Paul Hamdy, 49, is fully vaccinated and isolating at home after receiving a positive test last weekend.
49 岁的保罗·哈姆迪(Paul Hamdy)在上周末检测呈阳性后,已完全接种疫苗并在家隔离。
Hamdy said he believed he caught the virus while shopping at Pak’n Save in Mt Albert, as he hadn’t been going out in public or socialising in other ways.
Hamdy 说他相信自己是在 Mt Albert 的 Pak’n Save 购物时感染了病毒,因为他没有在公共场合外出或以其他方式进行社交活动。
He said he had spent the past 10 days feeling sick, lethargic, and with no sense of taste or smell.
他说,过去 10 天他一直感到恶心、昏昏欲睡,并且没有味觉或嗅觉。
“I usually don’t get sick, I haven’t had a flu in years. I did everything right – got my vaccinations, wore a mask in public, but I still got it.
“我通常不会生病,我已经好几年没得过流感了。 我做的一切都对——打了疫苗,在公共场合戴了口罩,但我还是感染了。
“Around 10 days ago I felt like something was wrong, so I began self-isolating. A couple of days later, I was grinding coffee beans and realised I couldn’t smell anything.”
“大约 10 天前,我觉得有些不对劲,所以我开始自我隔离。 几天后,我在磨咖啡豆时发现我闻不到任何气味。
Hamdy said he was “completely shocked” and called a friend, who told him he should try smelling other things to check.
“I went to the bathroom and found I couldn’t smell anything in there. There was nothing.”
“我去了洗手间,发现里面什么都闻不到。 什么都没有。”
Panic set in, and Hamdy said he was worried if he was tested he would be taken away from his home.
He decided he should get tested, however, and less than a day later he received a text saying he was positive and health officials would make contact.
When they did call, he said they went through his living situation. Hamby said he lived alone and told them he wanted to stay home.
当他们打电话时,他说他们了解了他的生活状况。 汉比说他一个人住,并告诉他们他想待在家里
He said processing the fact he had Covid-19 was hard, and while he was almost at the end of two weeks of isolation, he still had symptoms.
他说理解自己感染 Covid-19 的事实很困难,虽然他的两周隔离几乎结束了,但他仍然有症状。
“It hasn’t been any coughing or sneezing for me, it’s just loss of taste and smell, periodic headaches and fatigue.
“I wake up in the morning feeling OK, but by the end of the day I’m absolutely exhausted. The symptoms are completely unique, I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
“我早上醒来感觉还好,但到了一天结束时,我已经筋疲力尽了。 症状是完全独特的,我从来没有经历过这样的事情。”
Home isolation was going well, Hamdy said, and he was being called multiple times a day by health officials to check on him.
Patients isolating at home were all given a pulse oximeter, a device which measured blood oxygen, according to the Ministry of Health.
However, Hamdy said he had to specifically ask for one.
“Once I did it was couriered over along with masks, gloves and PPE suits.”
“一旦我这样做了,它就会与口罩、手套和 PPE 套装一起快递过来。”
Hamdy said despite being healthy with no underlying conditions, he believed it would take a long time for him to fully recover from Covid.
“All I can think is that if I wasn’t a healthy person, or I hadn’t been vaccinated, this would’ve hit me even harder. I’d probably be hospitalised.
“我能想到的是,如果我不是一个健康的人,或者我没有接种疫苗,这会对我造成更大的打击。 我可能会住院。
“I don’t think people realise the full magnitude of the situation. People are going to get sick, and they’re going to die, it’s inevitable, and we all need to prepare to get it at some stage.
“我认为人们没有意识到情况的全部严重性。 人们会生病,他们会死,这是不可避免的,我们都需要准备好在某个阶段得到它。
“To be blunt, get vaccinated or die, and if you are vaccinated, don’t let your guard down.”