There are 51 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today – 47 in Auckland and four in the Waikato.
今天社区中有 51 例新的 Covid-19 病例——奥克兰 47 例,怀卡托 4 例。
As of 9am, 28 of the cases had been linked – 18 of those were household contacts. Another 23 are unlinked, with investigations continuing to help find their source.
截至上午 9 点,已有 28 起病例被联系起来——其中 18 起是家庭接触者。 另有 23 人没有联系,调查继续帮助找到他们的来源。
A record-breaking 130,000 people got a Pfizer jab on Super Saturday, but there were also 41 new community cases of Covid-19. Forty were in Auckland and one in the Waikato.
在超级星期六,创纪录的 130,000 人接受了辉瑞公司的注射,但也有 41 例新的 Covid-19 社区病例。 40人在奥克兰,1人在怀卡托。
There were 65 cases on Friday and 71 on Thursday, but that drop is not expected to continue for long.
周五有 65 例,周四有 71 例,但预计这种下降不会持续很长时间。
Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson has warned cases will soon hit triple digits, with the number of daily cases expected to double by the end of October.
副总理格兰特·罗伯逊警告称,病例数很快将达到三位数,预计到 10 月底每日病例数将翻一番。
周一内阁将再次开会决定下一次警报级别的变动,包括奥克兰学校可以重新开放的可能日期。 这些举措将部分取决于疫苗接种率。
周六的vaxathon 有130,000 人接种了第一剂或第二剂辉瑞疫苗,打破了国内外的记录。
但新西兰 15% 的符合条件的人口仍未接种疫苗,这使他们面临更高的感染、生病、住院甚至死亡风险。
截至昨天,共有 31 人因新冠肺炎住院,其中 6 人在重症监护室。
昨天的病例中只有 20 个相关病例,其中 13 个是其他病例的家庭接触者。 昨天还有 21 例病例仍未联系起来,卫生官员仍在调查这些人可能在哪里感染了病毒。
过去两周有 124 例未关联的病例。
一家杂货店和奥克兰西部听力诊所是与 Covid-19 Delta 社区爆发相关的最新关注地点之一。
位于 Vitasovich 大道的 Bay Audiology Henderson 已在两天内两次被列为关注地点:周二(10 月 12 日)上午 8 点至下午 5 点和周三(10 月 13 日)上午 8 点至下午 5 点。
卫生部周日上午表示,还建议那些去过听力学诊所的人自我监测症状 14 天,并在出现症状时接受检测。
On Saturday evening, the Ministry of Health also advised Bay Audiology in Henderson was a location of interest from 8.30am-5pm on Thursday (October 14).
A Covid-19 case visited Countdown Mt Wellington, on the corner of Penrose Rd and Mt Wellington Highway, on Wednesday.
周三,一个 Covid-19 病例访问了位于 Penrose Rd 和 Mt Wellington Highway 拐角处的 Countdown Mt Wellington。
Those who were in the supermarket between 5.05pm-5.30pm are asked to monitor for symptoms for 14 days after they were exposed, and get tested and stay at home if symptoms develop.
那些在下午 5.05 点至下午 5.30 点之间在超市的人被要求在暴露后 14 天内监测症状,如果出现症状,则接受检测并留在家中。
Fuku Sushi Epsom, in Manukau Road, is also a location of interest. Those who visited the sushi shop between 3.22pm-3.45pm on Monday (October 11) are asked to watch for symptoms and be tested if they become symptomatic.
位于 Manukau Road 的 Fuku Sushi Epsom 也是一个暴露关注点。 那些在周一(10 月 11 日)下午 3.22 点至下午 3.45 点访问寿司店的人被要求注意症状,如果出现症状则接受检测。