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Cooking the Books podcast: As interest rates rise, here's how to make sure your money survives and even thrives

Each week, BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald's Cooking the Books podcast tackle a different money problem. Today, it's the opportunities for your money in a high interest rate environment. Hosted by Frances Cook. Talk about interest...

5 Dec 2022 | 6:00 am(NZT)

Local Focus: FENZ under fire

It's been a tough year and a half for New Zealand's professional firefighters. In addition to attending cardiac arrests, car crashes, and battling blazes, they've also been battling their employers, Fire and Emergency New Zealand...

3 Dec 2022 | 5:31 pm(NZT)

Local Focus: Hawke's Bay mobility scooter group - the most peaceful Mob in NZ

There's a group of people that call themselves the mob in Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay, but they're a peaceful group.Mob stands for mobility, and they are the Central Hawke's Bay Scooter Mob, formed by Super Gold card holders.Gloria...

1 Dec 2022 | 10:00 am(NZT)

Local Focus: Rotorua Heritage Week impacts our future

Rotorua Library/Te Aka Mauri celebrated its third Heritage Week last week, encouraging locals to dig into the past to see how it shapes their present and future. Rotorua Library's heritage and research lead, Abby Wharne, believes...

29 Nov 2022 | 2:28 pm(NZT)

Cooking the Books podcast: Why a flatmate could be the secret to affording your first home

Each week BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald's Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it's how to boost your income to get a mortgage application approved. Hosted by Frances Cook. First-home buyers...

28 Nov 2022 | 6:00 am(NZT)

In Mykolaiv, Russia continues pattern of shelling hospitals

Mykolaiv's governor said Monday that Russian projectiles have hit more than 2,000 buildings — including homes, hospitals and other health facilities. The strikes have killed at least 161 people, including six children.

5 Apr 2022 | 3:49 am(NZT)

In Mykolaiv, Russia continues pattern of shelling hospitals

Mykolaiv's governor said Monday that Russian projectiles have hit more than 2,000 buildings — including homes, hospitals and other health facilities. The strikes have killed at least 161 people, including six children.

5 Apr 2022 | 3:49 am(NZT)

Bucha massacre tests Europe’s ‘red lines’ on Russian energy

The E.U. has worked with the United States and other allies to hit Russia with sanctions packages and other penalties, but it continues to buy Russian oil and gas.

5 Apr 2022 | 3:45 am(NZT)

Bucha massacre tests Europe’s ‘red lines’ on Russian energy

The E.U. has worked with the United States and other allies to hit Russia with sanctions packages and other penalties, but it continues to buy Russian oil and gas.

5 Apr 2022 | 3:45 am(NZT)

Russia-Ukraine live updates: Biden calls for a Putin ‘war crimes trial’

“This guy is brutal, and what’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone’s seen it,” the U.S. President said. “I think it is a war crime.”

5 Apr 2022 | 3:43 am(NZT)

Russia-Ukraine live updates: Biden calls for a Putin ‘war crimes trial’

“This guy is brutal, and what’s happening in Bucha is outrageous, and everyone’s seen it,” the U.S. President said. “I think it is a war crime.”

5 Apr 2022 | 3:43 am(NZT)

Music stars return to Venezuela after skipping it for years

The ground shook as the voice of Mexican singer Alejandro Fernandez collided with the cheers of fans at his first Venezuelan concert in over a decade

5 Apr 2022 | 3:24 am(NZT)

US to seek Russia's suspension from Human Rights Council

The United States plans to seek a suspension of Russia from its seat on the U.N.’s top human rights body amid increasing signs that Russian forces may have committed war crimes in Ukraine

5 Apr 2022 | 3:15 am(NZT)

World hurtling to climate danger zone, brakes half-pulled

A new report from the UN’s top body of climate scientists is warning that temperatures will go beyond a key danger point unless countries worldwide cut greenhouse emissions faster than they are currently committed to doing

5 Apr 2022 | 3:01 am(NZT)

Russian former journalist on trial for alleged treason

A Moscow court is hearing the trial of a former journalist who has been held on charges of passing military secrets to Czech intelligence, accusations that he and many of his colleagues have rejected as absurd

5 Apr 2022 | 2:36 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 4:24 am(NZT)

最高检: 促进规范听取意见 提升认罪认罚案件办理质效

  中新网12月12日电 据最高检网站消息,近日,最高人民检察院印发《人民检察院办理认罪认罚案件听取意见同步录音录像规定》(以下简称《同录规定》),对检察机关办理认罪认罚案件听取意见同步录音录像工作作出明确规范。

