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First Night Auckland 2006

   人气:     日期: 2005/12/28

First Night Auckland 2006

If you are looking for something to do this New Year's Eve,
why not check out FIRST NIGHT AUCKLAND 2006?

The huge 'World Stage' will feature performances from
those of Maori, Pacific, Indian and Chinese descent.

Entertainment is all indoors. A fun and exciting night
brimming with New Zealand's finest musicians, bands,
entertainers, dance groups across five different stages.
The night is also jam-packed with cultural performances
and loads of interactive activities creating a true
community spirit.

Click http://www.firstnight.org.nz for more info.

What: First Night Auckland 2006

Where: Aotea Centre, THE EDGE, Auckland

When: Saturday 31st December 2005
(Doors open at 6.30pm. Performances kick off at 7pm.
Finishes midnight)

Why: Because it's community focused and free

How: Bus to avoid parking difficulties. Plan your journey
at: http://www.maxx.co.nz . Bring family and friends!


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