Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
新华社墨西哥城11月5日电(记者吴昊 朱雨博)由中国驻墨西哥大使馆与墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯大学共同主办的“中国青年外交官看拉美”系列研讨会4日在线开幕。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网努尔苏丹11月6日电 塔什干消息:当地时间6日,乌兹别克斯坦总统就职典礼仪式在位于首都塔什干的议会参议院大楼举行。在大选中获胜的米尔济约耶夫宣誓就职,开始第二个5年任期。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网努尔苏丹11月6日电 塔什干消息:当地时间5日,乌兹别克斯坦国家水文气象局发布消息称,自4日起,全国多个地区发生有气象记录以来的首次沙尘暴天气。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
米尔济约耶夫宣誓就任乌兹别克斯坦新一届总统 开启第二个任期
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国一音乐节活动上因人群拥挤发生死伤事故 造成至少8人死亡、多人受伤
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社华盛顿11月6日电 (记者 沙晗汀)美国国会众议院当地时间5日晚表决通过1万亿美元基础设施建设法案。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美得州一音乐节发生伤亡事故 造成至少8死多人受伤
中新网11月6日电 据美国广播公司(ABC)报道,当地时间5日,美国得克萨斯州休斯敦的一场音乐节上发生伤亡事故,已造成至少8人死亡,数人受伤。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
塞拉利昂一油罐车与卡车相撞爆炸 造成多人伤亡
中新网11月6日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,西非国家塞拉利昂首都弗里敦市政府发布消息称,当地时间5日,该市一辆油罐车和一辆卡车相撞引发爆炸,造成多人伤亡。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新网11月6日电 据秘鲁《公言报》报道,秘鲁卫生部宣布,5日开始已经为12至14岁青少年接种新冠疫苗,这是秘鲁免疫目标人群的最后一个年龄组。卫生部保证有足够的疫苗库存来完成接种工作。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
中新社金边11月6日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)2021年柬埔寨全国高考日期6日确定,该国教育部将于12月27日组织今年全国高考。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
日媒:前文部科学相林芳正或担任外相 与岸田关系密切
中新网11月6日电 据日本共同社6日报道,相关人士透露,日本首相岸田文雄有意起用前文部科学相林芳正(60岁)担任外相。林芳正隶属岸田派,与岸田关系密切,以精通政策闻名。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美媒:美国得了“枪支暴力流行病” 枪支数量比人口数量多
海外网11月6日电 针对枪支暴力问题,美国广播公司(ABC)近日发布系列报道,5日的报道中指出,美国已经成为全球民用枪支拥有率最高的国家。报道直言,美国得了“一种枪支暴力流行病”,这是其他国家所没有的。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
德国单日新增确诊创新高 日本放开部分外国公民入境限制
(抗击新冠肺炎)德国单日新增确诊创新高 日本放开部分外国公民入境限制
Source: 中新网国际新闻
访中国华电西港项目:彰显“中国质量” 履行社会责任
中新社西港11月6日电 题:访中国华电西港项目:彰显“中国质量”履行社会责任
Source: 中新网国际新闻
伊核谈判重启前夕 伊朗称已将浓缩铀储量增加近一倍
中新网11月6日电 综合报道,当地时间5日,伊朗原子能组织发言人卡马尔万迪表示,该国生产的丰度为20%的浓缩铀储量已超过210公斤,丰度为60%的浓缩铀储量已达到25公斤。此举为即将进行的新一轮伊核谈判增加了不确定的前景。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
美国前国务卿鲍威尔葬礼举行 三任总统同框送行
中新网11月6日电 据美国中文网报道,当地时间5日,美国首位非裔国务卿科林·鲍威尔的葬礼在华盛顿国家大教堂举行,美国总统拜登夫妇、前总统奥巴马夫妇、前总统小布什夫妇等共同出席了葬礼。
Source: 中新网国际新闻
疫苗接种放缓 欧洲多国疫情出现“大面积感染”
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
Source: 中新网国际新闻
法国累计确诊病例近720万 议会通过新版防疫措施法案
(抗击新冠肺炎)法国累计确诊病例近720万 议会通过新版防疫措施法案
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:23 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 6:41 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:23 pm(NZT)
伊拉克游行冲突致125人受伤 总理呼吁各方冷静
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:21 pm(NZT)