13 Dec 2021 | 4:23 am(NZT)

歌剧《拉贝日记》德文译者: 让人性的光辉化作照亮人类未来的明灯


13 Dec 2021 | 4:21 am(NZT)


  新华社巴格达12月12日电 题:为生存而呐喊——关于人权的海外新闻调查(上)

13 Dec 2021 | 4:18 am(NZT)

防铀浓缩、火箭等军事尖端技术流出 日本拟对专利保密

  中新网12月12日电 据日本共同社11日报道,日本政府将加速探讨采用新制度,实现对于可转用于军事的尖端技术的专利,能够不对外公开。通过限制信息公开,来避免因尖端技术流入国外而加剧国家安全上的风险。政府考虑作为力争向2022年例行国会提交的经济安全保障推进法案的主要内容之一,最快2023年采用。

13 Dec 2021 | 4:16 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 4:04 am(NZT)

法国累计确诊病例821万 法总理吁民众在圣诞节遵守防疫措施

  中新社巴黎12月12日电 (记者 李洋)当地时间11日,法国新冠肺炎累计确诊病例达821万例,法国总理卡斯泰呼吁民众在圣诞节遵守防疫措施。

13 Dec 2021 | 4:04 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 4:03 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 4:01 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 3:57 am(NZT)

龙卷风吹袭美国造成重大伤亡 龙卷风预报为何难倒美国?怎么防?

  中新网12月12日电 综合报道,龙卷风灾害突袭美国,该国中部六个州12月10日夜间遭遇至少30场龙卷风袭击,迄今已造成80多人死亡,受灾人数或将进一步上升。美国总统拜登形容,这是一场“完全无法想象的悲剧”。

13 Dec 2021 | 3:43 am(NZT)


  中新网贵阳12月12日电 (记者 杨茜)为提高海外华裔青少年学习中国语言和文化的兴趣,11日,“2021线上中华文化大乐园——印尼园”开园仪式在贵州贵阳举行。400余名印度尼西亚青少年云端学习中华文化。

13 Dec 2021 | 3:40 am(NZT)

人民日报评论员: 勇于探索海峡两岸融合发展新路


13 Dec 2021 | 3:39 am(NZT)


  中新网北京12月12日电 (谢雁冰 李京泽)“中国哲学社会科学话语体系建设·浦东论坛——历史学话语体系建设·2021”10日在中国浦东干部学院、中国历史研究院,以线上和线下相结合的方式举办。

13 Dec 2021 | 3:33 am(NZT)

美国疫情反弹日均新增确诊超10万 多州医疗体系承压

  中新网12月12日电 据新加坡《联合早报》12日报道,美国新冠疫情整体反弹,过去七天的日均新增确诊数时隔两个月再破10万起,住院和死亡人数也激增,多州疫情形势再转严峻。

13 Dec 2021 | 2:57 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 2:29 am(NZT)

新漫评: 看,美式民主的背后

  美国近日张罗所谓的“民主峰会”,扮演 “民主操盘手”的角色,与此同时,美式民主内部,金钱政治盛行,“一美元一选票”;枪支暴力在控枪与否的争吵声中,愈演愈烈;种族歧视让少数族裔“无法呼吸”……美式民主如一袭华美的长袍,爬满了蚤子。

13 Dec 2021 | 2:27 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 12:54 am(NZT)



13 Dec 2021 | 12:54 am(NZT)

法国渔民: 英国捕鱼许可补发量远不及预期 将再次发起封锁

  法国渔民:英国捕鱼许可补发量远不及预期 将再次发起封锁

13 Dec 2021 | 12:52 am(NZT)

How to protect yourself from a corporate psychopath

Corporate psychopaths cost the economy billions of dollars not only through fraud and other crimes but through the personal and organisational damage they leave behind as they climb the corporate ladder, writes Benedict Sheehy.

16 Mar 2021 | 8:30 am(NZT)

The world is 'collapsing', but share markets are surging to record highs

A year ago, Australia was suffering from its worst downturn since the Great Depression, and the market endured its worst crash since 1987. Some investors made a lot of money, but experts are warning that a correction may be around the corner.

16 Mar 2021 | 8:29 am(NZT)

'Exactly like a cult': NFT companies accused of stealing art, harassing artists

While the investment gold rush for non-fungible tokens has made some artists millionaires, many others are reporting their work has been stolen and sold without their knowledge or permission.

16 Mar 2021 | 8:00 am(NZT)

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