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   人气: 3906    日期: 2019/2/19


由新西兰国际文化艺术交流中心主办的新闻发布会于2月17日下午2.00- 3.00在The Wine Cave, 104 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland隆重举行。

此次新闻发布会通过媒体向社会各界宣布“Ametrine Rose 2019新西兰国际华服表演大赛”盛典将于2019年3月23日在奥克兰的“Alexandra Park”闪亮登场。这不仅仅是给社会各界带来一份震撼,更多的将是一份期盼。

由新西兰国际文化艺术交流中心,中国时装艺术中心工会,中国东盟国际时装周组委会联合主办的 “Ame-trine Rose - 紫彤科技美容 2019新西兰国际华服表演大赛”旨在凭借我们华人旅居的第二故乡新西兰这个国际文化交流平台,以服装演绎作为载体,弘扬祖国悠久灿烂的中华服饰文,彰显文化自信,并促进中西文化的交流与交融。



1. 首先是专业的导演团队。



2. 其次是本次表演大赛选手年龄跨度大,奖项设置众多。老少皆宜,均可参加。

3-5岁 萌宝组

6-9岁 春芽A组

10-13岁 春芽B组

14-21岁 新星组

22-32岁 佳丽组

33-45岁 名媛组

46-59岁 优雅组


3. 团体赛(6人起即可组队参加团体赛)



最先出场讲话的是郎萱云女士,她代表新西兰国际文化艺术交流中心概括介绍了“交流中心”成立的宗旨及自成立以来所举办的活动,并隆重推出“Ametrine    Rose - 紫彤科技美容 2019新西兰国际华服表演大赛”。介绍了大赛组委会,郎女士说“大赛是目前我们工作的重中之重。我们的舞台会越搭越大,表演的形式也会越来越广,上台表演的族裔也会更多,真正做到东西文化的交融,为社会创造价值”

新西兰国际文化艺术交流中心特聘艺术总监马辛先生在此次新闻发布会上向媒体介绍了本次华服大赛活动的宗旨及流程,同时正式宣布2019年3月23日举办的 “Ametrine Rose - 紫彤科技美容2019新西兰国际华服表演大赛”正式启动!并真诚欢迎社会各界支持与参与这次表演大赛活动。弘扬中华文化是每位炎黄子孙的荣耀和职责。他说到“新西兰国际文化艺术交流中心将以一种全新的姿态精心打造这次赛事,把它做成品牌每年都注入新元素,并以喜闻乐见的方式推展更多的文化活动以及中西文化交流项目”。




本次大赛的联合主办方世界小姐新西兰机构负责人  Rose Foulger女士出席了发布会,并做了精彩的讲话。Rose Foulger女士表示愿意通过此次活动去更多地了解中华文化,她说“能为宣传中华文化,加强各族裔间的交流做贡献而感高兴,并为能受邀做大赛的评委更感到骄傲”

大赛协办方之一的新西兰著名青年华裔画家,新西兰青年艺术家协会主席苏斌先生当场吟诗,一首【新西兰诗画摄影社】的征诗,澳大利亚诗人董方作品《旗袍》,顿使发布会现场平添几分诗意,使与会者沉浸在美的氛围中。新闻发布会上,市议员Paul Yang先生, 太平洋文化艺术交流中心的和志耘先生以及大赛参赛选手代表等都为大赛致词。 大赛总冠名商“Ametrine Rose 紫彤科技美容”代表Cindy Xiong女士也做了最后的发言。


市议员Paul Yang 先生)


(大赛总冠名Ameteine Rose 紫彤科技美容董事长

Cindy Xiong女士)

(参赛选手Amy Luk)

应邀前来参加这次新闻发布会的除来自20多家新西兰奥克兰市主要华人社团的代表外,澳纽网的Ken 及其本地十余家主要华社媒体,参加了此新闻发布会。

“Ametrine Rose - 紫彤科技美容2019新西兰国际华服表演大赛”必将唱响新西兰,它将是一场视觉上的华服盛宴!让我们共同演绎民族魂,华服情,成就梦想,共筑辉煌!


 Wine Cave特别赞助的佳酿,尝着由主办方精心准备的美食小点,畅谈华服大赛的深远意义,共同展望中华文化的美好未来!

大赛的报名活动正如火如荼的进行,各界赞助商也在积极的参与,您随时可以联系 Yun( 021 048 1739 )加入我们的行列!

撰稿人:纪思羽(Anita Ji), 沃良红(Nina Wo)

照片提供:Color code studio,美女好摄, Nina Wo 


A press conference hosted by New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre was solemnly held at the Wine Cave, 104 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland at 2 - 3pm, on 17 February 2019.

It was announced to the public at the press conference via the media that the grand event of Ametrine Rose 2019 New Zealand International Mandarin Dress Performance Contests will be staged with glittering appearance at Alexandra Park on 23 March 2019, which will bring the public not only an amazing shock, but more significantly an expectation.

The main purpose of Ametrine Rose 2019 New Zealand International Mandarin Dress Performance Contests to be jointly hosted by New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre, Union of China’s Fashion Arts Centre and the Organizing Committee of China’s ASEAN International Fashion Week is to promote the ancient Chinese costume culture of a great splendor in our motherland, to display our self confidence in our culture and to enhance the exchange and intercommunication of cultures between China and the West through shows of costumes as a vehicle by using New Zealand, the second hometown to us Chinese migrants as a platform of the international cultural exchange.

