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2008 Mission Bay 街头爵士蓝调音乐节

   人气:     日期: 2008/2/15


Picture of a jazz singer and band performing on the street.Saturday 16 February 2008
6pm - 11pm
Selwyn Reserve and Tamaki Drive, Mission Bay
Entry fee $5

The Mission Bay Jazz and Blues Streetfest showcases bands from all over the country. It provides a great opportunity for Aucklanders to enjoy and experience local talent.

Come along and enjoy the entertainment. You can stroll over to Selwyn Reserve where an array of food and beverage stalls will be on offer, or dine 'al fresco' at one of Mission Bay's many restaurants.

Visit the official event website at www.jazzandbluesstreetfest.com for more event details.

This event is strictly drug and alcohol free. A liquor ban is in place and will enforced through out the night.

相关连接:2005 Mission Bay 街头爵士蓝调音乐节


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