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全国首创 量身定做 - 奥克兰应急管理处推出华人商业韧性建设系列资源

   人气: 5399    日期: 2020/9/23

日前,奥克兰市应急管理处(Auckland Emergency Management)推出系列资源,专为增强奥克兰华人商业韧性、保持业务连续性而开发设计,是新西兰全国首创。

  奥克兰市应急管理处总经理Kate Crawford表示,新冠疫情的冲击,更证明了制订正确的业务连续性计划的重要性。







 若需要更多信息,请联络Yongjie Li Yongjie.Li@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.


Auckland Emergency Management is launching the country’s first business continuity resource developed specifically to build the resilience of the city’s Chinese business community.

Auckland Emergency Management General Manager Kate Crawford said the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic had underlined the importance of having the right business continuity plans in place.

Up until now, few resources existed to support the region’s Chinese business owners, especially those managing small businesses.

Kate said while business owners couldn’t predict when an emergency would happen, they could take actions to be more prepared.

“A business continuity plan identifies how an organisation can keep its essential functions up and running through a disruption and ensure it is well placed to recover as quickly (and easily) as possible.”

Kate said the information published on the Chinese Work Ready site was specifically tailored to the region’s Chinese population.

“We wanted to make it easy for as many business owners as possible to have access to a simple guide that can help them plan for an emergency.”

Auckland Council Community Empowerment Specialist Advisor Yongjie Li said Auckland Emergency Management had worked closely with the city’s Chinese business community to develop the content and initial feedback had been positive.

“The business owners we have spoken to say they feel privileged to be a part of this project and we plan to hold more workshops and encourage more interaction.”

Emergencies can take many forms, happen at any time and affect all cultures, Kate said.

“This means businesses can be at risk from not only natural events like flooding, strong winds and earthquakes, but also face risks from power outages, water supply failure, terrorism and pandemics, like COVID-19”

“Planning will give businesses a better chance of recovering quickly.”



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