澳洲、新西兰新闻·旅游·生活·资讯大全。新西兰房地产。Information network of Australia and New Zealand, Study and Living in Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand Properties.

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作者: 阿 爽 翻譯    人气:     日期: 2009/3/29

減少工作場所廢物 內容包括﹕減少工作場所的垃圾﹑節約電和水等。



在新西蘭﹐被投擲到垃圾堆的廢物中﹐有超過50% 來自商店﹑辦公室及工廠。
























- 確定關掉所有不使用的電腦和其它電器設備﹐當自然光線充足時﹐也請關燈。

- 儘量使用節能燈泡。 

- 確定個人電腦、列印機和複印機都有節省能源的特別功能。

- 寧願走樓梯而不使用電梯,

- 給暖氣機或空調安裝恆溫器。

- 夏天時使用窗帘阻擋陽光﹐可少支付空調電費。

- 不要只為煮一杯咖啡而燒滿一壺開水。












-             確定所有器具和配件都安裝上節能標誌 (AAA規定值)

-             安裝一個雙制抽水馬桶系統。

-             安裝自動沖水器﹐設定每小時沖一﹑兩次,並在辦公時間以外自動停止沖水。

-             安裝自動沖水的感應器。

-             安裝節約水式的尿槽/馬桶。

-             定時檢查和維修尿槽/馬桶。

-             安裝高效率,低流程的淋浴蓮蓬頭(AAA 對估計)

-             給水嚨頭安裝上沒人使用時會自動關閉的感應器。

-             安裝即熱式氣體或電熱水器,不用貯水圓筒。

-   使用太陽能﹐安裝太陽能熱水器﹐可預先加熱自來水。

-             安裝肥皂分配器以免浪費肥皂。











1, www.reducerubbish.govt.nz/work;

2, www.greenoffice.org.nz;

3, www.mfe.org.nz



Workplace Waste Reduction

Research by: Maggie Ma              Re-write by Mansfield Lam



Workplace Waste Reduction content includes Rubbish reduction and electricity and water saving in workplace.


A, Rubbish reduction in workplace:


What is problem?

Over 50 Percent of rubbish thrown into landfills in NZ is from business, including shops, offices and factories.

Like rubbish from your home, much of the rubbish from businesses can be recycled and doesn’t need to end up in a landfill – including clean paper and cardboard, some plastics, glass, metals and food scraps.


What can I do about it?

Become a Rubbish reduction champion at work and look for ways to reduce rubbish in your office or factory. You could even save your company money by reducing the amount of rubbish taken away.


You can reduce rubbish at your work by:


1, reducing the amount of paper you use by sending documents electronically, (e-mail), using double-sided copying and printing or reusing one sided copies for drafts. Always check on screen for errors before print and use the Print Preview function as well.


2, reducing rubbish from lunch packaging by bringing reusable containers form home.


3, organising a recycling collection for your office or factory-check with your local council for options in your area.


4, Recycling and reduce paper, plastic and glass in your office and lunchroom.

            a, Recyclable items at work can be saved up in a box, e.g. glass, cardboard, milk containers, drinks can etc. and taken home to go out with the kerbside recycling if office recycling collection is not available.

            b, Use your own mug instead of a disposable cup.


5, setting up a worm bin at work or taking food scraps home for composting including tea bags etc.


B, Electricity and water saving:


1, Save electricity.


Make sure all computers and other office equipment are turned off when they are not being used and that lights are turned off when natural light is sufficient.


Use energy efficient light bulbs where possible.


Make sure energy saving features on PCs, printers and photocopiers are enabled.


Use the stairs rather than a lift,


Change the thermostat on the heating or air-conditioning.


Use blinds to reduce solar gain in summer and save on air-conditioning costs.


Don’t fill the kettle to make a single cup of coffee.



2, Save water.


A, Check for leaks:

Check all taps and pipes for leaks;


Repair leaking taps and toilets;


Never leave taps running.


B, Reduce volume of water in toilets:

Make sure all appliances and fittings have an AAA rating.


Install a dual flush toilet system.


C, Reassess Urinals, showers & taps:

Urinals can waste huge amounts of water, as often they leak or are set to flush too frequently. We suggest:


For Automatic flush- set to flush once or twice an hour, and turned off outside office hours.


Install sensors which know when they need to flush.


Install a new waterless urinal.


Check and maintain urinals regularly.



Showers consume the significant amounts of hot water; however you can still have an effective shower with less water.


Install a water efficient, low flow showerhead, AAA rated.

Install sensors on taps that turn off automatically when not used.


Install an instantaneous gas or electric water heater, not a storage cylinder.


Use Sun Power by installing a solar water heater to preheat incoming water.


Reduce soap waste by providing a soap dispenser.



D, Look for efficient ways of drying hands:

Cotton Hand Towels,

Cotton hand towels, either the dispenser towels, or individual towels are probably the best option in terms of waste reduction, and also hygienic.


Electric hand dryers,

Providing energy efficient electric hand dryer will reduce waste and the need of r washing or drying of towels.


Disposable paper towels,

Disposable paper towels are some times cited as the most hygienic option for hand drying. However, paper towels create waste and can be very untidy if not managed properly.


Purchase recycled paper towels,


Used hand towels can be composted in a commercial composting unit.





1, www.reducerubbish.govt.nz/work;

2, www.greenoffice.org.nz;

3, www.mfe.org.nz.








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