新华社华盛顿11月5日电(记者许缘 高攀)美国劳工部5日公布的数据显示,美国10月份失业率环比下降0.2个百分点至4.6%,非农部门新增就业人数为53.1万,超过市场普遍预期。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 4:30 pm(NZT)
法国作家发起联署请愿 呼吁公正评价中国
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 4:29 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:28 pm(NZT)
美国10月新增就业53.1万 失业率降至4.6%
中新社华盛顿11月5日电 美国劳工部5日发布的数据显示,美国10月份非农部门新增就业53.1万人,失业率降至4.6%,环比小幅下降0.2个百分点。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:25 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:03 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:54 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:54 pm(NZT)
印尼多地暴雨成灾 已致5人死亡4人失踪
中新社雅加达11月5日电 (记者 林永传)4日至5日,印尼多个地区突降暴雨,引发了洪水和泥石流灾害,已造成5人死亡4人失踪,数百栋房屋被淹没或倒塌。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:53 pm(NZT)
中新网金边11月5日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)柬埔寨公共工程和运输部5日消息称,公共工程和运输大臣孙占托日前出席主题为“电动汽车,为柬埔寨创造绿色未来”的论坛时表示,电动汽车在减少碳排放方面发挥着重要作用。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:29 pm(NZT)
柬埔寨腰果展现经济潜力 出口同比迅猛增长
中新社金边11月5日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)今年以来,柬埔寨农产品出口量同比大幅增长,其中,腰果展示出经济潜力,出口表现亮眼,同比大幅增长。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:12 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:11 pm(NZT)
泰国开放国际旅游前4天逾1.3万人入境 已有10人确诊
(抗击新冠肺炎)泰国开放国际旅游前4天逾1.3万人入境 已有10人确诊
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:10 pm(NZT)
俄驻德大使馆外发现一具俄外交官遗体 疑坠楼身亡
中新网11月5日电 综合外媒5日报道,上个月,柏林警方在俄罗斯驻德国大使馆外发现了一具俄罗斯外交官的遗体,疑为从大楼坠落身亡。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 1:31 pm(NZT)
韩前检察总长尹锡悦获选最大在野党总统候选人 大选阵容揭晓
中新社首尔11月5日电 (记者 刘旭)当地时间5日,韩国最大在野党国民力量党举行第二次全党大会,并公布党内总统候选人初选结果。韩国前检察总长尹锡悦以47.85%的得票率位居第一,当选第20届总统候选人。
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 12:59 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 12:55 pm(NZT)
Source: 中新网国际新闻 | 6 Nov 2021 | 12:48 pm(NZT)
COP26 live updates: Tens of thousands expected at climate justice march
Source: World | 7 Nov 2021 | 12:05 am(NZT)
Afghan rights activist, 3 other women slain; 2 suspects held
A Taliban security official says two suspects have been arrested in connection with the killings of four women whose bodies were found in a house in northern Afghanistan
Source: World | 7 Nov 2021 | 12:04 am(NZT)
Oil tanker explodes in Sierra Leone, killing at least 92
Authorities say at least 92 people are dead and 30 others critically wounded after an oil tanker exploded near Sierra Leone’s capital
Source: World | 7 Nov 2021 | 12:01 am(NZT)
The urgency of awe: 10 striking photos of nature as the world faces climate crises
As countries negotiate in Glasgow, Scotland, on how to stave off climate disaster, photographers around the world are showcasing the effects of human-made climate change.
