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作者: 弗里茨·霍夫曼(德国)    人气:     日期: 2011/10/24

























The outstanding poems of Wang Xuezhong


Fritz Hofmann (Germany)



Some years ago, I learned about the poems of Wang Xuezhong by reading a book with English translation given by a good friend, since I do not read Chinese. I was so impressed that what I read I translated one of the poems – “Calling for the Iron Man” – into German language and I introduced it to my friends.

What is so impressive about these poems? The poems of Wang Xuezhong have a number of prominent features, which altogether render them unmistakably unique.

First - the poems of Wang Xuezhong express high class consciousness of and for the working class and the oppressed and exploited masses. The poem “Because I am a Poet” teaches us not to accept all the daily humiliation we suffer, “because I am a worker”, as you could say as well. Not only poets must dare to face reality and call things by their right names. Wang Xuezhong teaches us class consciousness by coping with all kind of petty-bourgeous thinking and feeling. “Calling the Iron Man” means calling the commemoration of the strength and dignity of the working class and it’s rich experiences in class struggle.

Second – there is an infinitely rich variety of forms and stylistic devices in these poems. We become acquainted with a metaphoric language and all the means of poetry: Allusion and insinuation, persiflage and satire. In the poem “Tree Blown down by the Storm” we get a vivid picture of a fallen tree. “It’s broken trunk is an unsheathed sword” like the Chinese working class which has been defeated but not broken. And then we learn about the tender new sprouts – “strong and bright” -  after the destroying storm. The forces of the working class will recover after even the worst storm!

Third  -  Wang Xuezhong has deep confidence in and solidarity for the people. All of his poems are written for workers and peasants and they will understand these poems well. People who do not believe in the working class often think that writing for workers and peasants requires a primitive language. But the language of Wang Xuezhong’s poems is very comprehensive and challenging. Reading a poem like “The Tricyclist” you feel the situation of physical laborers and you involuntarily start to consider about how to change their fate.

Forth – with his poems Wang Xuezhong wages a struggle over the mode of thnking of the reader. There is a deep understanding that to open your eyes for a new perspective you have to question your traditional mode of thinking. With the poem “Hatred”, Wang Xuezhong directly confronts us with our weekness, which lies in our “lamb-like servility”. This provoking lyric challenges us to question some of our habits. In order to help us examining our mode of thinking, the poetry of Wang Xuezhong is dialecical. In the poem “Don’t think that” Wang Xuezhong warns those in power not to fool and underestimate the people. Simultaneously he addresses the reader not to forget the limitation of power of the ruling class and to look behind things. In the poem “I Am Indignated”, Wang Xuezhong expresses our indignation of every day corruption and – borrowing the words of Emile Zola – he concludes: “I am indignated. No! I am obliged to accuse, I should say, the mayor of raping his state and nation in his way…”.

Fifth - Wang Xuezhong’s poems are full of feelings and emotions. They address not only all the sentiments we have in the face of the cruel reality but also the noble sentiments we need for a better future. There are poems of love and sadness, of anger and hatred, of optimism and resignation. But even poems that express a feeling of resignation will challenge the reader not to resign. You can feel in every poem that Wang Xuezhong wants to provoke self-confidence in the hearts of his readers. The poem “I Can’t Tell You” we learn about hidden sentiments of love and it’s agony in hatred. This poem teaches us about the power of love and emotion. Imprisoned feelings of the people will some day erupt like lava from a volcano: “If spoken out every word is a fire…”.

As a worker who has been laid off and who had to make a living by riding a trycle to transport passengers, Wang Xuezhong bears not only witness of the real life of the Chinese people. As a poet he helps us to leave behind all our fears and humiliation and to gain back our self-confidence and our class consciousness. Thank you!


About the author: Fritz Hofmann, German metal worker, member of the works council of Opel / General Motors Eisenach, member of the towns council of Eisenach.




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