris threatened legal action against a top British official, saying that the couple’s requests for a marriage ceremony were ignored.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 9:45 pm(NZT)
Myanmar court sentences US journalist to 11 years in jail
A court in military-ruled Myanmar has sentenced U.S. journalist Danny Fenster to 11 years in prison with hard labor
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 9:15 pm(NZT)
Russian paratroopers drill in Belarus, 2 die in accident
Russia has sent paratroopers to Belarus, in a show of support for its ally amid the tensions over an influx of migrants on the Belarus-Poland border, but two of the Russian soldiers were killed in a parachute accident
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 9:05 pm(NZT)
An ISIS attack in Iraq provokes conflict between neighbors, stirring sectarian violence
The massacre last month in a Shiite village illustrates how fragile the country’s peace remains.
Source: World | 12 Nov 2021 | 9:00 pm(NZT)