「孔子课堂志愿者」(2019年8月22日,在经历了长达一年多的审查和评估后,澳大利亚新南威尔士州教育部在公开承认“没有任何事实证据表明孔子学院(课堂)施加政治影响”的前提下,仅出于对一些团体和个人“可能对潜在影响的看法”,就宣布终止孔子学院合作协议,不惜牺牲新州公校每年4000多名在孔子学院(课堂)支持下学习汉语的中小学生的机会和利益。在新州教育部孔子学院下设的13个中小学孔子课堂工作的18名汉语教师志愿者们闻讯后,悲愤交加,发表如下声明。请每一位有正义感的读者协助志愿者们转发扩散!请勿声明原创,以便转发!) 我们是新南威尔士州教育部下属孔子课堂的志愿者,对于新州教育部突然叫停孔子学院项目我们有话要说。在长达15个月的审查时间里,审查方没有来我们学校做过实地考察。我们希望所有人知道我们平时所关注的事情就是学生今天上课学会了几个汉语词汇、有没有在开心地学中文。我们想方设法组织各色文化活动、设计课堂游戏、协助本土中文老师教学,想要让孩子们感受到中文的魅力,快乐学汉语。哪怕平时偶尔吐槽工作强度压力大、澳洲小朋友不好管、在陌生语言文化环境里生活有诸多不易,只要看见孩子们天使般的笑脸,只要感受到他们对学中文真诚的热情,只要他们的汉语水平有哪怕一点点的进步,甚至是听见走在路上小朋友跟我们打招呼的无数句“你好”、“老师好”、甚至一个简单的拥抱,我们心中都会有无可比拟的成就感,觉得一切都很值得。新州教育部孔子学院下设的13个孔子课堂广受澳洲民众、本土中文教师以及合作学校的欢迎。许多孔子课堂学校的老师对此事的反应都是“晴天霹雳”,有的校长在找志愿者谈心时几乎要哭出来,事发后很多同事见到志愿者的第一反应是大大的拥抱,不懂事的小朋友只会跟志愿者老师说“老师,你可以不走吗?”孔子课堂项目是很多学校招生的一大亮点,不少家长正是由于学校重视中文教学才放弃了去私立学校的机会,把孩子送到孔子课堂学校。尽管有无奈、有不舍,但是我们保证在孔院实质关闭之前会更加努力做好中文教学相关辅助工作,珍惜每一次能够让学生学习汉语和中国文化的机会,希望我们教过的学生们学习生活一切顺遂,也希望中文会成为他们未来的助力。十年饮冰,难凉热血。我们热爱中华文化、我们也热爱澳大利亚多元文化。我们都是普普通通的高校学生,我们选择了对外汉语相关专业,我们始终记得第一次跟导师踏上对外汉语讲台的瞬间,记得那个跟我说“你以后一定会是一个很好的汉语老师”的留学生,记得对外汉语志愿者之歌“瀚宇之花盛开”。在海外支持中国语言文化教学是我们的梦想,我们仍将为这个梦想继续努力。感谢学校对我们的关心和帮助!我们很高兴曾有机会为新州中文教学贡献微薄之力。
We are volunteer teachers at Confucius Classroom schools affiliated to NSW Department of Education. In response to the announcement by NSW Department of Education of the termination of the Confucius Institute Agreement, we have something to say:
1.During the 15-month-long review, no one came to our schools to see what we were actually doing. We want to tell you that when we support Chinese teaching here, our only concern is to have our students learn more Chinese characters and to see them learn Chinese happily. We try our best to organize different kinds of cultural activities, design classroom games and support local Chinese language teachers. We hope our students can feel the charm of Chinese and learn Chinese with fun. Even if sometimes we might feel pressure at the heavy work load, even if we found it challenging to manage students and difficulty in adapting to strange cultural environment, we would feel proud and think it worthwhile to be here when we see students smiling like angels, feel their enthusiasm in learning Chinese, watch their progressing bit by bit, even hear them greeting in Chinese “ni hao”, even just a quick hug.
2.The 13 Confucius Classrooms affiliated to NSW Department of Education are popular among local communities and welcomed by local Chinese language teachings and schools. Many teachers in Confucius Classroom Schools felt shocked to the sudden termination. Some principals nearly cried when meeting volunteer teachers, some colleagues embraced volunteer teachers after getting the news, innocent children just repeated “Miss, I don’t want you to go.” It is Confucius Classroom Program that many parents and they choose to send their children to schools with Confucius Classrooms rather private schools.
3.Although we feel helpless and pity, we promise to work even harder to support Chinese language teaching before the formal termination of the project. We cherish every chance of having student learn Chinese language and culture. We wish learning Chinese will let students have a better future and life.
4.Dream’s never sold, and blood’s never cold. We love Chinese culture, and we also love Australian multiculture. All of us are ordinary university students majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. We still remember the first time standing in classroom teaching Chinese, remember the foreign student saying “You’ll be a good teacher”, and remember the song of volunteer teachers. Our dream is to support Chinese language teaching in the world and we’ll continue to work hard for it.
Many thanks for all caring and support from the schools. We feel happy for having the opportunity to make a contributing to NSW Chinese language teaching.