We Chinese are deeply rooted spiritually in our traditional culture of over 5000 years, which are just like those sparking stars in the dark sky constantly guiding us the descendants of the Yellow Emperor to civilization and prosperity. A yearning for our homeland has been cherished by every single Chinese living overseas with our hearts for our motherland so dearly. It is our firm belief that through this performing event to be hosted by New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre, a craze of mandarin dresses is bound to be formed in New Zealand. Let those elements of the Chinese culture in the form of “Chinese language and mandarin dress” etc be distributed more profoundly in this multicultural heavenly place!

This performing contest features the following three aspects:

Firstly, a professional team of directors

Mr Ma Xin is the one behind the whole program of the event. Mr Ma is a manager specializing in making arrangements for professional performances by ensembles and troupes at the state level in China. Involved as a chief director in large scale events, Mr Ma has been the on site chief director for New Year’s Eve galas in Beijing for consecutive years. He was also engaged in preparations for large scale vocal concerts as a stage director.

Ms Sha Xiaodan will be the executive director of the event. Ms Sha is the director of China ASEAN International Fashion Week and chief director. A well known modelling coach herself, Ms Sha is also the executive chair of the Federation of China’s Modelling Industry.

Secondly, the age range is huge for contestants of the event with numerous prizes to be awarded. It suits contestants of all ages, old and young, to participate in.

Charming baby group for 3 - 5 year olds

Spring buds group A for 6 - 9 year olds

Spring buds group B for 10 - 13 year olds

Rising star group for 14 - 21 year olds

Beauty group for 22 - 32 year olds

Socialite group for 33 - 45 year olds

Elegance group for 46 - 59 year olds and

Golden Age group for 60 year olds and over

Thirdly, team events (which are available for any team which is formed by a minimum of six members)

There are no limits to the formats of contests for team events. Accepted will be shows in the form of singing, dancing, short acts or even comprehensive shows. It is not restrictive in terms of the required number of the members in a team. Applications for the contest will be accepted so long as a team is composed of six members or above. Such a team can be recommended or formed individually for participation. The age of contestants can be as young as three years old. There are no age limits to the senior contestants. There are no limits on the heights and weights of contestants who can display their charm and elegance in full, expressing their yearning for their homeland, promoting the Chinese civilization with priority on showing each contestant’s own self confidence.

TV 28, a local television station in Chinese in New Zealand offered its active support to the press conference with Ms Xue Fei, one of the presenters from the station having presided over the press conference.

Ms Lang Xuanyun representing New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre was the first to deliver her speech at the press conference. In her speech, Ms Lang mainly elaborated the aim of the founding of New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre and those events carried out by the centre since its establish

Mr Ma Xin, an especially hired art director by New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre introduced the aim and the proceedings of the Contests to the media at the press conference. At the same time, Mr Ma officially declared the launch of Ametrine Rose 2019 New Zealand International Mandarin Dress Performance Contests to be held on 23 March 2019. Mr Ma sincerely expressed his welcome for the support to and participation in the Contests by parties from all walks of life. It is the honour and responsibility of every single descendant of the Yellow Emperor to promote Chinese culture. Mr Ma stressed in his speech that New Zealand International Culture and Arts Exchange Centre would elaborately process Chinese costume related performing shows in a brand new way. “By making it a brand, new elements will be injected every year to such events and more cultural activities and projects of cultural exchanges between China and the West will be launched in a popular way”, said Mr Ma.

Ms Sha Xiaodan from China ASEAN International Fashion Week and Union of Chinese Fashion Art Centre, one of the hosting parties of the event and Mr Qi Yu, the president of Beijing Oriental Qipao Art Centre, an assisting party of the event, offered their congratulations via video clips. Both of them wished a great success to the mandarin dress performing contests.

Mr Su Bin, a New Zealand Chinese painter, also the chairman of New Zealand Young Artists Association, one of the assisting parties of the Contests improvised a poem which made the atmosphere of the press conference more poetic and the attendees of the press conference immersed in the atmosphere of beauty. At the press conference, speeches were also made on the launch of the Contests by Mr Paul Yang, an Auckland city councilor, Mr He Zhiyun from Pacific Culture and Arts Exchange Centre and representatives of the contestants of the event. Ms Cindy Xiong representing Ametrine Rose Health and Beauty, the naming sponsor of the Contests was the final speaker of the press conference.

In addition, invited representatives from over 20 leading Chinese organizations in Auckland, New Zealand and over a dozen of local leading Chinese media attended the press conference.

Ametrine Rose 2019 New Zealand International Mandarin Dress Performance Contests will surely make a great success in New Zealand. It will be a visual feast of Chinese costumes! Let us display our national soul, our deep love for mandarin dresses together. Let us make our dream a reality and work together for a glorious future!

Although the press conference was over, attendees were still in the mood of the conference. While tasting the fine wines especially sponsored by the Wine Cave and the finger foods prepared by the host of the conference, the attendees talked to their hearts’ contents about the far reaching meaning of the Mandarin Dress Performing Contests, expecting a beautiful future of the Chinese culture together

Application for participating in the Contests is currently under way vigorously and sponsors from various industries are actively involved. You are welcome to contact Yun on 021 048 1739 at any time to join us.

Article by Anita Ji and Nina Wo

Photos of the press conference are provided by Colour Code Studio. Photographer: Angel Wen, Nina Wo


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