Source: World | 7 Nov 2021 | 12:00 am(NZT)
Sudan activists reject power-sharing, call for strikes
Sudan’s protest movement has rejected internationally backed initiatives to return to a power-sharing arrangement with the military after last month’s coup, calling for two days of nationwide strikes
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:54 pm(NZT)
Multiple people injured in knife attack on German train
Police in Germany say a knife attack on a high-speed train has injured several people
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:51 pm(NZT)
Fire in Indian hospital COVID-19 ward kills 11 patients
Police in western India say 11 patients have died after a fire broke out in a hospital’s COVID-19 ward
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:49 pm(NZT)
Rebel advance to within 200 miles of Ethiopia’s capital puts the city and wider region on edge
The fighters’ move toward Addis Ababa has forced the city’s residents to gird for the possibility that the war will soon be on their doorsteps.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 10:00 pm(NZT)
Spain to pay for fertility treatment for lesbians, bisexual women and some transgender people
State-funded fertility care had been restricted to heterosexual women with partners since 2014, when the then-health minister said she did not consider the “lack of a man” to be a “medical problem.”
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 7:26 pm(NZT)
Canada riveted to a real-life ‘Succession’: A family empire’s internal war with billions at stake
The slugfest over control of Rogers Communications has drawn comparisons to a Shakespearean drama, the CBS soap “The Young and the Restless” and the HBO series “Succession.”
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 6:10 pm(NZT)
Germany confirms Russian diplomat found dead in Berlin last month; Russia calls it ‘tragic accident’
Russia criticized media reports that included possible links to spying.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:21 am(NZT)
Owner’s body is found in Nigerian tower collapse that killed dozens
The tower was the latest in a series to fall in Nigeria’s commercial capital.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:10 am(NZT)
Japanese death row inmates sue over same-day notification of executions
A lawyer for the pair called the lack of notice “inhumane.”
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:56 am(NZT)
Canada’s military, rocked by abuse crisis, loses power to investigate and prosecute sex misconduct cases
The decision by newly appointed Defense Minister Anita Anand was based on preliminary recommendations from a former Supreme Court justice tasked to review the military’s handling of sexual misconduct allegations.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:27 am(NZT)
As pandemic pounds Ukraine, desperate officials try to scare people into getting the jab
‘We’ve stopped being nice,’ said the head of Ukraine’s Vaccination Information Center.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 3:15 am(NZT)
In Richmond, Youngkin to face ‘the Senate Democratic Alamo’
Republican Glenn Youngkin spent months talking to voters about his plans to roll back Democrats’ “left, liberal, progressive agenda.”
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:12 am(NZT)
Photos: The scene in Nigeria after tower collapse kills dozens
The owner of a luxury apartment tower that collapsed this week in Nigeria’s largest city was found dead in the rubble late Thursday as the number of bodies recovered from the scene rose to 36, local officials said.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:09 am(NZT)
Pills brings new hope in the global fight against covid-19
But molnupiravir or other pill-based covid-19 treatments or vaccines are not going to end the pandemic on their own.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 2:08 am(NZT)
US offers $5 million rewards for 4 Mexican drug lords
The U.S. government is offering $5 million rewards for information leading to the capture of four Mexican drug lords
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 1:52 am(NZT)
What climate activists from six countries want to see at COP26
We spoke with six activists from the Philippines, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Bangladesh and Argentina, five of whom belong to a Fridays for Future chapter, about how climate change is impacting their countries and how they would define success at COP26.
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 1:38 am(NZT)
Tigray, other groups form alliance against Ethiopia’s leader
Tigray forces have joined with other armed and opposition groups in an alliance against Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to seek a political transition after a year of devastating war
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 1:09 am(NZT)
Brazilian singer and Latin Grammy winner dies in plane crash
One of Brazil’s most popular singers and a Latin Grammy winner died on Friday in an airplane crash on her way to a concert
Source: World | 6 Nov 2021 | 12:37 am(NZT)
Canada riveted to a real-life ‘Succession’: A family empire’s internal war with billions at stake
The slugfest over control of Rogers Communications has drawn comparisons to a Shakespearean drama, the CBS soap “The Young and the Restless” and the HBO series “Succession.”
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 11:49 pm(NZT)
Official: A dozen drug gangs fighting for Mexico’s Caribbean
The shooting of two suspected drug dealers at a resort on Mexico’s Caribbean coast is part of a fight among about a dozen gangs to carve up the lucrative drug market
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 11:45 pm(NZT)
In Glasgow, young activists take to the streets to demand more from U.N. climate summit
Led by Greta Thunberg, the Fridays for Future march underscored a stark divide between protestors and negotiators at COP26
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 11:11 pm(NZT)
Real progress at the COP26 or ‘blah, blah, blah’?
Activists say too much talk, too little action, but analysts point out there has been some real progress in Glasgow.
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 10:40 pm(NZT)
Nicaragua’s Ortega cruises to reelection after jailing opponents
Daniel Ortega is almost certain to win a fifth term as president Sunday after arresting seven potential opposition candidates. U.S. officials say Nicaragua is spiraling into dictatorship, with worrisome implications for the rest of Central America.
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 8:37 pm(NZT)
Backers of Iran-linked militias try to storm Baghdad’s Green Zone after election losses
At least 125 were reported wounded in clashes between protesters and security forces.
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 8:05 pm(NZT)
Greta Thunberg says ‘COP26 is a failure,’ as she leads Glasgow protests
Youth activists will be the focus both inside and outside the COP26 venue.
Source: World | 5 Nov 2021 | 6:23 pm(NZT)
State Department establishes task force on Ethiopia as conflict rages
The State Department has established a new task force to oversee its “planning, management and logistics related to events in Ethiopia,” a spokesperson confirmed Friday.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:15 am(NZT)
Verstappen dominates second practice in Mexico City
Red Bull’s Max Verstappen sets an imposing pace in Friday practice at the Mexico City Grand Prix.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:08 am(NZT)
Ahmaud Arbery murder trial: Prosecutors reveal full footage of black jogger’s death
Prosecutors in US state of Georgia say three white men assumed Ahmaud Arbery had committed a crime.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:05 am(NZT)
Ethiopia urges ex-soldiers to join fight against Tigray rebels
The army calls on former military personnel to join it, as rebel forces advance on the capital.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:02 am(NZT)
Southampton inflict fifth straight Premier League loss on Aston Villa
Adam Armstrong’s early goal helps Southampton continue their Premier League revival and inflict a fifth defeat in a row on Aston Villa.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 11:01 am(NZT)
Covid vaccine to be mandatory for children in Costa Rica
The country becomes the first in the world to mandate vaccinations for those aged five to 11.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 10:32 am(NZT)
Camels escape circus and wander Madrid streets
Eight camels and a llama were found, with managers blaming their escape on animal rights activists.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 9:35 am(NZT)
Greta Thunberg: COP26 is a failure and PR exercise
The Swedish activist was speaking after thousands of climate protestors marched through Glasgow.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 8:34 am(NZT)
Iowa teenagers charged with murder of Spanish teacher
Police say the two 16 year olds posted details of the killings to social media.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 7:49 am(NZT)
No-one at Yorkshire ‘racist’ but ‘culture locked in past’ – ex-chairman Hutton
Outgoing Yorkshire chairman Roger Hutton tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan there is no-one he would consider racist at the club.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 6:54 am(NZT)
DR Congo’s Gungu museum: Thousands of artefacts destroyed in fire
The now ruined artistic collections are considered some of the country’s most important historical items.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 6:22 am(NZT)
Vaughan will not appear on his BBC radio show
Michael Vaughan will not appear on his BBC 5 Live show on Monday after it was claimed he made a racist comment to a group of Asian players.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 6:11 am(NZT)
My Day at COP26: ‘By helping out delegates I’m remembering granddad’
Harjot Singh Kambo is one of an army of volunteers helping COP26 visitors find their way around. Here he explains why the task is a very personal one for him.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:57 am(NZT)
India crush Scotland to stay in hunt for semi-final spot
India remain in contention of reaching the Men’s T20 World Cup semi-finals after brutally thrashing Scotland by eight wickets in Dubai.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:55 am(NZT)
Brexit: ‘Serious consequences’ if Article 16 triggered, warns EU
EC Vice-President Maros Sefcovic says the move would lead to instability in Northern Ireland.
Source: BBC News – Home | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:45 am(NZT)
Macron’s ex-bodyguard handed jail sentence over May Day assaults
A former security adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron was sentenced on Friday to three years in jail, two of them suspended, over charges including roughing up May Day protesters in 2018, media reported.
Source: CNN.com – RSS Channel – World | 6 Nov 2021 | 5:35 am(NZT)